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File metadata and controls

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The server code of a MEAN app skeleton, by Nathan Schuetz. For bootstrappig web app projects.

Dev Environment setup

set up virtual machine & vagrant

  1. Download & install Virtual Box
  2. Download & install Vagrant (see below for some commands)
  3. Clone the git repository to some directory
  4. use vagrant ssh when within the directory in your terminal to enter the vm
  5. the project directory is mounted at /vagrant
  6. cd scripts/init_machine
  7. execute the init_machine script
  8. if necessary, run npm install
  9. it may be necessary to disable ufw if running locally: ufw disable

other setup

  1. Set up ssh config file
    Host my-server
        HostName <ip address>
        User ubuntu
        Port 22
        IdentityFile "~/.ssh/<file containing your ssh key>"
        LocalForward 37017
        AddressFamily inet
    • notes
      • addressfamily inet prevents ipv6, which messes up port forwarding
      • localforward is for mongo
      • ubuntu is default username for an ubuntu EC2 instance
    • you can now connect via 'ssh my-server'
    • IdentityFile may be unnecessary if you get your usual public key into the authorized keys section of the server
    • you can call Host whatever you want, its just a name for your own use
  2. install & configure robo3T
    • sudo snap install robo3t-snap
    • create a connection called 'my-computer' with address localhost:27017. This is for connecting to the db on your own machine.
    • create a connection called 'my-server' with address localhost:37017 This is for connecting to the database on the server.

Server set up

  1. create ec2 instance (t2 micro or other cheap type)
  2. security groups:
    • allow http/https from everywhere
    • allow ssh from anywhere (for now)
    • allow icmp for echo requests (just so that ping works during testing)
  3. ebs
    • mount an 8GB gp2 for root device
    • mount the database ebs, or make a new one for the db[1]
  4. vpc
    • use the default one (for now)
  5. use rsync to transfer the code over
    • rsync -avzhe ssh node-skeleton-app/ my-server:~/node-skeleton-app
    • todo: use some CI tool to stash this code on s3 and use the cli to grab it
    • todo: use more appropriate directory in /opt for the code
  6. start mongo (instructions above)

1.5. go to init machine directory, THEN execute init

[1] make new database ebs (if necessary)

  1. create 8GB encrypted ebs
    • todo: decide if a non-default key is better
  2. attach to an instance
    • note: the instance seems to be able to auto-decrypt it
  3. format it to an ext4 filesystem
  4. mount in '~/data' directory
    • todo: change this to /data
    • note: leave owner as 'root'
      • todo: create a mongodb user instead?
  5. config mongo to use this storage device
    • make sure the script at scripts/ is executable
  6. seed the db with some dummy data (for now)
    • node scripts/seed_database.js
    • this script is not idempotent and should not be run more than once
    • todo - this script is out of date currently (jan 2019)


Starting and Stopping things

Start the server in server mode: npm run serve - you can ctrl-c out of this a few seconds later since its using a module called 'forever' to run

Start the server in local dev mode (use this except for prod server) - npm start

mongo - start: sudo scripts/ - stop: find the pid and kill it

some vagrant commands

vagrant up - start a vm

vagrant halt - force stop vm without deleting it

vagrant suspend - like halt, but graceful and not forced

vagrant ssh - ssh into a vm

vagrant destroy - delete a vm

vagrant status -get status of vms