Example | Description |
Camel JBang | This example demonstrates how you can use Hawtio with Camel JBang. |
Keycloak integration | An example set of Keycloak realm and Hawtio Keycloak configuration files. |
Quarkus | This sample application shows how to run Hawtio with Quarkus. |
Quarkus with Keycloak | This sample application shows how to run Hawtio with Quarkus and Keycloak authentication. |
Sample plugin | A sample Hawtio plugin project written in TypeScript. This project doesn't run standalone, but is supposed to be used with other Spring Boot, Quarkus, or WAR projects. |
Spring Boot | This sample application shows how to run Hawtio with Spring Boot 3. |
Spring Boot with authentication | Sample application for Hawtio + Spring Boot 3 with authentication enabled. |
Spring Boot with Keycloak | Sample application for Hawtio + Spring Boot 3 with authentication enabled through Keycloak integration. |
Spring Boot with Log4J2 | This sample application shows how to run Hawtio with Spring Boot 3 and Log4J2. |
Spring Boot with plugin | This sample application demonstrates how to write and use a custom plugin with Spring Boot 3. |
Spring Boot with Spring Security | This sample application shows how to run Hawtio with Spring Boot 3 and Spring Security. |
Sample plugin in WAR | This sample application demonstrates how to write a plugin for Hawtio as a WAR file. |