ROS Qualisys Package
This is a standard ROS1 packages. We plan to support ROS2 by end of Q1 2021.
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin init
catkin build
The first launch script starts a vehicle for live testing which routes motion capture packets via mavros to a vehicle for navigtion or sensor emulation.
. ./devel/setup.bash
roslaunch qualisys_ros px4_live.launch
The second launch script starts a simulated world in Gazebo which contains a virtual camera that is positioned using Qualisys mocap data. A bag file of Qualisys data for offline testing is included in this repository.
. ./devel/setup.bash
roslaunch qualisys_ros bag.launch
This starts a web video server to stream images from the cameras to a browser.
sudo apt install ros-noetic-web-video-server
. ./devel/setup.bash
rosrun web_video_server web_video_server
Now try going to your browser to view the video
Note localhost should be changed to the ip address on the local network of the simulation computer if viewing from a phone etc.