diff --git a/TiledCSPlus/NuGet.md b/TiledCSPlus/NuGet.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f94c26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TiledCSPlus/NuGet.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# TiledCSPlus
+TiledCSPlus is an extended, and up to date fork of [TiledCS](https://github.com/TheBoneJarmer/TiledCS), a .NET library for loading Tiled maps and tilesets. Currently supports only uncompressed Base64 encoded .TMX maps and .TSX tilesets.
+## Planned features
+* ~~Support for Tiled 1.9 and 1.10 features.~~ Fully supported!
+* ~~Embedded tilesets~~ Done!
+* ~~Better layer arrangement (layers will be arranged in order from top to bottom, instead of current tile layers, then object layers, and image layers at the end)~~ Also done!
+* Support for more formats
+## Does it break compability?
+**YES**, practically every field was renamed to be in PascalCase, and few fields were combined into one property eg. `offsetX` and `offsetY` into `Vector2` `offset`. Except those few changes, API didn't change much as of now.
+## License
+TiledCSPlus is [licensed under MIT license](LICENSE). TiledCS, the original project, was created by [Ruben Labruyere](https://github.com/TheBoneJarmer), and it was [licensed under MIT license](LICENSE_orig).
diff --git a/TiledCSPlus/TiledCSPlus.csproj b/TiledCSPlus/TiledCSPlus.csproj
index 74a21cc..ae2f75c 100644
--- a/TiledCSPlus/TiledCSPlus.csproj
+++ b/TiledCSPlus/TiledCSPlus.csproj
@@ -4,12 +4,18 @@
- 4.0.0
+ 4.0.1
nolemretaW, TheBoneJarmer
TiledCSPlus is an up to date fork of TiledCS for loading Tiled maps and tilesets
- Changed how tiles are parsed, added embedded tileset support, and some more minor changes
+ 1.9 compability mode, modernizations and fixes
+ NuGet.md