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Cluster Validation

Before installing MapR it is critically important to validate the hardware and software that MapR will be dependent on. Doing so will verify that items like disks, CPUs and NICs are performing as expected and the benchmark metric logged. Doing so will also verify that many of the basic OS configurations and packages are in the required state and that state is also recorded in an output log.

Please use the steps below to test CPU/RAM, disk, and networking performance as well as to verify that your cluster meets MapR installation requirements. Pre-install tests should be run before installing MapR. Post-install tests should be run after installing the MapR software and configuring it. Post-install tests help assure that the cluster is in good working order and ready to hand over to your production team.

Install clustershell (rpm available via EPEL) on a machine with password-less ssh to all other cluster nodes. If using a non-root account, then non-root account must have password-less sudo rights configured in /etc/sudoers. Update the file /etc/clustershell/groups.d/local.cfg or /etc/clustershell/groups to include an entry for "all" matching a pattern or patterns of host names in your cluster. For example;

all: node[0-10]

Verify clush works correctly by running:

clush -a date

Compare results with:

clush -ab date

Complete documentation for clush and clustershell can be found here:

If you don't find clustershell in EPEL, you may be able to download rpm here:

Next, download and extract the cluster-validation package with a command like this:

curl -L -o cluster-validation.tgz

Extract with tar in /root or your home folder and rename the top level folder like this:

mv jbenninghoff-cluster-validation-* cluster-validation
mv cluster-validation-* cluster-validation

Copy the cluster-validation folder to all nodes in the cluster. The clush command simplifies this:

clush -a --copy /path.../cluster-validation
clush -Ba ls /path.../cluster-validation	# confirm that all nodes have the utilties

Step 1 : Gather Base Audit Information

Run as root to verify that all nodes have met the MapR installation requirements. Run:

cd /root/cluster-validation/
pre-install/ | tee cluster-audit.log

Run those commands on the node where clush has been installed and ssh configured to access all the cluster nodes. Examine the log for inconsistency among any nodes. Do not proceed until all inconsistencies have been resolved and all requirements such as missing rpms, Java version, etc, have been met. Please send the output of the cluster-audit.log back to us.

NOTE: is designed for physical servers.   
Virtual Instances in cloud environments (eg Amazon, Google, or
OpenStack) may generate confusing responses to some specific
commands (eg dmidecode).  In most cases, these anomolies are

Step 2 : Evaluate Network Interconnect Bandwidth

Use the network test to validate network bandwidth. This will take about two minutes or so to run and produce output so be patient. The script will use clush to collect the IP addresses of all the nodes and split the set in half, using first half as servers and the second half as clients. The half1 and half2 arrays in the script can be manually defined as well. There are command line options for sequential mode and to run iperf as well. Run:

cd /root/cluster-validation/
pre-install/ | tee network-test.log

Run those commands on the node where clush has been installed and configured. Expect about 90% of peak bandwidth for either 1GbE or 10GbE networks:

1 GbE  ==>  ~115 MB/sec 
10 GbE ==> ~1150 MB/sec

Step 3 : Evaluate Raw Memory Performance

Use the stream59 benchmark to test memory performance. This test will take about a minute or so to run. It can be executed in parallel on all the cluster nodes with the clush command:

cd /root/cluster-validation/
clush -Ba "$PWD/pre-install/ | grep -e ^Func -e ^Triad" | tee memory-test.log

System memory bandwidth is determined by speed of DIMMs, number of memory channels and to a lesser degree by CPU frequency. Current generation Xeon based servers with eight or more 1600MHz DIMMs can deliver 70-80GB/sec Triad results. Previous generation Xeon cpus (Westmere) can deliver ~40GB/sec Triad results. You can look up the CPU as shown by, at The technical specifications for the CPU model will include the Max Memory Bandwidth (per CPU socket). Servers typically have two CPU sockets, so doubling that Max Bandwidth shown will give you the Max Memory Bandwidth for the server. The measured Stream Triad result from memory-test.log can then be compared to the Max Memory Bandwidth of the server. The Triad bandwidth should be approximately 75-85% of the Max Memory Bandwidth of the server.

Step 4 : Evaluate Raw Disk Performance

Use the iozone benchmark to test disk performance. This process is destructive to disks that are tested, so make sure that you have not installed MapR nor have any needed data on those spindles. The script as shipped will ONLY list out the disks to be tested. When run with no arguments, this script outputs a list of unused disks. After carefully examining this list, run again with --destroy as the argument (' --destroy') to run the destructive IOzone tests on all unused disks.

The test can be run in parallel on all nodes with clush:

cd /root/cluster-validation/
clush -ab "$PWD/pre-install/"
clush -ab "$PWD/pre-install/"

Current generation (2012+) 7200 rpm SATA drives can report 100-150MB/sec sequential read and write throughput. SAS, SSD and NVMe drives can report from 200MB/sec to nearly 2GB/sec for NVMe drives as measured by sequential iozone or fio tests on the raw device. By default, the disk test only uses a 4GB data set size in order to finish quickly. Consider using a larger size to measure disk throughput more thoroughly. Doing so will typically require hours to run which could be done overnight if your schedule allows. For large numbers of nodes and disks there is a script that can help provide a summary of output using clush.

clush -ab /root/cluster-validation/pre-install/

Complete Pre-Installation Checks

When all subsystem tests have passed and met expectations, there is an example install script in the pre-install folder that can be modified and used for a scripted install by experienced system administrators.

pre-install/ -h

Otherwise, follow the instructions from the mapr web site:

Post Installation tests

Post installation tests are in the post-install folder. The primary tests are RWSpeedTest and TeraSort. Scripts to run each are provided in the folder. Read the scripts for additional info. These scripts should all be run by the MapR service account, typically 'mapr'. The tests should be rerun as a normal user account to verify that normal accounts have no permission issues and can achieve the same throughput.

1: Create the benchmarks volume

A script to create a benchmarks volume is provided. Be sure to create the benchmarks volume before running any of the post install benchmarks.

2: Run MFS benchmark

A script to run a per node MFS benchmark is the first post-install test to run on MapR. It is run on each cluster node using the script post-install/ It should be run on all nodes using clush:

clush -ab post-install/ |tee MFSbenchmark.log

The default values are a good place to start. Use the -h option to the script to see the available options.

3: Run DFSIO benchmark

DFSIO is a standard Hadoop benchmark to measure HDFS throughput. The script to run the benchmark can be run like this:

post-install/ |tee DFSIO.log

The metric is a per map task throughput (averaged).

4: Run TeraSort benchmark

TeraSort is a standard Hadoop benchmark to measure MapReduce performance for a simple but common use case, sorting. The script to run the benchmark can be run like this:


The script combines TeraGen and TeraSort and takes an argument which is the number of reduce tasks per node. It creates its own log file.

NOTE: The TeraSort benchmark (executed by will likely
require tuning for each specific cluster.  At a minimum, pass integer
arguments in powers of 2 (e.g. 4, 8, etc) to the script to increase the
number of reduce tasks per node up to the maximum reduce slots available on
your cluster.  Experiment with the -D options if you are an MR2 expert.

There are other tunings in the script to optimize TeraSort performance.

5: Run Spark TeraSort benchmark

There is an unoptimized version of TeraSort for Spark on github. This script runs that benchmark and can be run like this:

post-install/ |tee SparkTeraSort.log

This script needs improvement. It currently requires cores, memory and executors to be modified in the script for specific cluster sizes.

The post-install folder also contains a script which can be run to provide an audit log of the MapR configuration. The script contains a useful set of example maprcli commands. There are also install, upgrade and un-install options to that leverage clush to run quickly on an entire set of nodes or cluster. Some of the scripts will not run without editing, so read the scripts carefully to understand how to edit them with site specific info. All scripts support the -h option to show help on usage.

/John Benninghoff