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AngularJS Toaster is an AngularJS port of the toastr non-blocking notification jQuery library. It requires AngularJS v1.2.6 or higher and angular-animate for the CSS3 transformations. angular-sanitize is required if using the html bodyOutputType.

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Current Version 3.0.0

Angular Compatibility

AngularJS-Toaster requires AngularJS v1.2.6 or higher and specifically targets AngularJS, not Angular 2-7, although it could be used via ngUpgrade.
If you are looking for the Angular 2-7 port of AngularJS-Toaster, it is located here.


Getting started

Optionally: to install with bower, use:

bower install --save angularjs-toaster

or with npm :

npm install --save angularjs-toaster
  • Link scripts:
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="" ></script>
<script src="" ></script>
<script src=""></script>
  • Add toaster container directive:
  • Prepare the call of toaster method:
// Display an info toast with no title
angular.module('main', ['toaster', 'ngAnimate'])
	.controller('myController', function($scope, toaster) {
	    $scope.pop = function(){
	        toaster.pop('info', "title", "text");
  • Call controller method on button click:
<div ng-controller="myController">
    <button ng-click="pop()">Show a Toaster</button>
  • Close the toast:

    The toaster service exposes a clear function that takes two parameters:

    • toasterId: the id of the toast container you would like to target
    • toastId: the id of the toast you would like to close

    The toaster.pop() function returns an object that contains both the toasterId and the toastId. This object can be passed directly into the clear function to close a toast:

    var toastInstance = toaster.pop({type: 'info', body: 'Hello'});

    You can also provide each argument individually: toaster.clear(1, toastInstance.toastId);

    The following rules apply to the parameters passed to the clear function.

    • If the toasterId is undefined, null, or does not exist AND a toaster container has defined an Id, no toasts will be cleared for that container.
    • If the toasterId is undefined or null, each toaster container without a defined Id will be affected.
    • If the toasterId is passed as *, all containers will be affected.
    • if the toasterId is passed as * and a toastId is not defined, all toasts in all containers will be removed.
    • If the toastId is undefined or null, any container that is targeted via the above rules will have all toasts removed from that container.
    • If the toastId is defined, any container that is targeted via the above rules will remove toasts that match the toastId.


By default, toasts have a timeout setting of 5000, meaning that they are removed after 5000 milliseconds.

If the timeout is set to 0, the toast will be considered "sticky" and will not automatically dismiss.

The timeout can be configured at three different levels:

  • Globally in the config for all toast types:
<toaster-container toaster-options="{'time-out': 1000}"></toaster-container>
  • Per info-class type: By passing the time-out configuration as an object instead of a number, you can specify the global behavior an info-class type should have.
<toaster-container toaster-options="
    {'time-out':{ 'toast-warning': 10, 'toast-error': 0 } }">

If a type is not defined and specified, a timeout will not be applied, making the toast "sticky".

  • Per toast constructed via toaster.pop('success', "title", "text"):
                type: 'error',
                title: 'Title text',
                body: 'Body text',
                timeout: 3000

Close Button

The Close Button's visibility can be configured at three different levels:

  • Globally in the config for all toast types:
<toaster-container toaster-options="{'close-button': true}"></toaster-container>
  • Per info-class type: By passing the close-button configuration as an object instead of a boolean, you can specify the global behavior an info-class type should have.
<toaster-container toaster-options="
    {'close-button':{ 'toast-warning': true, 'toast-error': false } }">

If a type is not defined and specified, the default behavior for that type is false.

  • Per toast constructed via toaster.pop('success', "title", "text"):
                type: 'error',
                title: 'Title text',
                body: 'Body text',
                showCloseButton: true

This option is given the most weight and will override the global configurations for that toast. However, it will not persist to other toasts of that type and does not alter or pollute the global configuration.

Close Html

The close button html can be overridden either globally or per toast call.

  • Globally:

    <toaster-container toaster-options="{'close-html':'<button>Close</button>', 
  • Per toast:

            type: 'error',
            title: 'Title text',
            body: 'Body text',
            showCloseButton: true,
            closeHtml: '<button>Close</button>'

Body Output Type

The rendering of the body content is configurable at both the Global level, which applies to all toasts, and the individual toast level when passed as an argument to the toast.

There are five types of body renderings: 'html', 'trustedHtml', 'template', 'templateWithData', 'directive'.

  • html: When using this configuration, the toast will bind the toast.html to ng-bind-html. If the angular-sanitize library is not loaded, an exception will be thrown.

  • trustedHtml: When using this configuration, the toast will parse the body content using $sce.trustAsHtml(toast.body). It will bypass any sanitization. Only use this option if you own and trust the html content!

  • template: Will use the toast.body if passed as an argument, else it will fallback to the template bound to the 'body-template': 'toasterBodyTmpl.html' configuration option.

  • templateWithData:

    • Will use the toast.body if passed as an argument, else it will fallback to the template bound to the 'body-template': 'toasterBodyTmpl.html' configuration option.
    • Assigns any data associated with the template to the toast.
  • directive

    • Will use the toast.body argument to represent the name of a directive that you want to render as the toast's body, else it will fallback to the template bound to the 'body-template': 'toasterBodyTmpl.html' configuration option. The directive name being passed to the body argument should appear as it exists in the markup, not camelCased as it would appear in the directive declaration (cool-directive-name instead of coolDirectiveName). The directive must be usable as an attribute.
    // The toast pop call, passing in a directive name to be rendered
          type: 'info',
          body: 'bind-unsafe-html',
          bodyOutputType: 'directive'
    // The directive that will be dynamically rendered
    .directive('bindUnsafeHtml', [function () {
          return {
              template: "<span style='color:orange'>Orange directive text!</span>"
    • Will use the toast.directiveData argument to accept data that will be bound to the directive's scope. The directive cannot use isolateScope and will throw an exception if isolateScope is detected. All data must be passed via the directiveData argument.

    // The toast pop call, passing in a directive name to be rendered toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'bind-name', bodyOutputType: 'directive', directiveData: { name: 'Bob' } }); ```


    // The directive that will be dynamically rendered .directive('bindName', [function () { return { template: "Hi {{}}!" }; }]) ```

    There are additional documented use cases in these tests.

All five options can be configured either globally for all toasts or individually per toast.pop() call. If the body-output-type option is configured on the toast, it will take precedence over the global configuration for that toast instance.

  • Globally:

    <toaster-container toaster-options="{'body-output-type': 'template'}"></toaster-container>
  • Per toast:

            type: 'error',
            title: 'Title text',
            body: 'Body text',
            bodyOutputType: 'trustedHtml'

On Show Callback

An onShow callback function can be attached to each toast instance, with the toast passed as a parameter when invoked. The callback will be invoked upon toast add.

            title: 'A toast',
		    body: 'with an onShow callback',
			onShowCallback: function (toast) { 
			        title: 'A toast',
				    body: 'invoked as an onShow callback'

On Hide Callback

An onHide callback function can be attached to each toast instance, with the toast passed as a parameter when invoked. The callback will be invoked upon toast removal. This can be used to chain toast calls.

            title: 'A toast',
		    body: 'with an onHide callback',
			onHideCallback: function (toast) { 
			        title: 'A toast',
				    body: 'invoked as an onHide callback'

Multiple Toaster Containers

If desired, you can include multiple <toaster-container></toaster-container> elements in your DOM. The library will register an event handler for every instance of the container that it identifies. By default, when there are multiple registered containers, each container will receive a toast notification and display it when a toast is popped.

To target a specific container, you need to register that container with a unique toaster-id.

<toaster-container toaster-options="{'toaster-id': 1, 
    'animation-class': 'toast-top-left'}"></toaster-container>
<toaster-container toaster-options="{'toaster-id': 2}"></toaster-container>

This gives you the ability to specifically target a unique container rather than broadcasting new toast events to any containers that are currently registered.

vm.popContainerOne = function () {
    toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'One', toasterId: 1 });
vm.popContainerTwo = function () {
    toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'Two', toasterId: 2 });

This plnkr demonstrates this behavior and it is documented in these tests.


Limit is defaulted to 0, meaning that there is no maximum number of toasts that are defined before the toast container begins removing toasts when a new toast is added.

To change this behavior, pass a "limit" option to the toast-container configuration:

<toaster-container toaster-options="{'limit':5}"></toaster-container>

Dismiss on tap

By default, the tap-to-dismiss option is set to true, meaning that if a toast is clicked anywhere on the toast body, the toast will be dismissed. This behavior can be overriden in the toast-container configuration so that if set to false, the toast will only be dismissed if the close button is defined and clicked:

<toaster-container toaster-options="{'tap-to-dismiss':false}"></toaster-container>

This configuration can also be overriden at the toast level via the tapToDismiss parameter:

toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'One', tapToDismiss: true });

The toast configuration will always take precedence over the toaster-container configuration.

Newest Toasts on Top

The newest-on-top option is defaulted to true, adding new toasts on top of other existing toasts. If changed to false via the toaster-container configuration, toasts will be added to the bottom of other existing toasts.

<toaster-container toaster-options="{'newest-on-top':false}"></toaster-container>

Other Options

// Change display position
<toaster-container toaster-options="{'position-class': 'toast-top-full-width'}"></toaster-container>


Unlike toastr, this library relies on ngAnimate and CSS3 transformations for optional animations. To include and use animations, add a reference to angular-animate.min.js (as described in Getting started - Link scripts) and add ngAnimate as a dependency alongside toaster.

// Inject ngAnimate to enable animations
angular.module('main', ['toaster', 'ngAnimate']);

If you do not want to use animations, you can safely remove the angular-animate.min.js reference as well as the injection of ngAnimate. Toasts will be displayed without animations.

Common Issues

  • Toaster always shows up as "info"
    • Your <toaster-container></toaster-container might be placed inside of your routing directive.
    • You have multiple <toaster-container></toaster-container elements without unique toaster-id configuration arguments.
  • [$sce:itype] Attempted to trust a non-string value in a content requiring a string
    • You have not specified: bodyOutputType: 'trustedHtml' when passing html as a body argument.
  • My toasts do not show up when I pop them, but after I perform another action.
    • You are calling toaster.pop() outside of AngularJS scope and a digest cycle is not being triggered. Wrap your toaster.pop() call in $timeout to force a digest cycle.
     $timeout(function () {
     }, 0);


Jiri Kavulak, Stabzs


Inspired by


Copyright © 2013-2019 Jiri Kavulak, Stabzs.


AngularJS-Toaster is under MIT license -