Quickly hacked together client for the FullFact Alpha API
The API itself is simple and easy to use. This code just provides some convenience methods for interacting with the API to grab a list of fact checks, search the API, etc.
#supply token to authenticate
api = FullFact::API.new(token: ...)
first = true
#optionally provide search term to restrict results
#recommended: include a sleep (ms) parameter to be polite
#block is called for each page until API doesn't return further results
api.harvest(search: ..., sleep: 1) do |page|
$stderr.puts "Found #{page.count} results" if first
first = false
#walk through results
page.results.each do |result|
#result is a minimal fact check response
#to do an extra request to grab the full detail
#factcheck = api.fact_check(result["detail_url"])
#do something with the data
#factcheck.parse_body will parse the HTML and return a Nokogiri Document
#if you just want the links in the article
-- grabs the first page of fact checks and prints headline and authorbin/harvest.rb
-- perform a search against the API and dump the slug, url, headline to CSV
By default these scripts read the API token from an environment variable called FF_TOKEN