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File metadata and controls

165 lines (108 loc) · 5.33 KB

Gem Version


Gem for juggle with the 1C:Enterprise application instances (aka infobase or information base) as easy as possible. Main thing of this gem is the class AssMaintainer::InfoBase which provides features to do it.

In this gem defined two types of 1C application instance:

  1. application deployed on a 1C:Enterprise application server aka server infobase
  2. application deployed as a file aka file infobase

Class AssMaintainer::InfoBase implements both types of applications but using difference mixins for each of them in constructor. Type of application, detects per type of connection string.


Fully work with server infobse possible in Windows(Cygwin) x86 Ruby only. Cause of this is in-process OLE server V83.COMConnector which used for connect to 1C:Enterprise application server when require check for infobase exist or get infobase sessions or drop infobase or etc. actions.

Furthermore, for fully working with server infobse require logging on a 1C:Enterprise application server as a central-server administrator and as a cluster administrator.

Structure 1C:Enterprise application server is complex and confusing. For more info about 1C:Enterprise server look 1C documentation.

Some examples for restrictions look in example defined as Restrictions for spec


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ass_maintainer-info_base'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ass_maintainer-info_base


Small example:

reqiure 'ass_maintainer/info_base'

# As infobase admin you should make backups of infobase

# Describe connection string
connection_string = 'File="infobase_path";'

# Get InfoBase instance
ib ='infobase_name', connection_string)

# Dump data

# As 1C application developer you should make dump of infobase configuration

# Dump configuration

# ... etc

Destructive actions protection

On default all instance of AssMaintainer::InfoBase marked as read_only. If infobase is read_only all destructive actions denied, MethodDenied exception will be raised. For control it behavior uses read_only parameter of constructor.

ib ='ib_name', 'File="path"')
ib.rm! :yes #raised AssMaintainer::InfoBase::MethodDenied

ib ='ib_name', 'File="path"', false)
ib.rm! :yes #=> nil

Define 1C:Enterprise version requirement

On default using last installed 1C:Enterprise version. But AssMaintainer::InfoBase provides feature for define 1C:Enterprise version manually.

Example for define 1C:Enterprise platform requirement

# Define platform version for single instance
ib ='ib_name', 'File="path"', platform_require: '~>')
ib.platform_require #=> "~>"

# Define platform verion for all instances
AssMaintainer::InfoBase.configure do |conf|
  conf.platform_require = '~>'

ib ='ib_name', 'File="path"')
ib.platform_require #=> "~>"

More examples

For more examples see examples


For execute all tests require 1C:Enterprise platform installed. Version defined in constant PLATFORM_REQUIRE in platform_require.rb

For execute server infobase tests defined in examples require:

  • running 1C:Enterprise application server. Version defined in PLATFORM_REQUIRE
  • running data base(DBMS) server suitable for 1C:Enterprise.

On default, server infobase tests skipped. For execute server infobase tests require to pass server parameters in ENV[ESRV_ENV] like this:

$export ESRV_ENV="--ragent user:pass@host:port \
  --rmngr user:pass@host:port \
  --dbms MSSQLServer \
  --dbsrv user:pass@localhost\\sqlexpress"

For running local 1C:Enterprise application server instance can use bin/runsrv:

$bin/runsrv -h

But runsrv running 1C server only! DBMS server must be already running manually

Running all tests:

$bundler exec rake test SIMPLECOV=YES


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. Run bundle exec ass_maintainer-info_base to use the gem in this directory, ignoring other installed copies of this gem.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.