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Using OpenDroneMap on a Digital Ocean cloud machine from a low-bandwidth location

What is this and who is it for?

OpenDroneMap can't always be effectively set up locally—it takes a fairly powerful machine to process large datasets—so a cloud machine can sometimes be the answer for people in the field. However, bandwidth is a problem in many low-income settings. This constraint can't be solved completely, but the following method does a reasonable job of reducing the bandwidth needed to process drone imagery datasets on the cloud from African locations.

Here we present a tricky but workable process to create an OpenDroneMap cloud machine (not CloudODM, mind you, just a cloud-based instance of ODM that you run from the command line) and use it to remotely process large photo sets. It requires familiarity with Unix command line use, ssh, a Digital Ocean account (Amazon AWS would work as well, possibly with slight differences in the setup), and a moderate level of general computer literacy. If you aren't fairly computer-savvy and willing to fuss with a slightly tricky setup, CloudODM is what you should be looking at.

The whole process is mostly targeted at someone flying substantial missions in an African or similar location looking to process data ASAP while still in a field setting. Therefore it emphasizes a workflow intended to reduce bandwidth/data transfer, rather than just the simplest way of running ODM.



  • Create a Digital Ocean droplet with at least 4GB of RAM. That'll cost about $20/month. Less than 4GB of RAM and the install will probably fail. When we actually run the ODM process we'll resize it to a much larger—and more expensive—cloud machine, but between runs you can downsize it between runs to the second-cheapest droplet which costs only $10/month (the cheapest droplet, at $5/month, comes with such a small drive that you can't downsize back to it).
    • Should be an Ubuntu 16.04 instance to ensure dependency compatibility
    • Create a user with sudo privileges. Digital Ocean's insanely good documentation can help you figure this out. In our case we set up a user called odm, so connecting to it is via the command ssh (where the x's stand for the IPv4 address of your server). If you want to follow this example closely, do use the username odm; then your install path will be /home/odm/ODM/ and will match all of the examples in this document. -When you log into the server, it will offer you the option to upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04, a more recent version. Don't. ODM native install doesn't work smoothly on 18.04. Go ahead and execute sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade to ensure your server isn't dangerously without updates, but stay with Ubuntu 16.04.
  • Download and install ODM on it from the ODM Github (regular, not WebODM) with the following commands:
git pull
cd ODM
bash install
  • If you do this from the default home folder of your user (i.e. odm) the path to the install will be /home/odm/ODM (abbreviated as ~/ODM/).
  • There are some environmental variables that need to be set. Open the ~/.bashrc file on your machine and add the following 3 lines at the end (From the ODM github). The file can be opened with nano ~/.bashrc (or whatever text editor you use in lieu of nano). Be sure to replace /home/odm/ with the correct path to the location where you extracted OpenDroneMap if you didn't do everything exactly as in our example (for example if you used a different username in your server setup):
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/odm/ODM/SuperBuild/install/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/odm/ODM/SuperBuild/src/opensfm
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/odm/ODM/SuperBuild/install/lib
  • Note that the ODM github readme contains a slight error, the install directory name will be ODM, not OpenDroneMap (you'll see this if you compare the above instructions to the ones on the ODM GitHub).

  • In order to prevent a crash wherein the split-merge process fails to locate its own executable, we add the following lines to ~/.bashrc (adjust paths if you've set things up differently from our example):

export PATH=$PATH:/home/odm/ODM/
  • Now you'll need a second cloud hard drive (a "Volume" in Digital Ocean jargon) big enough to manage your project. Rule of thumb seems to be 10 times the size of your raw image set; we've got a 100GB image set and set up a 1000GB volume (once the run is done you should be able to get rid of most of this expensive drive capacity, but it's needed to complete the process). Set up the volume, attach it to your droplet, and configure its mount point (in this example we're setting it to /mnt/odmdata/).

Prep data and project

  • Now push your images onto the server. You can use Secure Copy (scp) like so: scp -r /path/to/my/imagefolder
    • This pushes the entire folder full of images (that's what the -r option does, "recursive") into the remote location (in our example, into the volume we attached to the cloud machine at /mnt/odmdata/.
    • This will take some bandwidth. No way around the size of the files.1, 2

Directory structure

ODM requires the directories on the machine to be set up just so. The critical bits are the install folder (if you installed as above, it's /home/odm/ODM/) and the project folder (i.e. /mnt/odmdata/myproject/)

  • ODM's settings.yaml file specifies a single parent directory containing all projects. This is what goes in the project path line of the settings.yaml file (slightly confusingly, this is actually the parent directory of the individual project directories, which are specified by the project name parameter when calling ODM). Edit settings.yaml and set the project_path parameter to (as per our example setup) /mnt/odmdata/, which in this case points to the Volume we created. Individual project directories are created within that.
  • Individual project directories, i.e. /mnt/odmdata/myproject/ contain the gcp_list.txt file, the image_groups.txt file, and the images folder for each project```
  • The images folder, i.e. /mnt/odmdata/myproject/images/ contains all of the images. If you set it up like this, the images don't get re-copied because they're already in the directory that ODM wants them in.
  • If you've got images with GPS info on them (as from an Ebee), use exiftool to massage the GPS information exiftool "-GPSDOP<GPSZAccuracy" ..3 To do so you'll need to install exiftool. The command for that is probably sudo apt install libimage-exiftool-perl.
  • Modify settings.yaml to specify the parent directory of the project folder (in this case the Volume we created, /mnt/odmdata/). Make sure the images are in the correct spot, i.e. /mnt/odmdata/myproject/images and the other ancillary files (gcp_list.txt and image_groups.txt) are in the root folder /mnt/odmdata/myproject/
  • if you have the images in separate folders for individual AOI blocks or flights (which you will if your flight management was organized), you can create an image_groups.txt file with the incantations for i in *; do cd $i; for j in *; do echo "$j $i" >> ../$i.txt; done; cd ../; done; and cd ../, for i in myproject/*.txt; do cat $i >> image_groups.txt; done;. That should create a file with the correct structure: a list of all image files and a "group name" after each one (which in this case will simply be the name of the folder it came from). Then move all of the image files into a single directory called images in the project root dir (so /mnt/odmdata/myproject/images/). The image_groups.txt file will allow ODM to keep track of which images belong to the same batch, even though they're all in a single directory.

TODO explain the structure of image_groups.txt

TODO explain the structure of the gcp_list.txt file, and maybe explain the process Iddy and I used to create it.

Resize droplet, pull pin, run away

  • Shut down and resize your machine to an appropriately monstrous number of CPUs and amount of memory. I use the memory-optimized machine with 24 dedicated vCPUs and 192GB of RAM (which costs about $1.60/hr—which adds up fast, it's over $1000/month). Restart, and get to work quickly so as not to waste expensive big-droplet time.
  • Launch the ODM process via ssh using nohup (so that if you're cut off, processing will continue)
    • Alternately you can use GNU screen to launch the process from a screen session which won't stop if your connection is interrupted; launch screen, and use <ctrl> a <ctrl> d to detach, screen -r to re-attach. But using screen won't get you a log file of all of the console output unless you do something specific to capture that, while nohup gives you a file with all of the console output, including error messages, for free.
    • Note: as of 2020-03 the normal incantation python -i /path/to/image/folder project_name seems not to work; the -i or --image parameter causes a weird error. So we drop the -i parameter, and rely on the project directory line in the settings.yaml file to direct ODM to the right place. Now using (including a split-merge):
nohup python myproject --split 1 --split-overlap 0 --ignore-gsd --depthmap-resolution 1000 --orthophoto-resolution 5 --dem-resolution 15 --pc-las --dsm
  • This points ODM at the folder (in this example) /mnt/odmdata/myproject/. Provided the image_groups.txt and gcp_list.txt are in this folder, the images are in /mnt/odmdata/myproject/images/, and the project path in settings.yaml is /mnt/odmdata/ it will not waste time and space copying images.

  • Note that this assumes you have an image_groups.txt file. If not, this -split-overlap 0 will probably fuck things up, and the --split 1 is literally a random number that will be ignored after the image_groups.txt file is loaded (I think it normally controls how many groups it splits a set of images into, but in our case we're assuming the images are already grouped sensibly). If you don't have a large dataset (>1000 images), omit the --split and --split-overlap options.

  • Follow the progress using tail (so that you'll know when it's done)

tail -f nohup.out
  • You may want to keep an eye on htop (to get a sense of the resource usage so that in future you can only spin up a machine as large as necessary)

After it finishes (assuming you survive that long)

  • As soon as processing is done, shut down the machine and resize it back down to the inexpensive minimum capacity.
  • Start the machine back up, and log in via ssh.
  • If you want to save download bandwidth, you can compress the orthophoto using GDAL. Don't add overviews, do that on your local machine to avoid making the file bigger before downloading it.
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=JPEG -co PHOTOMETRIC=YCBCR -co TILED=YES -b 1 -b 2 -b 3 -mask 4 --config GDAL_TIFF_INTERNAL_MASK YES /path/to/original/filename.extension /path/to/output.tif
  • Download using scp: scp (or grab the compressed version you created in the last step)

  • Once you get the file on your local computer, you can use QGIS to add overviews ("pyramids") or use the GDAL command gdaladdo -r average /path/to/image.tif 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024.

  • You can archive the odm_texturing, odm_georeferencing, and odm-dem folders using tar to make them easier to download in one piece (and maybe smaller).

tar -zcvf archivename /path/to/folder


  • Remove complaints about bugs from this doc, and file bug reports to ODM (also maybe fix the easy ones)
  • Set up an api-driven workflow that creates, upsizes, runs, and then downsizes or destroys the big expensive droplet.
    • The trick is probably monitoring for errors and/or completion.
  • Or... get this workflow sorted with WebODM, which maybe does the same thing?


1: Ok, that's not quite true (that there's no way around the file size). There are ways to further reduce the size of the data that needs to be transmitted, but they are tricky and probably not worth it unless you're in extremely constrained circumstances. Compressing the images further risks degrading the data quality, and possibly reducing the effectiveness of the ODM point matching. However, if you compress the images into JPEG with YCbCr colorspace instead of RGB (I'm not gonna tell you how to do this; if you don't know you shouldn't try), this retains essentially all of the feature detail in the luminance channel (Y) and agressively compresses the chrominance channels (Cb and Cr) which shouldn't really affect the quality of the ODM output (ODM only uses a single band to generate the point cloud anyway; in fact it's possible that it will increase the quality of the point cloud matching because the luminance channel will probably have more feature contrast than any of the RGB channels) and will get you a substantial reduction in file size. But honestly, you only want to mess with this if you know what you are doing and are absolutly desperate to save bandwidth; it adds a lot of extra work and local processing time.

2: There are also some ways to speed up data transfer, albeit with some risk. For example, you can use Netcat to send data instead of SCP. Netcat is totally unencrypted (insecure), but can usually send at the highest data rate supported by your connection. If you are feeling extra bold, you can send with Netcat using UDP instead of TCP, which is very likely to introduce data corruption but goes really fast. This is another thing that I won't tell you how to do; if you don't already know you shouldn't try (and even if you do know how you probably shouldn't)!

2: This takes the Z error estimate that the ebee sets and copies that tag to the DOP tag, where OpenDroneMap will read it and use it to constrain the SfM modeling process (i.e. : optimize this model, but don’t move the cameras further than the dilution off precision estimate, instead modify other aspects of camera pose and lens parameters).