- Node.js
- Express.js
- ejs Template Engine
- ID: primary key, int
- Name: varchar(255)
- Price: int
- Image URL: varchar(255)
- Product Summary Description: text (for longer sentences)
- Stock: int
- Category: varchar(255)
- User ID: varchar(255)
- Product Object ID: primary key, int
- Product Object Name: varchar(255)
- Product Object Price: int
- Product Object Quantity: int
- User ID: varchar(255)
- User Password: varchar(255)
- User Name: varchar(255)
- isAdmin: boolean
- It's the main page.
- Displays product listings.
- Shows categories.
- Allows immediate purchase or adding products to the cart.
- Visible when admin logs in.
- Window for adding products.
- Window for modifying and deleting products.
- Allows adding products.
- Image upload to be implemented.