Formalization of "On large subsets of 𝔽qn with no three-term arithmetic progression" by Joardan S. Ellenberg and Dion Gijswijt in Lean
See: information about the paper and formalization.
theorem general_cap_set {α : Type} [discrete_field α] [fintype α] :
∃ C B : ℝ, B > 0 ∧ C > 0 ∧ C < fintype.card α ∧
∀ {a b c : α} {n : ℕ} {A : finset (fin n → α)},
c ≠ 0 → a + b + c = 0 →
(∀ x y z : fin n → α, x ∈ A → y ∈ A → z ∈ A → a • x + b • y + c • z = 0 → x = y ∧ x = z) →
↑A.card ≤ B * C^n
theorem cap_set_problem : ∃ B : ℝ,
∀ {n : ℕ} {A : finset (fin n → ℤ/3ℤ)},
(∀ x y z : fin n → ℤ/3ℤ, x ∈ A → y ∈ A → z ∈ A → x + y + z = 0 → x = y ∧ x = z) →
↑A.card ≤ B * ((((3 : ℝ) / 8)^3 * (207 + 33*real.sqrt 33))^(1/3 : ℝ))^n
theorem cap_set_problem_specific (n : ℕ) {A : finset (fin n → ℤ/3ℤ)}
(hxyz : ∀ x y z : fin n → ℤ/3ℤ, x ∈ A → y ∈ A → z ∈ A → x + y + z = 0 → x = y ∧ x = z) :
↑A.card ≤ 3 * ((((3 : ℝ) / 8)^3 * (207 + 33*real.sqrt 33))^(1/3 : ℝ))^n
All three are found in section_13b.lean
Install elan or Lean 3.4.2
(This is usually straight forward, for details see
$ git clone
$ cd cap_set_problem $ leanpkg build
This will build
which will take a long time
Install Visual Studio Code or emacs
with the Lean extension. This allows to inspect the proof states in tactic proofs. This requires leanpkg build
, otherwise Lean will try to build mathlib
interactively, which is very slow and memory consuming.