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File metadata and controls

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Gatsby.js is a static site generator written in JavaScript for React

Quick Start

Gatsby CLI

To start making your application you should install gatsby-cli globally by these npm command:

npm install -g gatsby-cli

To check that gatsby-cli was successfully installed just use this command that should return version of gatsby-cli on your computer:

gatsby --version

Creating a new Gatsby application

To create a new Gatsby application use command:

gatsby new <app_name>

It will create a new folder with a name of your app and this folder will contain bootstrap of file structure based on Gatsby

Start an application

After open the app's folder we can start application in development mode and locally. Command for running application:

gatsby develop

The app will be available on http://localhost:8000

TypeScript support

How to set up GatsbyJS with TypeScript

File structure

  • /public is generated (by Gatsby) dist folder that is root of your website. All compiled files are here.
    • index.html is entry point of the app in production
  • /src is a source folder with all files for developing the app
    • /component is a folder with React components that are construction blocks of your app
  • gatsby-browser.ts
  • gatsby-config.js is a configuration file of your app. You can set meta data of the website here. Also you can set plugins here.
  • gatsby-node.ts
  • gatsby-ssr.ts is a configuration file for Server Side Rendering

Creating a new page

  • All pages are in /src/pages/ folder as React components
  • After build to production pages are in /public/page-data folder as json and others files

⚠️ Naming of the page-component

Gatsby uses Reach Router under the hood

  1. Name of the file of the new component as a page is the same as url to your page on website:
  • About.tsx --> localhost:8000/About
  • about.tsx --> localhost:8000/about
  1. You can't use dash "-" in the name of your page-components

❓ Is it an issue ?


Gatsby's data layer works with GraphQL

See Basic example of GraphQL in GatsbyJS

Types of Queries

List of posts in the app

In Gatsby you can easily add functionality of posts using specific plugin and GraphQL

GatsbyJS - Adding the display of posts list in the app

Markdown Metadata

You can set some parameters in markdown metadata. For example:

slug: "/blog/my-first-post"
date: "2019-05-04"
title: "My first blog post"
  • slug is path to your post on the website

Page of the post

Let's see Creating a post page in GatsbyJS


Working with images in GatsbyJS

Build and deploy

build the website:

npm run build

it generates all files for the website in folder /public

for running this generated site locally you can use:

npm run serve


All instructions you can find on the website

Also check out gatsby-plugin-netlify (

Generate sitemap for the website

Sitemap is needed file for SEO

Just use gatsby-plugin-sitemap


npm install gatsby-plugin-sitemap

in gatsby-config.js

siteMetadata: {
  siteUrl: ``,
plugins: [`gatsby-plugin-sitemap`]

For checking result just open <your_domain>/sitemap.xml - this file should exist

Creating the Gatsby Theme (with yarn workspaces)

Project structure

Create project's folder:

mkdir gatsby-theme-sample && cd gatsby-theme-sample

Initial project using Yarn:

yarn init

In package.json:


	"private": true,
	"workspaces": [


Create workspaces' folders:

mkdir packages sites

In packages folder create folder for your gatsby theme and initial Yarn project there:

mkdir gatsby-theme-custom && cd gatsby-theme-custom
yarn init

private: true

Then, let's create folder for the website that will use our gatsby theme and also initial Yarn project:

cd ../../sites
mkdir theme-custom-dev && cd theme-custom-dev
yarn init

Installing dependencies

Let's see that Yarn has information about our workspaces:

yarn workspaces info

Should return something like:

  "gatsby-theme-custom": {
    "location": "packages/gatsby-theme-custom",
    "workspaceDependencies": [],
    "mismatchedWorkspaceDependencies": []
  "theme-custom-dev": {
    "location": "sites/theme-custom-dev",
    "workspaceDependencies": [],
    "mismatchedWorkspaceDependencies": []

Install dependencies for website theme-custom-dev:

yarn workspace theme-custom-dev add gatsby react react-dom

Now you have to install workspace gatsby-theme-custom as a dependency. If you try to install it as other dependencies like react, gatsby, etc you will get error 'cause Yarn will try to find your dependency on npmjs registry

You should use this command for installing gatsby-theme-custom as dependency:

yarn workspace theme-custom-dev add "gatsby-theme-custom@*"

Create gatsby-config.js file in website's folder and put list of plugins that includes gatsby-theme-custom:

module.exports = {
	plugins: ['gatsby-theme-custom'],

Add scripts section in package.json of website theme-custom-dev:

	"scripts": {
		"develop": "gatsby develop"

Now you can run your website locally in development mode by this command:

yarn workspace theme-custom-dev develop

Gatsby Starters

List of Gatsby Starters on

Create new app based on existing starter

gatsby new <app-name><existing-starter-repo>

Example (gatsby-starter-blog):

gatsby new my-gatsby-project