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In order for KeyManagementOptionsSetup
to work on the local machine with MSI 1.) Visual Studio.NET and 2.) Azure CLI must be authenticated
under the same user account
This project demonstrates how to utilize:
ML models with AspNetCore application
- ML.NET Batch predictions requests.
- ML.NET Models Generations on start.
- ML.NET Models generation on schedule basis.
- ML.NET Models HealthChecks
- ML.NET Models file watch with File, Azure providers
- Kubernetes
provider to store the encryptions keys in Azure Storage Blob.
The building of the models occurs on the launch of the application and the Http traffic is not served until the Initial job has been completed.
Live https://betweb.kingdavidconsulting.com/
These models can be found at the following projects:
The folder named MLContent
contains pre-generated ML.NET models that the Web Api Controllers use for the predictions when true
is set to true
Testing K8 Cron Job in the local cluster please follow the setup instruction per K8.DotNetCore.Workshop.
Make sure to execute all of the commands from the solution folder.
- Build the Image
# builds and runs the container
docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" -f "docker-compose.override.yml" up -d bet.web
# simply builds the image
docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d --build --no-recreate bet.web
# publish if needed
docker push kdcllc/bet:web
- Helm Install
# install web api in the local Kubernetes cluster
helm install betweb k8s/betweb --set ingress.enabled=false,aadpodidbinding=test,local.enabled=true
# unistall web api project
helm uninstall betweb
# verify the pod
kubectl describe pod betweb
In a situation where the model is being build in the same container and the web api if the model generation fails the container should be restarted.
.AddSslCertificateCheck("kdcllc", "https://kingdavidconsulting.com")
.AddUriHealthCheck("200_check", builder =>
builder.Add(option =>
builder.Add(option =>
.AddUriHealthCheck("ms_check", uriOptions: (options) =>
.AddMachineLearningModelCheck<SpamInput, SpamPrediction>("Spam_Check")
.AddMachineLearningModelCheck<SentimentObservation, SentimentPrediction>("Sentiment_Check")
.AddAzureBlobStorageCheck("files_check", "files", options =>
options.Name = "betstorage";
.AddLoggerPublisher(new List<string> { "sigterm_check" });
Batch testing of values
"label": false,
"text": "This is a very rude movie"
"label": true,
"text": "Hate All Of You're Work"
- To enable the functionality to accept new data point and storing them inside of SQLite or other storage.
This repo is utilizing King David Consulting LLC Docker Images:
kdcllc/dotnet-sdk:3.1: - the docker image for templated
build of the sample web application. -
kdcllc/dotnet-sdk-vscode:3.1: the docker image for the Visual Studio Code In container development.