To keep track of my tweets and what I'm learning, I've created this "logs" file.
Take a look at what I've worked on each day. (P.S. - I added this feature after Day 2, hence this missing days.)
Tonight I started learning about @graphql on the "How to GraphQL" website. Definitely recommend checking out 👍🏼
Hoping I can implement GraphQL in a project soon! 😁
Today I went through the first two days of a @figmadesign tutorial by @trydesignlab - remembering how much I love Figma and want to use it to get better at UI design 😍
Today's session including another tutorial on @figmadesign and some Redux exercises on @freeCodeCamp. Finally feeling like I have a handle on Redux! 🙌🏼 It feels soooo good 😁
Woo! Finished another @figmadesign tutorial - my "app" is starting to look more realistic (will post screenshots in thread) 😋
Planning to study more Redux on @freecodecamp and look at open issues on @gatsbyjs repo in preparation for tomorrow's pair-programming 🕺
Woo! Finished another @figmadesign tutorial - my "app" is starting to look more realistic (will post screenshots) 😋
Planning to study more Redux on @freecodecamp and look at open issues on @gatsbyjs repo to prep for tomorrow's pair-programming 🕺
Another day working in @figmadesign - I made a sweet prototype (gif in thread). Building wireframes and UI is getting me excited! 🕺
Had a long break from coding due to vacation but I'm back 🙌🏼Researched building a Chrome Extension with React today. Stoked that it's possible! 😄 Planning to start soon.
🤓 Spent time learning about using subdomains with @netlify ✍️ Created basic wireframes for meditation ebook landing page using @figmadesign \n😄 Feeling good about making some progress!
Also completed all React/Redux challenges on @freecodecamp and submitted 2nd PR to @gatsbyjs 😋
Tonight I spent the evening working on the design for my chrome extension using @figmadesign (screenshot in thread)🙌🏼 Also got onboarded to help with @freecodecamp guides repo 😄
😮 Moment of truth. I had to update git credentials in my twilio-twitter app so hoping this fix worked!
📅 Also had a weird timezone bug I think I fixed. Let's hope it all worked!
😄 More coding later today too! Will share in thread
No "coding" perse today but I did create a YouTube channel 👇🏼
☝🏼If you wouldn't mind subscribing, it'll help me hit 100 to secure a custom handle 🙏🏼😁 first video out soon! 🤞🏼
🙈 Recorded my first YouTube video =>
Found a bit of time to work on my chrome extension. I was trying to set up a date and time input but it got a bit hairy 😂 I did find a few promising npm packages that could make it work though!
Continued working on the chrome extension I'm building. I got the date picker working but the CSS needs some work. 😛
Found 20 mins to work on Chrome extension. I wish I could take a weekend in an @airbnb to go code and finish this thing up 😂 but hey, progress everyday is better than big gaps in development!
Finally got the date picker and time picker working on my Chrome extension! 🙌🏼 The CSS will need a touch up or two but the logic works. Next step is constructing a URL with values!
Today I worked on my chrome extension. The first part is done. The next part is to build the site that the Chrome extension links too. Hoping to build it with @gatsbyjs 💜
Made some really good progress tonight! Built a quick @gatsbyjs site in less then 2 mins that will handle the event details page(gif in thread). 🙌🏼 Next step is to convert to user's timezone! 🌍
Continued working on my Chrome extension. Exported icons from @figmadesign and added to project. Updated manifest.json - making good progress! 🐶
Worked on my Chrome extension this evening! Made lots of good progress fixing little things like CSS, handling input changes, etc. Next step is to implement bitly's URL shortner!😎
55 contributions on GitHub 3 projects now using @travisci 1 @gatsbyjs site updated 1 new Node/Express app created 1 @googlechrome extension published to Chrome Web Store 1 project using @zeitq 1 project using @surge_sh
Wow - definitely my most intense day yet 😳
55 contributions on GitHub 3 projects now using @travisci 1 @gatsbyjs site updated 1 new Node/Express app created 1 @googlechrome extension published to Chrome Web Store 1 project using @zeitq 1 project using @surge_sh
Intense day today 😳
Spent the last 3 hours trying to set up continuous deployment for my @googlechrome extension using a script and @travisci - I'm hitting a roadblock 😪🚧
But I'll get back at it tomorrow! ✊🏼
Yessss! The CD process for my Chrome extension has now been fixed 😈🤘
Big shout-out to @_gokatz (who wrote the tutorial I followed) for figuring out the error! 🙏🏼🙌🏼
Today's been quite the day. I finished Week 6 of CS50 and started working on the Survey Form project for freeCodeCamp. Trying TDD by writing my tests first - learning a lot 😁
Finished setting up basic tests for @freecodecamp Survey Form - excited because I'm turning this into a "real" project I'm going to use on my new website 😀
Spent more time working on the Survey Form - battled with testing a bit. It was only because I cleaned up the DOM after the first test so of course I couldn't find the elements to test 😂
Continued working on SurveyForm. Really enjoying react-testing-library so far. Almost finished with the HTML for my form, then next is styling with styled-components 💅
Added styled-components to my project. Next step is to go into @figmadesign and create the UI for my survey form so it's nice and pretty 🙂
Continued working on Survey Form. Couldn't get the form submissions to come in - need to do more investigating to figure it out. 🤪
Finished the @freecodecamp survey form project today! Learned a lot of testing 😁
Also made good progress on MITx - 6.00.1x currently on Week 1.
Continued working on 6.00.1x - onto the problem sets for Week 1. Learning Python is kinda fun! Reminds me of what it's like to be a newbie again 🤓
Also fixed two bugs on survey form
Today was a big success! 🙌🏼 Worked on 6.00.1x - solved the last problem in pset1 in Python. Slowly getting better at writing algorithms and understanding compsci fundamentals. 😄
Made some good progress on 6.00.1x - almost done with Week 3. Last thing I need to do is finish guessing exercise for secret number
Worked on 6.00.1x - finished exercises and videos for Week 2. Next up is pset2. Also started working on next fCC project but realized I need to migrate @gatsbyjs site from v1 to v2
Completed Week 3, 5. Tuples and Lists for MIT 6.00.1x - next up is learning about Dictionaries (which I believe are equivalent to objects in JS)
Continued working in MIT 6.00.1x - learned how Lists in Python are like Arrays in JS, and Dictionaries are like Objects in JS
Worked on MIT 6.00.1x for a bit this evening. Hoping to start problem set 3 soon!
I've been slacking on my tweets! Been working on my slide deck for conference talk this weekend. Also made good progress on hangman game in Python for MIT 6.00.1x 😄
Finished a secret project 🙊 will share more soon. Also made a bit of progress on MIT 6.00.1x 👨🏻💻
Submitted my first PR of #Hacktoberfest and it was merged 😁
Also, continued working through MIT 6.00.1x - a bit behind but just means it's time to grind!
Finished pset4 for MIT 6.00.1x
Also started @wesbos Advanced React and I have to say, I'm super jazzed after the first module. Sounds like I'm gonna learn a lot 😄
Made good progress on pset5 for MIT 6.00.1x
Hoping to finish the course this month 🤞🏼
Finished pset5 finally for MIT 6.00.1x ✊🏼
Onto Week 6. Only two weeks left in the course! Feeling good about finishing within the next few weeks.
Worked in MIT 6.00.1x a bit.
Also started working on two course proposals for @eggheadio 😁
Finished Week 6, part 11 of MIT 6.00.1x.