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Relay example type4

jaxa edited this page Nov 30, 2020 · 5 revisions

ROS and cFS System (RACS): ROS/cFE message relay example

Type4: ROS<->cFE Mutual Relay



Setup environment

Follow "Environment construction" in Manual.

Generate relay app/node

  1. Edit the following “roscfe/config.ini” file according to the worker's environment.

    ; Output cfe directory path
    ; Output ros directory path
    ; Log directory path
    ; Set path of convert target pkg directory path and read target launch file
    ; Whether to create relay_node and relay_app(1: create, 0: not create)
    ; Set path of main function name setting 
    • Change 1: Change "cfe_path" to match the path of "apps" in your cFE project.


    • Change 2: Change "ros_path" to match the path of the ROS workspace.


  2. Clone the "HK" from NASA's repository into cFE "apps" directory and apply patch("roscfe/tutorial/ros_cfe_relay/type4/cfe/apps/hk/hk_app.c.patch") to "hk/fsw/src/hk_app.c".


    cd /home/yuyuqq/cFE-6.5.0-OSS-release/apps/
    git clone -b 2.4.1 hk
    cd hk/fsw/src
    patch -u hk_app.c < /home/yuyuqq/roscfe/tutorial/ros_cfe_relay/type4/cfe/apps/hk/hk_app.c.patch
  3. Copy the "hk_ps" directory from "roscfe/tutorial/ros_cfe_relay/type4/cfe/apps/hk_ps" to cFE "apps" directory.


    cp -r /home/yuyuqq/roscfe/tutorial/ros_cfe_relay/type4/cfe/apps/hk_ps /home/yuyuqq/cFE-6.5.0-OSS-release/apps/
  4. Copy the "convert_lib" directory from "roscfe/convert_lib" to cFE "apps" directory.


    cp -r /home/yuyuqq/roscfe/convert_lib /home/yuyuqq/cFE-6.5.0-OSS-release/apps/ 
  5. Copy the "hk_pub" & "hk_sub" directory from "roscfe/hk_pub" & "roscfe/hk_sub" to ROS "src" directory.


    cp -r /home/yuyuqq/roscfe/hk_pub /home/yuyuqq/catkin_ws/src/
    cp -r /home/yuyuqq/roscfe/hk_sub /home/yuyuqq/catkin_ws/src/
  6. Edit "roscfe/cfs_converter/relay_base/relay_node_base/launch/Connection.launch". (** You can leave the default **)

      <ros_relay_node protocol="tcp" port="9876" port_send="9877" ip_addr="" ring_length="30" />
      <cfe_relay_app port="9877" port_send="9876" ip_addr="" ring_length="30" />
      <include file="./MsgId2Topic.launch" />
    • The items that can be set:
      • ros_relay_node tag, cfe_relay_app tag
        • protocol: "tcp" or "udp"
        • port: Relay message receiving port number
        • port_send: Relay message sending port number
        • ip_addr: IP address of the relay message destination (specify "" for local execution)
        • ring_length: Buffer size of incoming messages
  7. Edit the "roscfe/cfs_converter/relay_base/relay_node_base/launch/MsgId2Topic.launch" as follows.

        <correspond topic="/cfs_hk/ground_command" msg_id="0x189A" cfe_data_type="CFE_SB_CmdHdr_t" ros_data_type="relay_node::CFE_SB_CmdHdr" sender="0" />
        <correspond topic="/cfs_hk/hk_telemetry" msg_id="0x089B" cfe_data_type="HK_HkPacket_t" ros_data_type="relay_node::HK_HkPacket" sender="1" />
  8. Go to "roscfe/cfs_converter" and run "".

    cd roscfe/cfs_converter
    chmod +x  
    • If the execution is successful, the following message will be displayed at the end of the output.

      Finish creating cFS relay app & ROS relay node
    • After execution, "relay_app" directories will be created in the cFE project directory as shown below.

          `-- apps
              |-- XXXX
              |-- relay_app
              |-- XXXX
              |-- XXXX
              `-- XXXX

      The "relay_node" directory is created in the ROS workspace as shown below.

          `-- src
              |-- relay_node
              |-- XXXX
              `-- XXXX
  9. Copy the "Makefile" from "roscfe/tutorial/ros_cfe_relay/type4/cfe/build/cpu1/Makefile" to cFE "build/cpu1" directory.


    cp -r /home/yuyuqq/roscfe/tutorial/ros_cfe_relay/type4/cfe/build/cpu1/Makefile /home/yuyuqq/cFE-6.5.0-OSS-release/build/cpu1/ 
  10. Copy the "cfe_es_startup.scr" from "roscfe/tutorial/ros_cfe_relay/type4/cfe/build/cpu1/exe/cfe_es_startup.scr" to cFE "build/cpu1/exe" directory.


    cp -r /home/yuyuqq/roscfe/tutorial/ros_cfe_relay/type4/cfe/build/cpu1/exe/cfe_es_startup.scr /home/yuyuqq/cFE-6.5.0-OSS-release/build/cpu1/exe/ 


ROS side

  1. Go to the ROS workspace and run the following command

    catkin_make clean  
    catkin_make -i  

cFE side

  1. Go to "cFE-6.5.0-OSS-release" and execute the following commands in order

    . ./
    cd build/cpu1  
    make config  


Follow the procedure below to subscribe to the message delivered by the ROS sample_pub node with the cFE conversion sample_sub app. (** Be sure to execute from the ROS side **)

ROS side

  1. Execute the following command to start roscore

  2. Open a new terminal, go to the ROS workspace and execute the following command to start the relay node.

    source devel/setup.bash
    rosrun relay_node relay_node
  3. Open a new terminal, go to the ROS workspace and run the following command to launch the hk_pub node

    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch hk_pub bringup.launch
  4. Open a new terminal, go to the ROS workspace and run the following command to launch the hk_sub node

    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch hk_sub bringup.launch

cFE side

  1. Go to "cFE-6.5.0-OSS-release" and execute the following commands in order to start the relay application and conversion sample_pub application.

    cd build/cpu1/exe
    sudo su

ROS->cFE relay (sending ground command)

  1. Switch the terminal to "hk_pub" node on ROS side, you can see the below message on terminal.

    please enter key.
  2. Hit the enter key, you can see the below message.

    [command_pub][49:03.069608] publish /cfs_hk/ground_command
  3. The following message appears on the terminal "hk_pub" on cFE side. It means the command message from hk_pub has been received.

    [HK][55:12.990908] subscribe 0x189a
    EVS Port1 66/1/HK 4: HK No-op command, Version

cFE->ROS relay (sending telemetry)

  1. Hit the enter key on terminal on cFE side, you can see the below message.

    [HK_Driver][14:21.470792] publish 0x189B
    [HK][14:21.470802] subscribe 0x189b
    [HK][14:21.470884] publish 0x089B
    [HK_Driver][14:21.471209] subscribe 0x089B
  2. The following message appears on the terminal "hk_sub" on ROS side. It means the telemetry message from hk has been received. "CmdCounter" shows the number of command sent from ROS side so far.

    [show_result][15:46.928565] subscribe /cfs_hk/hk_telemetry
    [show_result][15:46.928565] CmdCounter = 0 
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