Note: VisualAp requires either JRE or JDK, version 1.5 or later. Please download it before installing VisualAp. Further details are available here: Free Java Download
Download VisualAp-Setup.exe file and execute it in windows environment.The installation program will create a directory, putting needed files, adding windows registry keys and short-cuts in Windows start menu.
This installation does not include source files. If you are interested in source files, follow the expert users path in following section.
Download the visualap.jar file. Create a directory, e.g. Visualap, and unpack visualap.jar in that directory. Such installation does not set windows registry keys nor short-cuts, in case you need it, use the file VisualAp-Setup.exe.On the other hand visualap.jar includes all sources.
The simple way to launch the program is to run visualap.bat in a DOS window:
Usage java visualap.VisualAp [-fast] [-run] [-report] [-uniqueID] [-help] <filename> java -jar visualap.jar [-fast] [-run] [-report] [-uniqueID] [-help] <filename>
Command line options: -fast fast startup -run automatic run -report print a report about available beans -uniqueID print uniqueID -help this help
To compile VisualAp: execute the file build.bat in a DOS window
To compile example beans: execute the file buildtest.bat in a DOS window