It contains firebase authentication, firestore for storing data & notifications via firebase cloud functions. It is hosted with firebase hosting. In this project user can Register with email & password. After that user can view dashboard where projects created by all users are visible, one can click project card to see project details in different route. Each time a new user signs up or creates a project then all loggedin users are notified in Notification section of dashboard.
Dashboard Route/login
Login Route/register
Register Route/create-project
Create New Project/project/:id
Project Detail Route
Route Gaurding or Route Protection is in place for all routes, following is the route visibility:
Normal User | Authenticated User |
/login Login Route |
/ Dashboard Route |
/register Register Route |
/create-project Create New Project |
/project/:id Project Detail Route |
React project is created with
& Firebase functions usingfirebase init
Packages | Version |
firebase | v7.22.0 |
moment | v2.29.0 |
react | v16.13.1 |
react-custom-scrollbars | v4.2.1 |
react-dom | v16.13.1 |
react-redux | v7.2.1 |
react-redux-firebase | v3.7.0 |
react-router-dom | v5.2.0 |
react-scripts | 3.4.3 |
redux | v4.0.5 |
redux-firestore | v0.14.0 |
redux-thunk | v2.3.0 |