# # Sperical particle distribution: relaxation phase # Use ./hydro_3d .par to evolve into relaxed state # # initial data initial_data_prefix = "wd_initial_n32" initial_iteration = 0 # geometry domain_type = 1 # 0:box, 1:sphere external_force_type = "spherical density support" density_profile = "from file" input_density_file = "density_profile_nr8000.dat" sphere_radius = 4.79283e+08 # density and pressure for relaxation stage rho_initial = 5.2e+6 ##pressure_initial = 1.56085e+23 # actual pressure in WD pressure_initial = 1e+28 # artificially increased for faster relaxation # evolution final_iteration = 1000 relaxation_steps = 1000 relaxation_beta = 1e2 relaxation_gamma = 0.0 initial_dt = 1.e-9 timestep_cfl_factor = 0.5 out_screen_every = 1 out_scalar_every = 1 out_diagnostic_every = 10 out_h5data_every = 100 output_h5data_prefix = "wd_relaxation_n32" thermokinetic_formulation = yes adaptive_timestep = yes sph_variable_h = yes evolve_internal_energy = no # equation of state type and parameters eos_type = "polytropic" ##poly_gamma = 1.66667 # actual polytropic index for WD poly_gamma = 0.99 # artificially lowered for more uniform relaxation sph_kernel = "Wendland C6" sph_eta = 1.5