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Collection of snippet


Language :

  • Python
    • argparse
    • deepdiff : diff/patch of dictionnary
    • dictdiffer : diff/patch of dictionnary (avoid this and use deepdiff)
    • doctest : simple test inside documentation
    • exception : use exception and traceback
    • flask : small web framework
    • jinja2
    • jsonschema
    • logging
    • multiprocessing : Many multiprocess exemple
    • pytest : advanced unit test
    • re
      • binary_parsing
      • regex_sub (substitution)
      • research_examples (match, search, findall, fullmatch, finditer)
    • resquest : simple HTTP request example
    • schedule : Crontab/at like
    • schema
    • socket
      • bidirectional_multi_client
      • unidiretional
    • sphinx: autmatic/manual documentation with doc inside the code
    • subprocess
      • real_time_cmd : get stdout and stderr in real time
      • run_cmd : manage terminal command error
    • threading
      • call_parent_function_from_childs_with_lock
      • call_parent_function_from_childs
      • callback_when_child_end
      • queue_simple
    • unittest


  • monitoring
    • nrpe: