sudo apt-get install make gcc bison git python python-setuptools
sudo easy_install pypng
git clone git://
cd rgbds
sudo make install
cd ..
git clone --recursive git://
cd RedPlusPlus
To build pokered.gbc and pokeblue.gbc:
To build them individually:
make red
make blue
In the shell, run:
xcode-select --install
sudo easy_install pypng
git clone git://
cd rgbds
sudo make install
cd ..
git clone --recursive git://
cd RedPlusPlus
It is probably easiest to just follow This Video Tutorial. Just use this project's url instead of the vanilla Pokered url.
Original instructions are below:
To build on Windows, use Cygwin. Use the default settings.
Then get the most recent version of rgbds.
Extract the archive and put rgbasm.exe
, rgblink.exe
and rgbfix.exe
in C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin
In the Cygwin terminal:
install $(lynx -source /bin
apt-cyg install make git python gettext
lynx -source | python
pip install pypng
git clone --recursive
cd RedPlusPlus
"pokered.gbc" will be the "Normal" version and "pokeblue.gbc" will be the "Hard" version.