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Custom checks developer guide

For more informations about what a Custom check is and whether they are a good fit for your use case, please refer to the official documentation.


Every check has its own YAML configuration file. The file has one mandatory key, instances and one optional, init_config.


This section contains any global configuration options for the check, i.e. any configuration that all instances of the check can share. Python checks can access these configuration options via the self.init_config dictionary.

There is no required format for the items in init_config, but most checks just use simple key-value configuration, e.g.


  default_timeout: 4
  idle_ttl: 300


This section is a list, with each item representing one "instance" — i.e. one running invocation of the check. For example, when using the HTTP check, you can configure multiple instances in order to monitor multiple HTTP endpoints:

  - server_url: https://backend1
    user: user1
    password: password
    interval: 60
  - server_url: https://backend2
    token: <SOME_AUTH_TOKEN>
    timeout: 20

Each instance, like the init_config section, may contain data in any format. It's up to the check author how to structure configuration data.

Each instances of a check are completely independent from one another and might run at different intervals.

Anatomy of a Python Check

Same as any built-in integration, a Custom Check consists of a Python class that inherits from AgentCheck and implements the check method:

from datadog_checks.checks import AgentCheck

class MyCheck(AgentCheck):
    def check(self, instance):
        # Collect metrics, emit events, submit service checks,
        # ...

The Agent creates an object of type MyCheck for each element contained in the instances sequence within the corresponding config file:

  - host: localhost
    port: 6379

  - host:
    port: 6379

Any mapping contained in instances is passed to the check method through the named parameter instance. The check method is invoked at every run of the collector.

The AgentCheck base class provides several useful attributes and methods, refer to the Python docs and the developer documentation pages for more details.

Running subprocesses

Due to the Python interpreter being embedded in an inherently multi-threaded environment (the go runtime) there are some limitations to the way Python Checks can run subprocesses.

To run a subprocess from your check, use the get_subprocess_output function provided in datadog_checks.utils.subprocess_output:

from datadog_checks.utils.subprocess_output import get_subprocess_output

class MyCheck(AgentCheck):
    def check(self, instance):
    # [...]
    out, err, retcode = get_subprocess_output(cmd, self.log, raise_on_empty_output=True)

Using the subprocess and multiprocessing modules provided by the Python standard library is not supported, and may result in your Agent crashing and/or creating processes that remain in a stuck or zombie state.

Custom built-in modules

A set of Python modules is provided capable to interact with a running Agent at a quite low level. These modules are built-in but only available in the embedded CPython interpreter within a running Agent and are mostly used in the AgentCheck base class which exposes convenient wrappers to be used in integrations and custom checks code.

These modules should never be used directly.

Running checks with a local Agent Build

Custom Checks

Scenario: You have implemented a custom check called hello_world and you would like to run this with a local Agent build.

  1. Place the configuration file hello_world.yaml in the dev/dist/conf.d/ folder.
  2. Place your Python code in the dev/dist/ folder.
  3. Run inv as usual. This step copies the contents of dev/dist into bin/agent/dist, which is where the Agent looks for your code.

The resulting directory structure should look like:

├── conf.d
│   └── hello_world.yaml

Standard Checks

There are a number of checks that ship with a full build of the Agent, but when you're developing against a local build, you will not get any of these Python checks out of the box, you must install them.

Note the following instructions install Python packages to the Python user install directory. This could conflict with existing packages.

The list of checks currently shipping with the Agent lives in the integrations-core repo here

Scenario: You want to test the redisdb check:

  1. Clone integrations-core locally. (Optionally, check out the git tag corresponding to the version you want to test.)

  2. From the integrations-core/ directory, install datadog-checks-base as a pre-req.

    python3 -m pip install --user './datadog_checks_base[deps]'
  3. Install the redisdb check. From inside the integrations-core checkout:

    python3 -m pip install --user ./redisdb
  4. (Optional for some checks). Some checks have dependencies on other Python modules that must be installed alongside the Python check. redisdb is one check that does have dependencies, specifically on the open source redisdb package. In this case, we need to install the deps explicitly.

    python3 -m pip install --user './redisdb[deps]'

That's it! Your local build should now have the correct packages to be able to run the redisdb check.

"What is this [deps] thing?"

The [deps] at the end of the package name instructs pip to install the requirements that match the deps "extra". Without this, you'll see errors when running the Agent about missing dependencies.

View all the possible 'extras' with:

python3 -m pip install --no-warn-script-location --user --dry-run --ignore-installed -qqq --report - datadog-checks-base | jq '.install[] | select("datadog-checks-base") | .metadata.provides_extra'

View all the requirements (which shows which "extra" will trigger that dependency to be installed) with:

python3 -m pip install --no-warn-script-location --user --dry-run --ignore-installed -qqq --report - datadog-checks-base | jq '.install[] | select("datadog-checks-base") | .metadata.requires_dist'

"Which Python binary is my Agent build using?"

Assuming you're not doing a full omnibus build, you won't have an embedded Python binary in your local build, so your local build will need to choose a Python binary from your system to use.

By default, the Agent chooses the first python binary (python or python3 depending on your configuration) from the PATH that is used to run the Agent.

There are some environment variables that can change the way the binary is chosen, for the full story see the function resolvePythonExecPath in pkg/collector/python/init.go.

"Could not initialize Python"

Out of the box, after an inv, you may see the following error on Linux when trying to run the resulting agent binary:

Could not initialize Python: could not load runtime python for version 3: Unable to open three library: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

To solve on Linux, use the loader env var LD_LIBRARY_PATH. For example, LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/dev/lib ./bin/agent/agent run

Why is this needed? This is due to a combination of the way rtloader works and how library loading works on Linux.

The very simplified summary is that attempts to load via dlopen, however libdatadog-agent-rtloader does not have its RUNPATH set correctly in local builds, so dlopen is unable to find Using LD_LIBRARY_PATH instructs dlopen where to search for libraries, so using it sidesteps this issue.