In case you also want to add a color to your shadows, you can include the following mixin directly before you execute @include initMaterialCssVars();
. Thanks goes to @picc09 for finding this out.
$mat-css-palette-foreground: map-merge(
// if you don't want to enter ALL the properties
elevation: var(--your-elevation-color-variable),
@mixin mat-elevation($zValue, $color: $mat-elevation-color, $opacity: $mat-elevation-opacity) {
@if type-of($zValue) != number or not unitless($zValue) {
@error '$zValue must be a unitless number';
@if $zValue < 0 or $zValue > 24 {
@error '$zValue must be between 0 and 24';
$color-umbra: $color;
$color-penumbra: $color;
$color-ambient: $color;
@if type-of($color) != color {
$color-umbra: rgba($color, $opacity * 0.2);
$color-penumbra: rgba($color, $opacity * 0.14);
$color-ambient: rgba($color, $opacity * 0.12);
#{map-get(_get-umbra-map($color-umbra, $opacity), $zValue)},
#{map-get(_get-penumbra-map($color-penumbra, $opacity), $zValue)},
#{map-get(_get-ambient-map($color-ambient, $opacity), $zValue)};
// finally initialize
@include initMaterialCssVars();
In this way you can change elevation: black
into variables file.