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349 lines (227 loc) · 16.4 KB

File metadata and controls

349 lines (227 loc) · 16.4 KB


[8.2.2] - 2024-03-18

  • The HwType is now added to the json file per router as a new key.

[8.2.1] - 2024-03-16

  • Update of libraries:
    • pandas >= 1.5.2,<=2.0.3
    • netmiko == 4.3.0
  • The Timos version is now added to the json file per router as a new key.
  • The default hostname is now NA_#, where # is the threadnumber. This changes if the hostname is detected later on.

[8.1.1] - 2023-09-17

  • Update to have taskAutom support access to SRLinux devices. A new device type nokia_srl has been included under the DICT_VENDOR general dictionary.
  • Netmiko, by default, disables pagination either by using environment no more or environment more false. The FIRST_LINE="" from now on for device type nokia_sros.
    • The device_type md_nokia_sros has been removed from the -dt option.
  • 00_report.json now includes timing information.

[8.0.6] - 2023-06-24

  • The function fncPrintResults() now created a new data file, 00_faildeDataFile, which is a subset of the original data file. Thisincludes only the devices which have presented errors during exectuion.ssh-tunnels.
  • The function checkCredentials() has been refactored to better guide users when dealing with jobTypes.

[8.0.5] - 2023-06-22

  • The method fncSshServer() has been refactored. Better detection of problematic connections over ssh-tunnels.

[8.0.4] - 2023-06-22

  • The method fncUploadFile() decides between SCP or SFTP depending on the Timos version. If taskAutom cannot detect the Timos version, SCP will be selected.
  • The method fncUploadFile() will assume cf3:/ for the remote file, if no CF is specified in the ftpRemoteFilename.

[8.0.3] - 2023-06-02

  • The method routerRunRoutine() will search for the string #FINSCRIPT after checking for correctness of execution (ie, majorFailed). If further the execution is incomplete, then the total result will be, following the example, labeled as majorFailed:Incomplete.

[8.0.2] - 2023-06-02

  • The profile for the device type nokia_sros and nokia_sros_telnet include now as a last line, a FIN_SCRIPT string #FINSCRIPT. The idea is that the method routerRunRoutine() will check for that string. If not detected, taskAutom will assume that the execution of the script is incomplete, either because the command was not correctly sent over to the router; or because the output received from the router was cut somehow.

[8.0.1] - 2023-05-30

  • Using latest version of netmiko, 4.2.0
  • Update of the method routerLogin(), to use the new method from netmiko, ConnLogOnly(). If sshDebug is True, then a debug file will be created under logsDirectory with per-thread information.

[7.19.4] - 2023-05-06

  • Update function renderCliLine()

[7.19.3] - 2023-05-05

  • The global dictionary dictParam has been updated with new default keywords.
  • New function buildScripts(dictParam), which can be used when importing taskAutom:
    • from src.taskAutom import taskAutom as ta.
    • dictParam['pluginFilename'] = ''
    • dictParam['dataFile'] = 'myData.xlsx'
    • dictParam['xlsSheetName'] = 'tabName'
    • d = ta.buildScripts(dictParam)
    • This will allow to use the same plugins and data files when using taskAutom at the console, but within a python code.

[7.19.2] - 2023-05-03

  • Parameter -j/--jobType is now 0 by default.
  • Parameter -pt/--pluginType is now show by default.
  • The json report file now includes the version of taskAutom.

[7.19.1] - 2023-02-09

  • Better inventory file checkinng.
  • The class myConnection now receives fewer arguments, namely dictonaries routerInfo and dictParam.
    • routerInfo holds all the necesary arguments to establish the connection towards the router, ie, username and password. But also, now, the pluginScript which is the script to be executed on the router.
    • dictParam holds all the global parameters such as log folder name, logTime, dataFileName, pluginName, sshServers, etc.
    • This change follows this idea: even if an inventory is defined, the pluginScript is created before being sent over to the class by the combination of the dataFilename and the pluginFilename. The idea here is that in the near future, the inventory could establish per-router plugins and/or data files. So in one run of taskAutom, different routers will be executing different scripts.
  • The method fncUploadFile() has been modified so that jobTypes 2 and 3 have better control over the sent files via SCP/SFTP.
  • The method logData() is better now. Log data is a pandas DataFrame being built from a dictionary, which varies depending on the jobType. The function fncPrintResults() now performs a pd.concat(LOG_GLOBAL).
  • The function getListOfRouters() no longer provides, only, a list of routers, but also a list of dictionaries which conform the real inventory. The key in that dictionary is the IP of each and every router with a predefined set of subkeys: username, password, deviceType, useSSHTunnel, readtimeout, jumphost and systemIP.
    • If the the jobType is 2, an extra subkey pluginScript will be added. If jobType 3, a list of tuples with [(locaFile,remoteFile)] will be added. These are the files to be uploaded via SCP/SFTP.
    • If there is an external inventroy file, ie -inv inv.csv, the dictParam['inventory'] will be updated with the information contained inside inv.csv.
  • The function verifyInventory() has been modified to return a dictionary which is compatible with the one required by the function getListOfRouters().
  • New global dictionary DICT_PARAM which can be used when using taskAutom as an import inside a python code.
  • Basic MD-CLI support under Nokia, when using deviceType = md_nokia_sros.

[7.18.3] - 2023-02-02

  • Better inventory file checking.

[7.18.2] - 2023-02-01

  • The regex for timos and hostname have been changed
  • New paramter to control log file names -fn/--logFileName.
  • Retrieving aux values now tries auxRetry times.

[7.18.1] - 2023-01-30

  • Variables obtained through argparse are set to True/False depending on the input being yes/no. So now the treatment is hanlde as a boolen when needed.
  • New functionality to bulk updload files through SCP/SFTP.
    • For this a new dataFile structure is needed with the following minimum columns: ip|ftpLocalFilename|ftpRemoteFilename.
  • Code reordering.

[7.17.13] - 2023-01-27

  • CRON config update.

[7.17.11] - 2023-01-27

  • CRON config now applies different configuration if timosMajor > 8.

[7.17.10] - 2023-01-13

  • Better detection of individual connections' status, for logging purposes.
  • -tbr/--timeBetweenRouters now in milliseconds.
    • tweaking the number of threads and the time between routers, will allow to maximize the number of connections, specially when using at jump-server.

[7.17.6] - 2023-01-05

  • Better support for CRON, either oneshot or periodic.

[7.17.2] - 2022-12-19

  • Better help description when invoking the -h paramter on the CLI.

[7.17.1] - 2022-12-15

  • the functions fncConnectToRouter(), routerRunRoutine(), routerLogin() and fncSshServer(), now return connInfo instead of separate variables
  • the variables controlPlaneAccess and aluLogged are now booleans with default False
  • the variables sshServer and conn2rtr default to None and only change if the connections come up.

[7.16.8] - 2022-12-15

  • new parameter hwType obtained from show chassis
  • the hostname is no longer obtained from find_prompt() but from show chassis.

[7.16.7] - 2022-12-14

  • update

[7.16.6] - 2022-12-06

  • update

[7.16.5] - 2022-12-06

  • New function getDictParam() that returns the dictParam dictionary with all the required parameters for the connections.
  • The function fncRun() returns the updated version of dictParam.

[7.16.4] - 2022-12-04

  • When the execution is finished, a json version of the configuration parameters of taskAutom is saved under the folder -l/--logInfo.

[7.16.3] - 2022-11-28

  • Update of libraries:
    • python-docx==0.8.11
    • pandas==1.5.2.
    • openpyxl==3.0.10
    • xlrd removed

[7.16.2] - 2022-11-25

  • When using strictOrder=no the default value is passing data row by row to the plugin. The data is filtered by the groupColumn parameter. When using the parameter pbr/passByRow=no the complete Excel tab is passed over to the plugin. Once in the plugin, the data can be analyzed by Pandas method iterutples().
  • Update of libraries:
    • python-docx==0.8.11
    • pandas.
    • scp removed becase installed by netmiko
    • paramiko removed becase installed by netmiko

[7.15.4] - 2022-11-20

  • New parameter -pf/passwordFile. This allows to store the password in a local file so taskAutom will read the password from it. This allows to use taskAutom from the crontab.
    • Becareful: the password is stored in plain text format.

[7.15.3] - 2022-10-22

  • From this version on, taskAutom needs to be installed by using pip, ie, pip install taskAutom.

[7.14.4] - 2022-08-11

  • Change of START_SCRIPT and END_SCRIPT defined in DICT_VENDOR for nokia_sros and nokia_sros_telnet.
  • In function routerRunRoutine() no more looking for string END_SCRIPT.
  • New parameter timeBetweenRouters. A delay in seconds to wait before executing scripts on a router. Works both for threaded connections or with strict order.
  • In function fncSshServer() better handling of connection errors with sshtunnel.

[7.14.3] - 2022-07-05

  • Change of START_SCRIPT and END_SCRIPT defined in DICT_VENDOR for nokia_sros and nokia_sros_telnet.

[7.14.0] - 2022-06-25

  • Upgrade of netmiko library to version 4.1.0
    • delayFactor and maxLoops are no longer used;
    • New parameter readTimeOut is used insted. In seconds, sets the amount of time taskAutom waits for output from router. Default to 10 seconds.
    • This change also affects the building of the inventory file, if used.
  • Upgrade of paramiko library to version 2.11.0
  • Upgrade of pandas library to version 1.4.1
  • Better detection of ssh-tunnels under the function fncSshServer().
  • Final report shows times in minutes if greater than 120s.
  • In the definition of the dictionary DICT_VENDOR
    • the expect_string was changed to r'#\s$'.
    • the start and end scripts are now "echo SCRIPT_NONO_START\n" and "echo SCRIPT_NONO_FIN\n".
  • The output in json format now includes a new key, with the IP of the router.
  • Data file and Plugin can now reside on a different folder other than the root of taskAutom.

[7.13.1] - 2022-03-17

  • When using option -pt show a json file is created where output is stored. Each show command is used as a key inside the json file. This will help for output checking.

[7.12.2] - 2021-10-14

  • Comments in the code
  • Show CRON, inventory only if configured.

[7.12.1] - 2021-10-11

  • Remove parameter clientType in favor of deviceType.
    • Using Netmiko's nokia_sros_telnet as device type when a Telnet Connection is needed. If ssh, use nokia_sros.
  • Rename parameter sshMaxLoops in favor of maxLoops.
  • Remove paramter telnetTimeout.
    • all timinig is now controlled by delayFactor and/or maxLoops.
  • Function connectToRouter() is simpler now:
    • New function routerLogin() which direclty calls ConnectHandler() with the appropiate deviceType.
    • Functions routerLoginSSH() and routerLoginTelnet() no longer needed.
  • Function fncWriteToConnection() is simpler now as the connection handler is always Netmiko's ConnectHandler().
  • Function fncAuxGetVal() is simpler now.
  • Function routerLogout() no longer needed.
  • PluginType is now a mandatory parameter and no longer optional.
  • If cron is enabled, then strictOrder=no and pluginType=config.
  • Function fncSshServer(self, strConn, connInfo, sftp=False) now has an sftp parameter which becomes True when invoked from within fncUploadFile().
  • Function runCron() updated so that all commands are compatible with Nokia's echo (and as such detectable by Netmiko's cmd_verify).

[7.11.9] - 2021-09-29

  • In function renderCliLine() bug corrected when len(aluCliLine)=0.

[7.11.8] - 2021-09-29

  • In function renderCliLine() better error message when the plugin cannot be rendered correctly with data.

[7.11.7] - 2021-09-29

  • 00_log.cvs report includes now the Timos of the device.
  • fncWriteToConnection() implements now a set of try|expect for every possible writing option and returns runStatus,logReason,output. This will allow for every method in the class to write appropriately and hence detect if something happened.
  • Both functions routerRunRoutine() and fncAuxGetVal() use now the new version of fncWriteToConnection() which detectes better connection problems when writing. This will also help in detecting nodes with connection problems and log them into 00_log.csv

[7.11.5] - 2021-09-15

  • In the function fncConnectToRouter() the logins either using SSH or Telnet, have been changed to better detect login problems. This will be notified under aluLogReason.
  • In fncPrintResults(), accomodate results better when printing the table.
  • Added openpyxl==3.0.6 and xlrd==2.0.1 to requirements.txt.

[7.11.4] - 2021-09-15

  • If detection of hostname fails, append number of connection to avoid mixing logs in the same log file not-matched_rx.txt.

[7.11.3] - 2021-09-10

  • Name of ip column customizable on datafile.

[7.11.2] - 2021-09-02

  • Length of Data now as input parameter inside plugin.

[7.11.1] - 2021-08-31

  • Better error detection.

[7.11.0] - 2021-08-20

  • New option sshDebug
  • Info Error Detection
  • SEND_CMD_REGEX = "#" for show commands.
  • Excel format supported.
    • Default is still csv.
  • Header supported in input data;
    • If header is to be used, there must be a column called ip for the IP addresses of the routers.
    • If header is not used, then the first column of the data file will be assumed to hold the IP addresses of the routers (default behavior).

[7.10.1] - 2021-07-29

  • New option cmdVerify with default yes.
    • This is enabled by default and should be used, especially, whenever dealing with config-like commands. See here

[7.10.0] - 2021-07-10

  • Inside fncWriteToConnection(self, inText, connInfo) distinguish between show and config commands so as to use send_command() or send_config_set() respetively.
    • This will help in the future to obatin show output data as JSON format.
  • New parameter pluginType, either show or config according Netmiko's documentation
    • Default set to config.
  • New parameter max_loops: in conjuntion with delay_factor and pluginType helps in obtaining long output data.
    • Default set to 5000.
    • timeOut = max_loops * 0.2 * delay_factor. See this for explanation.
  • Using connInfo as input paramter for all the internal methods of the connect class.
  • Inside routerLoginSsh() using fast_cli=False inside the connection handler.
  • Change of default cient type to ssh.

[7.9.6] - 2021-06-29


  • time was being reported as string; now as float.

[7.9.5] - 2021-06-28


  • Better handling of logData.
  • Better support for vendors other than Nokia (nokia_sros)

[7.9] - 2021-06-16

Inventory File

  • Posibility of implementing per router connection parameters.
  • If inventory file is being used, default connection values overridden by those in the inventory file.
    • If a router exists in data CSV, but not in the inventory file, default values are used.

[7.8] - 2021-06-14

Implement strict Order


  • Implement the StrictOrder possibility, following the order of lines inside the CSV;
  • Implement the HaltOnError possibility, only available if StrictOrder enabled. If result is neither SendSuccess nor ReadTimeout, then halts.
  • Function renderCliLine.
  • Use of dictParam as dictionary to pass parameters over functions

[7.7] - 2021-05-26

Improvement on connection handling


  • SSHTunnelForwarder allow_agent = False
  • Generation of MOP now based on new CLI parameter -gm
  • Better handling of connection states based on Exceptions in function routerRunRoutine()
  • New versions in requirements.txt
  • Function verifyConfigFile() to check for scpecial chars in config file.