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Pangolin API

Here is the full API for the Python interface, in brief, with examples.

Creating random variables (basics)

Turn constants into constant random variables with makerv. (You can pass anything that NumPy could cast into an array, including a NumPy array or a JAX array.)

import pangolin as pg
import numpy as np
x = pg.makerv(1)
y = pg.makerv([1,2,3])
z = pg.makerv(np.eye(3))

Create stochastic random variables using basic distributions with normal, normal_prec, cauchy, bernoulli, bernoulli_logit, binomial, uniform, beta, beta_binomial, exponential, gamma, poisson, student_t, multi_normal, categorical, multinomial, and dirichlet. In all cases, distribution names and arguments are exactly the same as in Stan.

import pangolin as pg
n = pg.categorical([.1, .2, .7])  
p = pg.uniform(0,1)
x = pg.binomial(n, p)

Create deterministic random variables from other random variables using basic deterministic functions with add, sub, mul, div, pow, sqrt, abs, arccos, arccosh, arcsin, arcsinh, arctan, arctanh, cos, cosh, exp, inv_logit/expit/sigmoid (all three equivalent), sin, sinh, step, tan, tanh, matmul, inv, softmax, and sum.

import pangolin as pg
import numpy as np
x = pg.makerv(1.5)
y = pg.makerv(2.5)
z = pg.sin(x)
z = pg.add(x,y)    # or use operator overloading
z = pg.pow(x,y)    # or use operator overloading

x = pg.makerv(2*np.eye(3))
y = pg.makerv([1,2,3])
z = pg.inv(y)
z = pg.matmul(x,y) # or use operator overloading

x = pg.makerv(np.eye(3))
y = pg.sum(x,axis=0)

For convenience, you can use the infix operators +, -, *, /, **, and @, rather than the functions add, sub, mul, div, pow, and matmul.

import pangolin as pg
import numpy as np
x = pg.makerv(1.5)
y = pg.makerv(2.5)
z = x+y   # same as pg.add(x,y)
z = x**y  # same as pg.pow(x,y)

a = pg.makerv(2*np.eye(3))
b = pg.makerv([1,2,3])
c = a @ b # same as pg.matmul(a,b)

You can index random variables using other random variables. (Equivalent to calling pg.index.)

import pangolin as pg
import numpy as np
x = pg.makerv([1.5, 5.0, 100.0])
i = pg.categorical([.1, .2, .7])
y = x[i]  # yes! you can index with a random variable!

a = pg.makerv(np.eye(5))
b = a[:,3] # yes! you can slice just like in numpy!


The basic inference function is sample(vars, given, vals). This draws samples from random variables vars, given that some random variables given have the values vals.

import pangolin as pg
x = pg.normal(0,1)
y = pg.normal(x+1,5)
x_samps = pg.sample(x,y,2) # sample from P(x|y==2) 

This will return a 1D numpy array of samples.

If you have multiple random variables, you can just put them into a list or a tuple or a dictionary.

import pangolin as pg
x = pg.normal(0,1)
y = {'hi': pg.normal(x,1), 'there':pg.normal(x,1)}
z = [pg.normal(x,2), pg.normal(x,3)]
y_samps = pg.sample(y, z, [10.0, 15.0])

This will return a dictionary d where d['hi'] and d['there'] are 1D NumPy arrays.

If you like, you can also use any recursive combination, e.g. dicts of lists of tuples of dicts. That is, when you call sample(vars, given, vals), vars can be any Pytree of random variables, given can be any Pytree of random variables, and vals can be any Pytree of constants with the same tree structure as vals.

You can also do inference using E (for expectations), var (for variances) and std (for standard deviations). These are equivalent to drawing samples and taking the mean.

import pangolin as pg
x = pg.normal(0,1)
y = {'hi': pg.normal(x,1), 'there':pg.normal(x,1)}
z = [pg.normal(x,2), pg.normal(x,3)]
E_y = pg.E(y, z, [10.0, 15.0])

For all the inference methods, you can provide an optional niter argument. Larger values make inference slower but more accurate.

Advanced random variable creation

Create efficient loops using slot and Loop. These loops never actually execute in Python, but become efficient fully batched operations at inference time. This is much more efficient than using, e.g., list comprehensions.

import pangolin as pg
x = pg.slot()
y = pg.slot()
z = pg.slot()
with pg.Loop(5) as i:
    x[i] = pg.normal(0,1)
    with pg.Loop(10) as j:
        y[i,j] = pg.normal(1,2) 
        z[i,j] = pg.normal(x[i] * y[i,j], 1+i+j) # OK to use i,j as numbers

We expect that most users will prefer to use loops. However, if you like, you can alternatively create vmapped random variables using vmap(fun, in_axes, axis_size). This function works exactly the same way as jax.vmap (although without some optional arguments). Under the hood, loops become vmapped operations.

import pangolin as pg
# similar to [normal(0,3), normal(1,4), normal(2,5)] but more efficient
x = pg.vmap(pg.normal)([0,1,2],[3,4,5])
x = pg.vmap(pg.normal,0)([0,1,2],[3,4,5])     # equivalent
x = pg.vmap(pg.normal,[0,0])([0,1,2],[3,4,5]) # equivalent

# similar to [normal(0,3), normal(1,3), normal(2,3)] but more efficient
x = pg.vmap(pg.normal,[0,None])([0,1,2],3) 

# similar to [normal(0,3), normal(0,3), normal(0,3)] but more efficient
x = pg.vmap(pg.normal,None)(0,3)
x = pg.vmap(pg.normal,[None,None])(0,3)

Create autoregressive random variables using autoregressive(fun, length, in_axes=0), where fun is some function that takes the "previous" value of a random variable (and possibly some other mapped arguments) and returns a new value. Here in_axes is the axis along which to map the optional arguments.

import pangolin as pg

# gaussian random walk starting at 0.0
fun = pg.autoregressive(lambda last: pg.normal(last, 1), 10)
x = fun(0.0) 

# gaussian random walk starting at 0.0 with varying noise
fun = pg.autoregressive(lambda last, scale: pg.normal(last, scale), 10)
scales = range(10)
x = fun(0.0, scales) 

The function fun is any function that returns a new random variable. It can create "temporary" random variables, but can only create a single stochastic random variable, which must be right before the return.

import pangolin as pg
# ok for use in autoregressive
def fun1(x):
    return pg.exponential(y)

# NOT ok for use in autoregressive
def fun2(x):
    return pg.exponential(y)

Inspecting models

You can get a sense of how random variables are represented internally using print_upstream.

import pangolin as pg
import numpy as np
x = pg.exp(pg.normal(0,1))
y = pg.vmap(pg.normal,[0,None])(np.array([1,2,3]),x)

results in

shape | statement
----- | ---------
(3,)  | a = [1 2 3]
()    | b = 0
()    | c = 1
()    | d ~ normal(b,c)
()    | e = exp(d)
(3,)  | f ~ VMap(normal,(0, '∅'),3)(a,e)


Finally, here are a few things to watch out for.

Implicit constants and makerv

Pangolin tries to cast constants or NumPy arrays to constant RVs as much as it can for convenience. For example, if you type

import pangolin as pg
x = pg.normal(0,1)

this is equivalent to

import pangolin as pg
x = pg.normal(pg.makerv(0),pg.makerv(1))

This usually works, but Pangolin can't do it if the constant is "on the outside". For example if you do:

import pangolin as pg
x = [1.5,2.5]
i = pg.bernoulli(0.7)
y = x[i] # BAD. DO NOT DO.

this will not work, because x is a list and doesn't know what to do with a random variable. The solution is to make an explicit call, i.e. do

import pangolin as pg
x = pg.makerv([1.5,2.5]) # fix
i = pg.bernoulli(0.7)
y = x[i] # now OK


Implicit constants and Loop

Similarly, you might try to do something like this:

import pangolin as pg
locs = [0, 1, 5]
x = pg.slot()
with pg.Loop(3) as i:
    x[i] = pg.normal(locs[i], 1) # BAD. DO NOT DO. WILL NOT WORK.

This won't work because locs is a list and doesn't know what to do with a Loop variable i. This is fixed by casting locs to a random variable before the Loop starts:

import pangolin as pg
locs = pg.makerv([0, 1, 5])      # fix
x = pg.slot()
with pg.Loop(3) as i:
    x[i] = pg.normal(locs[i], 1) # now OK

Implicit consts and vmap

For somewhat complex reasons vmap does not convert lists of scalars to arrays like many methods do. (This is actually impossible to do—the reason is that vmap operates directly on lists, and can't "guess" the user's intent.) So you can't do this:

import pangolin as pg
scales = [1,2,3]
x = pg.vmap(pg.exponential)(scales) # BAD. DO NOT DO.

For this to work, you need to explicitly convert the list to a random variable:

import pangolin as pg
scales = pg.makerv([1,2,3])         # fix
x = pg.vmap(pg.exponential)(scales) # now OK