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Yanki Obsidian Plugin

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License: MIT GitHub Release Obsidian Downloads

An Obsidian plugin for automated flashcard syncing from a folder in your vault to Anki. Pure Markdown syntax. No fuss.

Table of contents


Yanki is a plugin for Obsidian that automatically syncs a folder (or folders) of notes from your vault to Anki.

The primary novelty of its approach is in how Markdown is translated into Anki notes, and how folders are translated into Anki decks:

  • One Obsidian note maps to one Anki note.

  • The structure of the Markdown in your Obsidian notes determine the types of Anki notes they become. No extra syntax or Anki-specific markup is required — just pure Markdown.

    This also means that your flashcard notes remain nice and legible in Obsidian, and you don't have to deal with the cognitive switch of ```fenced``` regions and Anki's rather noisy templating syntax.

  • The parent folder of your notes in your Obsidian vault determines their deck name in Anki, with any intermediate hierarchies created as needed.

Quick start

  1. Prerequisites
  • The Obsidian desktop application. (The Yanki Obsidian plugin has been tested with Obsidian 1.6+ on Windows, macOS, and Linux.)

  • The Anki desktop application

  • The Anki-Connect add-on

    To install the Anki-Connect add-on, open the Anki desktop application and select Tools → Add-ons from the menu, click Get Add-ons..., and then enter the code 2055492159 in the field to get Anki-Connect.

    Anki-Connect may ask for your permission in the Anki application to connect to Obsidian on the first sync.

    If you encounter trouble with Anki-Connect, please see the manual configuration procedure.

  1. Plugin installation

    Search for yanki in Obsidian's community plugins browser, then click the "Install". Or, install it from the Obsidian website.

  2. Setup

    Enable the plugin, and go to its settings tab to select which folders of notes you'd like to sync to Anki. See the section Markdown note types on how to format your notes to create different types of Anki cards.

  3. Sync

    Initiate a sync from Obsidian to Anki using the Yanki: Sync flashcard notes to Anki command. You can also trigger a sync manually via the button in the Yanki settings tab, or enable automatic syncing to sync whenever notes in your watched vault folders change.

  4. Study

    Pop over to the Anki app, and you should see the Obsidian notes from your selected folders organized into decks in Anki that match your vault's folder hierarchy.


One Obsidian note = one Anki note

Avoid the complexity of mixing and matching multi-note and single-note syntaxes. One note in Obsidian always yields one Anki note.

Vault folder hierarchy = Anki deck hierarchy

Yanki uses your Obsidian note's parent folder name as the deck name. Complex folder hierarchies are also supported — Anki decks will be created and nested as needed to match the structure of your vault.

Embrace of Anki's default note types

More note types, more problems.

Yanki only supports turning Markdown into the "Basic", "Basic (and reversed card with extra)", "Basic (type in the answer)", and "Cloze" note types that ship as defaults in the Anki App.

Infer Anki note type from Markdown structure

Since the number of supported note types is small, the type of Anki note to create from a given Obsidian note can be inferred from a few simple rules about the structure of the Markdown.

For example, a Basic note is any Markdown file with a --- thematic break splitting the front and back of the card:

I'm the front of the card.


I'm the back of the card.

That's it, no extra metadata or Anki-specific markup is required. You're free to use additional Markdown syntax to style the note to your liking.

The structural cues for all four supported note types are described later in this document.

Tag support

The values in the tags array of your note's properties will be added as tags in Anki. This gives nice interoperability with Obsidian's tag system, which also recognizes the frontmatter tags array.

Detecting Obsidian #tags in the document body is not currently supported, but plugins like Victor Tao's Obsidian Linter can automate tag migration from the document body to frontmatter, where Yanki (and thus Anki) can see them.

Support for Obsidian WikiLinks

Easily jump back to source notes in Obsidian while studying in the Anki desktop application.

The Yanki plugin detects your vault's name, and automatically turns any internal [[WikiLinks]] in your notes into obsidian:// protocol links, which you can click through in Anki to get back to the source in Obsidian.

Fancy Markdown

An extended palette of Markdown syntax is available out of the box, mirroring (almost) all the features supported by Obsidian:

Intelligent syncing

Your local Obsidian Markdown notes are the single point of truth for what will end up in Anki, but Yanki knows to leave your other Anki notes alone.

When you edit a local Obsidian note, Yanki makes every effort to update rather than delete it in the Anki database so that review progress is preserved.

But when you do want to delete something, it's as simple as deleting it from Obsidian, and it will be removed from the Anki database on the next sync. Protections are in place to prevent deleting Anki notes that weren't initially created by Yanki.

If you use AnkiWeb to sync your notes to the cloud, Yanki will also trigger this next step in the sync, automating the flow from Markdown → Anki → AnkiWeb in one shot. (Configurable via a setting.)

Automatic syncing

When the Automatic Sync option is enabled, Yanki will automatically update notes to Anki whenever flashcard notes are created, deleted, or updated in Obsidian.

Existing notes are untouched

Yanki tags the notes it's in charge of with a hidden field, so it will never touch your existing Anki notes. Yanki also creates and manages the note types it needs in Anki, so your existing note types and customizations remain untouched.

Note name management

The "one Obsidian note = one Anki note" premise can make for a lot of individual note files, and thinking up and renaming notes as their content is revised can be tedious. So, if you want, Yanki can manage the names of your note files based on their content.

Yanki looks inside each note, and extracts either the text of the "prompt" (e.g. the front of the card in most cases), or the "response" (e.g. the back of the card in most cases) to use as the filename. Truncation, deduplication, and sanitization are all taken care of.

Edge cases are carefully managed to ensure that there's always some kind of best-effort semantically valuable file name assigned.

Media asset sync

Yanki can sync images, videos, and audio files embedded in your Obsidian notes to Anki's media asset management system. At your option, it can sync local assets, or assets linked via URL, or both, or none.

Yanki automatically manages change detection when you revise assets, and also manages clean-up of synced media assets in Anki when you delete either entire notes or embedded assets in Obsidian.

Both wiki-style ![[something.png]] and ![markdown](style.png) asset embedding syntaxes are supported.

Markdown note types

Yanki automatically infers the type of Note you'd like to create in Anki based on the presence or absence of certain element in your Markdown notes.

The rules were designed with Markdown's semantic precedents and visual nature in mind, and are based on the note types that are included as defaults in a fresh installation of Anki. Yanki creates and manages the required note types automatically. Do not create or edit them manually.

The most minimal examples to "trigger" different note types are shown below, but the implementation can handle additional weirdness and will generally do the right thing if it encounters elements that might indicate conflicting note types.

You're free to use additional Markdown in your notes to style and structure the front and back of your flashcard notes.

The four supported note types are described below. See the Demo Vault for additional examples.


A basic card is created from any file with a ---:

This is the front of the card


This is the back of the card

Basic (and reversed card with extra)

Doubling up the --- identifies the note as being reversible (and will result in the generation of two cards in Anki).

Mnemonic: Twice the --- for twice the cards.

Sometimes the answer is the question



Sometimes the question is the answer

Yanki deviates slightly from the default Anki reversed card note type by supporting adding optional "extra" content that will appear on the the back of both generated cards:

Sometimes the answer is the question



Sometimes the question is the answer


This will appear on the back of both generated cards

Basic (type in the answer)

If the last statement in the Markdown file is _emphasized like this_, it becomes the type-in-the-answer text in Anki.

Mnemonic: The syntax resembles a _blank to be filled in_.

Jazz isn't dead

_It just smells funny_


Text that is ~~struck through~~ with the somewhat esoteric double-tilde syntax will be hidden in the resulting cloze card:

Mnemonic: The ~~strike through~~ implies redaction.

All will be ~~revealed~~.

Multiple clozes are supported, which will create additional cards. You can add a --- to include back-of-card information as well. Hints are also supported, and are indicated by giving the hint text _emphasis_ at the end of the cloze strike-through:

~~All~~ will be ~~revealed _here's a hint_~~.


Additional revelations on the back of the card.

Advanced cloze numbering

By default, clozes are numbered incrementally. For example, the Markdown:

~~All~~ will be ~~revealed _here's a hint_~~.

Is turned into the following Anki markup behind the scenes:

{{c1::All}} will be {{c2::revealed::<em>here's a hint</em>}}

In rare cases, you might want to take control over cloze numbering — perhaps you want to reveal multiple clozes simultaneously on a single card, or group certain clozes together on a particularly cloze-heavy note.

To support this, Yanki offers some optional extra syntax. A leading one- or two-digit a number at the front of your clozed content will be interpreted as the cloze number:

For example:

~~1 All~~ will be ~~1 revealed _here's a hint_~~.

Yields the following Anki markup:

{{c1::All}} will be {{c1::revealed::<em>here's a hint</em>}}

The difference is subtle, but note the matching {{c1s. This markup yields a single card where both All and revealed are revealed simultaneously.

Note: While you can encloze images, math equations, and other inline-styled syntax, clozing over multiple lines or block elements is not currently supported.



The Yanki plugin provides a single command, which works as advertised:

Yanki: Sync flashcard notes to Anki

If automatic sync is enabled, you shouldn't need to use the command manually.


Anki flashcard folders

Watched folder list


Use care when editing or deleting folders from this list, since notes from the removed folders will be deleted from Anki (along with their review statistics) on the next sync.

Yanki will sync notes in the vault folders specified here to Anki.

Folder syncing is always recursive.

Anki decks will be created automatically to match the hierarchy of your Obsidian folders.

Selecting multiple folders from different parts of your vault is fine, they'll just end up in different Anki decks.

The way that folders and flashcard notes are mapped to Anki decks is somewhat nuanced to accommodate the case of syncing the root folder of a vault.

In general: Decks are created, as needed, if there is a note in a given part of the folder hierarchy.

For example, syncing /Flashcards with this folder structure:

📂 Flashcards
└── 📂 Subdeck
   ├── 📝 Note
   └── 📝 Note

Will yield the following deck in Anki, because /Flashcards does not contain multiple items:


If you add a second folder to /Flashcards in Obsidian, you still won't get a Flashcards deck in Anki since it doesn't contain any notes directly, for example:

📁 Flashcards
├── 📁 Subdeck
│  ├── 📝 Note
│  └── 📝 Note
└── 📁 Subdeck B
   ├── 📝 Note
   └── 📝 Note

Yields the following decks in Anki:

Subdeck B

If you then add a note to the root of /Flashcards in Obsidian:

📁 Flashcards
├── 📝 Note
├── 📁 Subdeck
│  ├── 📝 Note
│  └── 📝 Note
└── 📁 Subdeck B
   ├── 📝 Note
   └── 📝 Note

Then you'll get the full hierarchy in Anki:

Flashcards::Subdeck B

The idea here is that you can sync a folder of folders in Obsidian, without necessarily including top-level folder as a deck. (For example in my personal use of Yanki, I have an /Anki folder in the root of my Obsidian vault with many subfolders that I sync, but I don't want all of my synced cards to be inside an Anki deck.)

Ignore folder notes

When enabled, notes matching the name of their parent folder will not be synced. This is useful if you use the folder notes plugin to keep a top-level note per folder.

Default: Enabled

Sync settings

Automatic sync

When enabled, Yanki will observe the notes in your watched folders for changes, additions, deletions, etc, and trigger a sync to Anki (almost) immediately after it sees a change.

When disabled, syncing must be initiated manually either via a command or the "Sync now" button in the setting tab.

Default: Disabled

Push to AnkiWeb

There are (potentially) three places your note data lives:

  1. The Obsidian application — Markdown notes, the single source of truth.
  2. The Anki application — The local database of notes.
  3. AnkiWeb — Anki's first-party note syncing service, which brings your notes to the browser and the Anki mobile app.

"Syncing" in Yanki is focused on going from 1 → 2, but when the "Push to AnkiWeb" option is enabled, Yanki will ask the Anki Desktop application to take care of syncing from 2 → 3. (Basically the equivalent of pushing the "Sync" button in the Anki Desktop app.)

This happens on a best-effort basis, since Yanki doesn't get any feedback on whether syncing forward to AnkiWeb worked or not, so your mileage may vary.

Default: Enabled

Sync media assets

Copy any images, videos, or audio file assets linked in your Obsidian notes to Anki's media asset library. This option allows your Obsidian media to appear in the Anki desktop application, and to sync to the Anki mobile app.

A "media asset" is any file referenced via the wiki-style ![[something.png]] or ![markdown](style.png) asset embedding syntax in your notes.

Internally, Yanki hashes assets before they're copied into Anki to make sure they're only copied as necessary. Yanki also takes care of cleaning up and unreferenced media assets automatically on every sync.


  • All
    Sync all media assets linked in your notes, including local and remote media links.

  • Local only (Default)
    Only sync assets from your vault's attachments directory or other local paths. This includes any assets linked with the file: protocol, and any paths/to/local/assets.png outside your Obsidian vault.

  • Remote only
    Only sync assets that are "hot-linked" via a remote URL. This includes any assets linked with the http: or https: protocols. other local path.

    Note that syncing remote media assets can slow down the sync process, since each asset has to be downloaded. If you usually have access to the web where / when you're using Anki, syncing remote assets is probably not worth it.

  • None
    Don't sync any media assets. Any assets in your vault that are only available locally via a relative path will not appear in the Anki desktop application and mobile app. Hot-linked remote assets will appear assuming you have internet access while using Anki.

Note that the Anki desktop application and mobile apps are somewhat constrained in the types of media they can display. Please see the document on file formats from the Yanki CLI tool repository for additional details, recommendations, and a full format compatibility matrix.

Default: Local only

Automatic note name settings

Automatic note names

When enabled, local note files will be renamed to match their content. This is useful if you want to have semantically reasonable note file names without the exertion of managing note titles yourself.

If the prompt or response has multiple lines, only the first line of text is considered.

The file renaming pass runs as part of every sync to Anki, and only affects notes inside a watched folder. Even if the Anki application is closed, attempting a sync will still update the local flashcard note file names, and modifying the content of a watched flashcard note will update its title immediately.

There are some great community plugins dedicated to content-driven file naming, like Rey Christian's Auto Filename plugin, but this feature is built into Yanki since the renaming process can be more precise when the structure of flashcard notes is understood.

Default: Off

Name mode

If Automatic note names is enabled, this setting allows you to prioritize which part of the flashcard note should be used for the automatic note file name.

  • Prompt
    This option sets the note title to the first line of text Anki shows you during a review session — usually the front of the card.

  • Response
    This option sets the note title to the first line of text revealed in Anki after a tap or click — usually the back of the card, or the elided text of a cloze card, or the answer text of a type in the answer card.

For edge cases, like notes with empty prompt content or no response content, Yanki will fall back to the other parts of the card to try provide a semantically useful title for the note. If, after every effort, no reasonable title can be identified, then "Untitled" will be used as the note title.

Sanitization, truncation, and sequential numbering of duplicate note titles are all handled automatically by Yanki.

Default: Prompt

(But note that the Automatic note names toggle must be enabled for this to take effect.)

Maximum note name length

Yanki will truncate long automatic file names with ellipses. This setting allows you to specify, in characters, how long of an automatic title you would like (exclusive of the truncation ellipses and file extension). Note that a (generous) upper limit is enforced to comply with operating system limitations.

Default: 60 characters

Anki-Connect settings

These are advanced settings to accommodate custom Anki-Connect configurations. The defaults are almost certainly fine.

Please see the Anki-Connect documentation for details on the Host and Key options.

Advanced settings

Toggle the advanced section to reveal options related to synchronization statistics and verbose logging.

Additional resources

@emisjerry has published several very thorough Mandarin-language videos walking through Yanki and illustrating some advanced use-cases:

(Note that some of the examples in the videos demonstrate editing model templates that have been generated by Yanki, which can interfere with future updates to the plugin.)


Why do I have to come up with a name for every note

You don't! Enable the automatic note naming setting.

Does Yanki work with Obsidian's mobile apps?

No, and it probably never will since it needs to communicate with a running instance of the Anki desktop app. (I suppose it's technically feasible with some network contortions, but that's not anything I'd wish on anyone. There's also the AnkiconnectAndroid project which shows promise, but to my knowledge there's no similar project for iOS and I don't plan to support the Yanki plugin on a single mobile platform.)

Does Yanki work with Anki's mobile apps?

Yes, so long as you're syncing your notes to the mobile app through something like AnkiWeb.

Do I really have to have to launch Anki for syncing to work?

Yes, unfortunately. There are other ways to talk to the Anki database, but none are as robust as what's provided by Anki-Connect, which is where this requirement comes from.

Note: The stand-alone Yanki CLI tool can automatically launch the Anki desktop application on-demand on macOS, but Obsidian's plug-in APIs prevent this from working correctly from inside Obsidian.

Can I move cards in Obsidian?

Yes, as long as they stay within a folder registered in the Yanki plugin's settings, they will continue to sync. Yanki simply moves the cards to whatever deck reflects the new parent folder in Obsidian on the next sync.

How many notes can I sync?

Hundreds, at least. Not sure of a practical upper limit yet, let me know if you hit one.

There's some room for optimization in the current sync implementation.

How do I delete a note?

Just delete it from Obsidian, or move it to a folder that Yanki isn't set up to watch. It will be deleted from Anki on the next sync. (You can re-add it, but any review history associated with the cards in Anki will have been lost.)

Can I edit notes in the Anki app?

No, Obsidian is the source of truth.

Technically nothing's stopping you from making edits in Anki, but any changes to or deletions of Yanki-managed notes from inside the Anki desktop application or mobile app will be overwritten on the next sync.

Can I embed images in my notes?

Yes — and sound, and video. See the media asset syncing options for details.

Can I create custom note types / models?

No, Yanki only supports the four note types described in the Markdown note types section, which match the functionality of the default note types that ship with Anki.

If you need fancy note types and advanced templating, the other Obsidian Anki plugins offer different trade-offs on the simplicity vs. flexibility continuum, and are likely to cover your desired use-case.

Can I edit the note types / models Yanki creates?

This is not recommended. Yanki depends on the presence of specific fields to sync correctly, and may change and regenerate the note models in future versions to implement new features. If you need advanced formatting or automation, it's recommended to implement this in Obsidian with Markdown and plugins like Templater.

Does Yanki take over my entire Anki library?

No, it only touches the notes it creates. However, it's recommended to avoid deck name collisions between your existing Anki notes and notes synced by Yanki. (Though even then Yanki should leave your existing notes alone.)

What's the noteId property added to my Obsidian notes?

It's Anki's internal ID for the note, which is saved after the first sync.

Can I delete the noteId?

Don't. If it goes missing, Yanki will consider the ID-less note in Anki to be an orphan, and it will be deleted on the next sync, and a new ID will be created. You won't lose your note, because it's safe in Obsidian, but you will lose stats in Anki, so touch the noteId property at your own peril.

Seeing noteId everywhere is annoying...

Shield your eyes with a CSS snippet:

div.metadata-property[data-property-key='noteId'] {
  display: none;

What happens if I duplicate a note that has a noteId?

Yanki will try to preserve the noteId of the note that matches what's been synced to Anki in the past, and will create new noteIds for the remaining duplicates. But this is a bit risky due to the limits of the content-matching algorithm, and is therefore not recommended.

Can I add other properties?

Yes, add all the properties / markdown frontmatter you'd like, as long as it's valid YAML. Yanki will preserve and ignore all of it except for the tags and noteId fields.

Can I sync my entire Obsidian vault to Anki?

Yes. Specify / as your watched folder path to sync an entire vault. In this case, Yanki will use the name of your vault's containing folder as the top-level deck name in Anki.

If I use the folder notes plugin, will my folder notes become Anki notes?

No. The Yanki plugin has a settings option to ignore folder notes, which is enabled by default.

I've installed Anki-Connect, but am still getting connection errors

If the automatic permission request fails, you might need to configure Anki-Connect to accept connections from Obsidian.

In Anki, select Tools → Add-ons from the menu, then select AnkiConnect from the list, and click the Config button in the lower right. In the ensuing modal, add "app://" to the webCorsOriginList array, like so:

  "apiKey": null,
  "apiLogPath": null,
  "ignoreOriginList": [],
  "webBindAddress": "",
  "webBindPort": 8765,
  "webCorsOrigin": "http://localhost",
  "webCorsOriginList": ["http://localhost", "app://"]

Will $SOME_FANCY_PLUGIN work with Yanki?

It depends, if the plugin parses non-standard Markdown and renders complex or interactive HTML in your notes in Obsidian, then it might not translate correctly to Anki.

Under the hood, Yanki uses its own Markdown → HTML rendering pipeline, and its own CSS stylesheets, so what you see in Obsidian is not always exactly what you'll get in Anki. See the supported Markdown features for a sense of what's possible.

Privacy and security

Network use

By default, the Yanki Obsidian plugin sends the content and linked media assets of any Obsidian notes in the watched folders you've specified to the Anki desktop application via local loopback networking.

From there, both Anki and Obsidian may send this data on to other networks, such as the AnkiWeb synchronization service or Obsidian Sync. Please see AnkiWeb's terms and privacy policy, and Obsidian's terms and privacy policy for more details.

If "remote" asset syncing is enabled, Yanki Obsidian will fetch the headers for any linked media URLs in your flashcard notes to detect changes.

Network communication is implemented with Obsidian's request APIs.

File access

Yanki Obsidian will only access files outside of your vault when they're explicitly linked as absolute paths inside your flashcard notes. It needs to access these files to check them for changes via a temporary content hash, and for asset syncing.

When asset syncing syncing is enabled, the Yanki Obsidian plugin aggregates paths to any asset files linked in your flashcard notes — some of which could be absolute paths to files outside of your local vault on your local filesystem, or links to files on remote servers. These paths and assets may be passed on to other networks, as described in the Network use section.

File access is implemented with Obsidian's vault APIs.

Local logging

For debugging purposes, Yanki Obsidian maintains simple local counters of how many notes have been synced successfully. Yanki Obsidian doesn't send these statistics anywhere, and they are accessible to you in the Advanced section of the plugin's setting tab.

The future

A few features are under consideration:

  • Sync Anki's review statistics back to Obsidian.

  • Optionally add a link back to the Obsidian source note on each card in Anki.

  • Optionally render Markdown → HTML with Obsidian's pipeline + stylesheets.

  • Nicer stylesheets / theming for notes in both Anki and Obsidian.

If you have others in mind, feel free to open an issue with a suggestion.


Implementation notes

The Yanki Obsidian plugin is built on yanki, a command line tool and TypeScript library that handles all the Markdown wrangling and communication with Anki. All functionality not specifically related to Obsidian is managed under the yanki project repository, including extensive automated tests and additional documentation.

If you want to sync Markdown like the Yanki plugin does from outside of Obsidian, the stand-alone yanki CLI tool and TypeScript library implements all of the same core features (plus a few extras). Using the yanki CLI tool directly will not interfere with syncing from the Yanki Obsidian plugin.

The yanki CLI tool and library is built on top of yanki-connect, which is a layer of TypeScript over the Anki-Connect API.

Avoiding lock-in

Obsidian implements a number of useful extensions to Markdown for supporting things like [[wiki-links]] and ![[embedding]] — and its ecosystem of plugins brings even more useful but Obsidian-specific functionality. Unfortunately, the nuances of many aspects of Obsidian's treatment of Markdown are imperfectly documented, closed-source, and non-standard.

Every Obsidian-only plugin, Markdown extension, and proprietary-API creates a subtle degree of lock-in to the tool — intentional or otherwise. Yes, your notes are "just" Markdown files, but where their utility or upkeep depend on Obsidian-specific features, their portability and future flexibility are diminished.

Obsidian's great for now, but it's inevitably transitory. Markdown is going to be around much longer than Obsidian will.

For this reason, I'm trying to ensure that the tools I write for my own workflows are "Markdown first" and as context-agnostic as possible, behaving identically whether invoked directly as stand-alone tools or through an Obsidian plugin command. That's why Yanki Obsidian is architected as a very thin wrapper over the underlying stand-alone CLI version of Yanki.

This approach is not without compromise. Unlike most plugins, Yanki does its own Markdown → HTML rendering instead of relying on Obsidian for this task. This is great for future-proofing the project, but it does mean that even though I've reimplemented many of Obsidian's special Markdown features in the renderer, what you see in Obsidian won't always be what you get in Yanki due to potential differences in how Obsidian and your particular menagerie of plugins define custom Markdown syntax and translate it to HTML.

Other Obsidian Anki plugins




Thanks to Alex Yatskov for creating Anki-Connect.

PJ Eby's Hot-Reload Obsidian plugin is a huge help during development.

Figuring out Obsidian's AbstractInputSuggest class for the folder selection settings depended on examples in projects by Daniel Rodríguez Rivero and Liam Cain.


Issues and pull requests are welcome.


MIT © Eric Mika