DISCONTINUED This took me a while to think about, and I've decided to discontinue TiledCSPlus. It's main purpose was to serve me as a up to date and working version of TiledCS when no other up to date Tiled library for C# existed when I was writing my engine. Nowadays I don't work on the engine, and there are much better libraries, eg. DotTiled which is better in basically every way than I could do with this code, so this library has served it's purpose.
TiledCSPlus is an extended, and up to date fork of TiledCS, a .NET library for loading Tiled maps and tilesets.
You can download the package from NuGet here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/TiledCSPlus/
Add TiledCSPlus.dll
as a dependency in your project.
Full API reference is available at https://nolemretawxd.github.io/TiledCSPlus. For examples, see TiledCSPlus.Example project.
TiledCSPlus supports versions 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10. Older versions might work, but because they're old, I won't be supporting them. For older releases, see original TiledCS.
TiledCSPlus is licensed under MIT license. TiledCS, the original project, was created by Ruben Labruyere, and it was licensed under MIT license.