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- Network Policies
- policy restful api 分析
- netprofile restful api 分析
Network policies describe rules for network resource usage, isolation rules, prioritization, and other network behavior on a group of containers.
There are two types of network policies you can create with Contiv:
- Bandwidth - limiting the overall resource use of a group
- Isolation - limiting the access of a group
This section covers how to create, update, and delete these policies.
Network isolation policies enable white-list or black-list access control rules to or from an application. Network isolation policies are particularly useful in securing an application tier. A group where an inbound policy is applied can be a service tier or another logical collection of containers that must be part of a policy domain.
You can create a policy using the create operation on a policy object. During creation, the policy must be supplied with a unique name in the tenant namespace.
The following command creates a policy named web-policy:
$ netctl policy create web-policy
A network isolation policy can have access control list -style whitelist or blacklist rules. A policy rule can specify the following information:
- match criteria: Specified using protocol and optionally a port. If match criteria are not specified then the rule matches all traffic If only protocol is specified but port is omitted, then the traffic matches all ports.
- protocol: Layer3 (IP, ICMP) or Layer4 (TCP, UDP).
- port: a TCP or UDP port number to or from which to permit or deny traffic.
- ip-address: Can specify a masked IP address pool, which can be used to specify a rules to or from the address pool. It is often useful to specify these rules to and from non-container workloads.
- direction: Can be inbound or outbound, from the container application's point of view. An inbound rule is applicable to the traffic coming in to the containers; an outbound rule is applicable to the traffic going out from the container.
- action: A permit or deny action on the traffic that matches the rule. A white-list set of rules is typically a set of permit actions followed by a rule to deny the rest.
- priority: Determines the execution order of the rules, producing a predictable behavior for a set of arbitrary rules.
- from-group: Used to permit or deny traffic to or from specific containers, identified as a group.
For example, A policy to allow inbound access to tcp/80 and tcp/443 and deny all other traffic looks like this:
netctl policy rule-add web-policy 1 -direction=in -protocol=tcp -action=deny
netctl policy rule-add web-policy 2 -direction=in -protocol=tcp -port=80 -action=allow -priority=10
netctl policy rule-add web-policy 3 -direction=in -protocol=tcp -port=443 -action=allow -priority=10
After defining a security policy, you associate it with a group on an existing network contiv-net as follows:
netctl group create contiv-net web-group -policy=web-policy
For Kubernetes: Specify the group association as a label For example, a service (or pod) specification might look like:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
name: prod-web
replicas: 2
app: prod-web
app: prod-web web-group
- name: prod-web
image: alpine
- /bin/sh
Kubernetes offers richer options for selection criteria because of the selector concept, which allows arbitrary selection of collections of labels to form a dynamic group. For example, a collection of {'prod', 'web'} ond {'stage', 'db', 'low-latency'} can both be implicit groups.
The policy system is dynamic in the following two ways:
- Policy rules can be altered after the policy is defined.
- Policy associations can be added to or removed from a group of containers at any time.
A policy can be applied to multiple groups. In other words, a policy is reusable across groups.
Network bandwidth policies specify the bandwidth limits on all containers that belong to a group. These policies "throttle" the bandwidth of every container belonging to a specific group.
Policies like network isolation apply between two groups, whereas other policies, including network bandwidth allocation, affect a group or containers within a group.
A netwrok-profile describes various attributes that apply to a group, for example network bandwidth limits. A network-profile can be created as follows:
$ netctl netprofile create -b 1Mbps -dscp 3 dev-net-profile
Name Tenant Bandwidth DSCP
---- ------ --------- ----
dev-net-profile default 1Mbps 3
This network profile limits associated containers to a network bandwidth of 1Mbps and sets their DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point, or type of service) bits in the IP header.
After creation, a profile can be associated with a group:
$ netctl group create contiv-net dev-web-group -policy=allow-diags -networkprofile=dev-net-profile
$ netctl group ls
Tenant Group Network Policies Network Profile
------ ----- ------- -------- ---------------
default stage-web-group contiv-net web-policy,allow-diags default
default dev-web-group contiv-net allow-diags dev-net-profile
At this point the bandwidth policy is in force on the dev-web-group.
Note: This section is for more advanced network administrators and engineers.
If a physical network is configured with the classes of traffic identified with DSCP, then a DSCP marking can achieve an end to end application behavior. For example, most of the physical network switching vendors, like Cisco, provide a way to allow use of network bandwidth and traffic scheduling based on DSCP. Configuring physical network devices is out of scope for this document; however, it is worth noting that these features provide:
- Bandwidth allocation: Specify how much packet buffering is allocated to a given class of service (CoS).
- Bandwidth rate limiting: Rate-limit the traffic belonging to a class and specify the rules of traffic precedence during bursts or contention. This can provide network predictability to classes of traffic.
- Traffic scheduling: Usually the default scheduling policy on a switch is to round-robin the traffic towards different destinations. In cases of contention, however, a more sophisticated scheduling policy can be defined based on DSCP.
The integration of DSCP prioritization with an application can contribute to predictable behavior for network and/or storage traffic.
netctl policy create - Create a new policy
netctl policy create [command options] [policy]
--tenant, -t "default" Name of the tenant
// Policy object
type Policy struct {
// every object has a key
Key string json:"key,omitempty"
PolicyName string `json:"policyName,omitempty"` // Policy Name
TenantName string `json:"tenantName,omitempty"` // Tenant Name
// add link-sets and links
LinkSets PolicyLinkSets `json:"link-sets,omitempty"`
Links PolicyLinks `json:"links,omitempty"`
// CREATE REST call func httpCreatePolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, vars map[string]string) (interface{}, error) { log.Debugf("Received httpGetPolicy: %+v", vars)
var obj Policy
key := vars["key"]
// Get object from the request
err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&obj)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error decoding policy create request. Err %v", err)
return nil, err
// set the key
obj.Key = key
// Create the object
err = CreatePolicy(&obj)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("CreatePolicy error for: %+v. Err: %v", obj, err)
return nil, err
// Return the obj
return obj, nil
// Create a policy object func CreatePolicy(obj *Policy) error { // Validate parameters err := ValidatePolicy(obj) if err != nil { log.Errorf("ValidatePolicy retruned error for: %+v. Err: %v", obj, err) return err }
// objCallbackHandler.PolicyCb 为 apiController
// Check if we handle this object
if objCallbackHandler.PolicyCb == nil {
log.Errorf("No callback registered for policy object")
return errors.New("Invalid object type")
saveObj := obj
key := collections.policys[obj.Key]
// Check if object already exists
if key != nil {
// Perform Update callback
err = objCallbackHandler.PolicyCb.PolicyUpdate(collections.policys[obj.Key], obj)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("PolicyUpdate retruned error for: %+v. Err: %v", obj, err)
return err
// save the original object after update
saveObj = collections.policys[obj.Key]
} else {
// save it in cache
collections.policys[obj.Key] = obj
// Perform Create callback
err = objCallbackHandler.PolicyCb.PolicyCreate(obj)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("PolicyCreate retruned error for: %+v. Err: %v", obj, err)
delete(collections.policys, obj.Key)
return err
// Write it to modeldb
err = saveObj.Write()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error saving policy %s to db. Err: %v", saveObj.Key, err)
return err
return nil
// PolicyCreate creates policy func (ac *APIController) PolicyCreate(policy *contivModel.Policy) error { log.Infof("Received PolicyCreate: %+v", policy)
// Make sure tenant exists
if policy.TenantName == "" {
return core.Errorf("Invalid tenant name")
tenant := contivModel.FindTenant(policy.TenantName)
if tenant == nil {
return core.Errorf("Tenant not found")
// Setup links
modeldb.AddLink(&policy.Links.Tenant, tenant)
modeldb.AddLinkSet(&tenant.LinkSets.Policies, policy)
// Save the tenant too since we added the links
err := tenant.Write()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error updating tenant state(%+v). Err: %v", tenant, err)
return err
return nil
// DELETE rest call func httpDeletePolicy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, vars map[string]string) (interface{}, error) { log.Debugf("Received httpDeletePolicy: %+v", vars)
key := vars["key"]
// Delete the object
err := DeletePolicy(key)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("DeletePolicy error for: %s. Err: %v", key, err)
return nil, err
// Return the obj
return key, nil
// Delete a policy object func DeletePolicy(key string) error { collections.policyMutex.Lock() obj := collections.policys[key] collections.policyMutex.Unlock() if obj == nil { log.Errorf("policy %s not found", key) return errors.New("policy not found") }
// Check if we handle this object
if objCallbackHandler.PolicyCb == nil {
log.Errorf("No callback registered for policy object")
return errors.New("Invalid object type")
// Perform callback
err := objCallbackHandler.PolicyCb.PolicyDelete(obj)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("PolicyDelete retruned error for: %+v. Err: %v", obj, err)
return err
// delete it from modeldb
err = obj.Delete()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error deleting policy %s. Err: %v", obj.Key, err)
// delete it from cache
delete(collections.policys, key)
return nil
// PolicyDelete deletes policy func (ac *APIController) PolicyDelete(policy *contivModel.Policy) error { log.Infof("Received PolicyDelete: %+v", policy)
// Find Tenant
tenant := contivModel.FindTenant(policy.TenantName)
if tenant == nil {
return core.Errorf("Tenant %s not found", policy.TenantName)
// Check if any endpoint group is using the Policy
if len(policy.LinkSets.EndpointGroups) != 0 {
return core.Errorf("Policy is being used")
// Delete all associated Rules
for key := range policy.LinkSets.Rules {
// delete the rule
err := contivModel.DeleteRule(key)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error deleting the rule: %s. Err: %v", key, err)
//Remove Links
modeldb.RemoveLinkSet(&tenant.LinkSets.Policies, policy)
// Save the tenant too since we added the links
err := tenant.Write()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error updating tenant state(%+v). Err: %v", tenant, err)
return err
return nil
netctl netprofile create - Create a network profile
netctl netprofile create [command options] [netprofile]
--tenant, -t "default" Name of the tenant
--bandwidth, -b Bandwidth (e.g., 10 kbps, 100 mbps, 1gbps)
--dscp, -d "0" DSCP
--burst, -s "0" burst size(Must be in kilobytes)
// CREATE REST call func httpCreateNetprofile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, vars map[string]string) (interface{}, error) { log.Debugf("Received httpGetNetprofile: %+v", vars)
var obj Netprofile
key := vars["key"]
// Get object from the request
err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&obj)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error decoding netprofile create request. Err %v", err)
return nil, err
// set the key
obj.Key = key
// Create the object
err = CreateNetprofile(&obj)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("CreateNetprofile error for: %+v. Err: %v", obj, err)
return nil, err
// Return the obj
return obj, nil
// Create a netprofile object func CreateNetprofile(obj *Netprofile) error { // Validate parameters err := ValidateNetprofile(obj) if err != nil { log.Errorf("ValidateNetprofile retruned error for: %+v. Err: %v", obj, err) return err }
// Check if we handle this object
if objCallbackHandler.NetprofileCb == nil {
log.Errorf("No callback registered for netprofile object")
return errors.New("Invalid object type")
saveObj := obj
key := collections.netprofiles[obj.Key]
// Check if object already exists
if key != nil {
// Perform Update callback
err = objCallbackHandler.NetprofileCb.NetprofileUpdate(collections.netprofiles[obj.Key], obj)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("NetprofileUpdate retruned error for: %+v. Err: %v", obj, err)
return err
// save the original object after update
saveObj = collections.netprofiles[obj.Key]
} else {
// save it in cache
collections.netprofiles[obj.Key] = obj
// Perform Create callback
err = objCallbackHandler.NetprofileCb.NetprofileCreate(obj)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("NetprofileCreate retruned error for: %+v. Err: %v", obj, err)
delete(collections.netprofiles, obj.Key)
return err
// Write it to modeldb
err = saveObj.Write()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error saving netprofile %s to db. Err: %v", saveObj.Key, err)
return err
return nil
// NetprofileCreate creates the network rule func (ac *APIController) NetprofileCreate(netProfile *contivModel.Netprofile) error { log.Infof("Received NetprofileCreate: %+v", netProfile)
// Check if the tenant exists
if netProfile.TenantName == "" {
return core.Errorf("Invalid tenant name")
if netProfile.Burst > 0 && netProfile.Burst < 2 {
return core.Errorf("Invalid Burst size. burst size > 1500 bytes")
tenant := contivModel.FindTenant(netProfile.TenantName)
if tenant == nil {
return core.Errorf("Tenant not found")
// Setup links & Linksets.
modeldb.AddLink(&netProfile.Links.Tenant, tenant)
modeldb.AddLinkSet(&tenant.LinkSets.NetProfiles, netProfile)
// Save the tenant in etcd - This writes to etcd.
err := tenant.Write()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error updating tenant state(%+v). Err: %v", tenant, err)
return err
return nil
// NetprofileUpdate updates the netprofile func (ac *APIController) NetprofileUpdate(profile, params *contivModel.Netprofile) error { log.Infof("Received NetprofileUpdate: %+v, params: %+v", profile, params)
if params.Burst > 0 && params.Burst < 2 {
return core.Errorf("Invalid Burst size. burst size must be > 1500 bytes")
profile.Bandwidth = params.Bandwidth
profile.DSCP = params.DSCP
profile.Burst = params.Burst
for key := range profile.LinkSets.EndpointGroups {
// Find the corresponding epg
epg := contivModel.FindEndpointGroup(key)
if epg == nil {
return core.Errorf("EndpointGroups not found")
err := master.UpdateEndpointGroup(params.Bandwidth, epg.GroupName, epg.TenantName, params.DSCP, params.Burst)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error updating the EndpointGroups: %s. Err: %v", epg.GroupName, err)
return nil
// DELETE rest call func httpDeleteNetprofile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, vars map[string]string) (interface{}, error) { log.Debugf("Received httpDeleteNetprofile: %+v", vars)
key := vars["key"]
// Delete the object
err := DeleteNetprofile(key)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("DeleteNetprofile error for: %s. Err: %v", key, err)
return nil, err
// Return the obj
return key, nil
// Delete a netprofile object func DeleteNetprofile(key string) error { collections.netprofileMutex.Lock() obj := collections.netprofiles[key] collections.netprofileMutex.Unlock() if obj == nil { log.Errorf("netprofile %s not found", key) return errors.New("netprofile not found") }
// Check if we handle this object
if objCallbackHandler.NetprofileCb == nil {
log.Errorf("No callback registered for netprofile object")
return errors.New("Invalid object type")
// Perform callback
err := objCallbackHandler.NetprofileCb.NetprofileDelete(obj)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("NetprofileDelete retruned error for: %+v. Err: %v", obj, err)
return err
// delete it from modeldb
err = obj.Delete()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error deleting netprofile %s. Err: %v", obj.Key, err)
// delete it from cache
delete(collections.netprofiles, key)
return nil
// NetprofileDelete deletes netprofile func (ac *APIController) NetprofileDelete(netProfile *contivModel.Netprofile) error { log.Infof("Deleting Netprofile:%s", netProfile.ProfileName)
// Find Tenant
tenant := contivModel.FindTenant(netProfile.TenantName)
if tenant == nil {
return core.Errorf("Tenant %s not found", netProfile.TenantName)
// Check if any endpoint group is using the network policy
if len(netProfile.LinkSets.EndpointGroups) != 0 {
return core.Errorf("NetProfile is being used")
modeldb.RemoveLinkSet(&tenant.LinkSets.NetProfiles, netProfile)
return nil