Nim is a classic mathematical strategy game where players take turns removing objects from heaps. This implementation integrates artificial intelligence to enable a computer player to make optimal moves using reinforcement learning techniques.
This project provides a simulation of the Nim game with a focus on AI development. The AI learns to play optimally through Q-learning, a model-free reinforcement learning algorithm, allowing it to improve its performance with experience.
Key features include:
- Interactive Gameplay: Play against an AI or simulate matches between AI agents. 🎮
- AI Training: The AI improves its strategy over time using trial-and-error learning. 🧠
- Customizable Rules: Modify heap sizes and configurations to experiment with gameplay. 🔧
This project uses Python and integrates key libraries for implementing reinforcement learning and managing gameplay logic:
Reinforcement Learning:
- The AI uses Q-learning, a technique where it learns a Q-value (expected utility) for each possible state-action pair.
- Exploration vs. exploitation is handled via an epsilon-greedy approach, balancing between trying new moves and relying on known strategies.
- Facilitates efficient array manipulation and computation during Q-table updates.
Custom Game Engine:
- Handles game logic, including valid moves, state transitions, and winner determination.
Python OOP:
- Object-oriented programming ensures modularity and clean separation between game logic and AI training.
- The game starts with multiple heaps of objects.
- Players take turns removing objects from a single heap.
- The player forced to take the last object loses.
- State Representation: The current configuration of heaps is treated as the game state.
- Q-learning Process:
- The AI begins with no prior knowledge and learns by playing multiple games.
- For each move, it updates the Q-value using the formula:
[ Q(s, a) \leftarrow (1 - \alpha) Q(s, a) + \alpha \left[ r + \gamma \max_a Q(s', a) \right] ]
Where:- ( \alpha ): Learning rate.
- ( \gamma ): Discount factor for future rewards.
- ( r ): Immediate reward (e.g., +1 for winning, -1 for losing).
- ( s, a, s' ): Current state, action taken, and resulting state.
- Over time, the AI converges to an optimal policy, maximizing its chances of winning by selecting moves with the highest Q-values.
- Training Efficiency: The AI achieves a competitive strategy after thousands of training games.
- Dynamic Adaptation: The epsilon-greedy approach ensures exploration in early stages, gradually shifting toward exploitation of learned strategies.
This project showcases the power of reinforcement learning in decision-making tasks. Beyond gameplay, the principles used here are applicable to:
- Robotics: Teaching machines to perform tasks through trial-and-error learning.
- Finance: Developing algorithms for optimal investment strategies.
- Game Theory: Studying strategic interactions in competitive environments.
- Educational Value: Learn reinforcement learning concepts in an interactive and engaging way.
- Scalability: Adaptable to more complex games and decision-making problems.
- Fun and Challenge: Test your strategy skills against an ever-improving AI.
If you have questions or ideas for further improvements, feel free to reach out! 🚀