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Rob Loach edited this page May 29, 2015 · 15 revisions

This is the Boilerplate to create and update JSTransformers.



To create a new JSTransformer:

  1. Download Boilerplate with git
git clone
cd boilerplate
  1. Remove origin, since we'll add our own
git remote remove origin
  1. Update module name in package.json and
  2. Create a new GitHub repository without initializing with a
  3. Push up your new JSTransformer to GitHub
git remote add origin
git push origin master
  1. Activate Travis CI and Coveralls
  2. Let the fun begin!


To update a transform to the latest boilerplate:

  1. Create a new boilerplate branch
git checkout -b boilerplate
  1. Bring in the latest changes from Boilerplate
git remote add boilerplate
git fetch --all
git pull boilerplate master
  1. Resolve merge conflicts and update instances of foo accordingly
  2. Run tests to ensure everything is working
npm install
npm test
  1. Commit your changes and push them up to the boilerplate remote
git add -A
git commit
git push origin boilerplate
  1. Create a Pull Request with the boilerplate update, and dance! 💃
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