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FastMoE now supports almost every popular way to train models in parallel, and any combination of them. Below shows all possible group of processes that a process may get involved. Users can enable them by simply assigning communication groups in either FastMoE or external codebase that uses FastMoE.
In a group of data-parallel processes, models, including the experts, are replicated across the processes.
To have experts replicated, first, assign expert_dp_comm="dp"
at mark_parallel_comm
function of an FMoE
(The string "dp"
can be replaced by another name if you wish).
Then, wrap the MoE module with fmoe.distributed.DistributedGroupedDataParallel
and set dp_group
in the constructor to the process group in PyTorch that you wish to perform data parallelism.
By default, the parameters are initially synchronized, unless disabled by need_sync=False
Run model.allreduce_params
every iteration after backward propagation.
In typical model parallelism (maybe called tensor-model parallelism), every single expert is split up.
FastMoE requires the external codebase to implement it by properly splitting the expert module that is provided to FastMoE.
An official example using Megatron-LM can be seen in our adapter.
The hidden_hidden_size
of FastMoE's transformer module is divided by k
which denotes the number of model-parallel processes.
In this way, each expert is split into k
Then, an all-reduce
is performed over the feature matrix externally in the adapter, so that output of the experts is merged.
In a group of expert parallel processes, each process maintains different experts.
Processes in an MoE group contain all experts, and in moe_group
, the input feature maps on the processes are from different samples.
FastMoE performs all-to-all
to exchange them, i.e. sending each feature vector to the processes that contain its selected experts.
is a way to adapt typical model parallel to expert parallel.
It assumes that the processes in the group have replicated input feature vectors.
So, each process selects part of the feature vectors (a slice) as input to the moe_group
and perform all-gather
after the expert-parallel NN operations to produce replicated output.
An MoE layer is a part of any stage.
The external codebase shall handle the communication across stages.
Notice that the gate
module is replicated across all the process of the above three ways of intra-layer parallelism.
So, for the inter-layer parallelism, users should specify gate_group
in DistributedGroupedDataParallel
as all processes in the same stage.
Obviously, any combination of the above four ways of parallel training can be enabled by specifying proper communication groups for FMoE
and DistributedGroupedDataParallel
Refer to our ATC'23 paper for studies on the optimal selection of hybrid parallelism.