A variable is a magical place in space and time size of a few atoms where you can store anything you want
- Spidi#8117
- W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines - Industry standard guidelines and requirements for accessibility
- Git and GitHub for Beginners - Crash Course - 1 hour crash course in Git/GitHub, using VSCode
- Derek Banas Python Tutorial - 45 minute video covering the basics of Python programming.
- Eloquent Javascript - free book about JS
- Learn React for Free - great interactive course on the basics of React
- An Intro to Machine Learning Survival Guide - Video by the one and only Mark covering basic ML concepts and the resources that helped him through his university course on ML.
- Machine Learning Exercise in Python - Code from the Machine Learning Coursera Course with examples.
- Elite Data Science - Learn ML - Self-taught machine learning tutorial covering all the very basics of ML with Python.
- What is a neural network? - Introduction video into a series covering ML, neural networks, and the math behind them.
- Kaggle - Community site dedicated to sharing datasets and notebooks for machine learning projects.
- Brilliant - Teach yourself various math concepts including neural networks and algorithms.
- Papers with Code - Scientific papers on machine learning combined with the code behind them.
- Build your own X - Open source collection of articles detailing how to build different tools in different programming languages.
- CS1000 - Entire MIT Computer Science Curriculum in 1079 youtube videos
- Traversy Media - Video crash courses on Python, JS, React, etc