Bot AI Core from ike3 for cmangos classic, tbc and wotlk
This system brings the following features:
- Populate the open world with playerbots
- Populate BGs and Arenas with playerbots
- Use alt characters as playerbots
- Do any kind of PvE content (with some guidance on complex mechanics)
- Very detailed configurations of playerbot behaviors (for the min-maxers out there :D)
- Multiple commands to request playerbots do what you require
If you're new to building CMaNGOS, check the official guide
Important: to enable the playerbots you need to check it in cmake ( BUILD_PLAYERBOTS
✅ )
After successful build get aiplayerbot.conf file from "src/modules/Bots/playerbot/aiplayerbot%expansion.conf.dist" (based on expansion you use) and put it to the same folder where mangosd.conf and realmd.conf are, and remove ".dist" from its name
Using the
script:- Execute the script once to generate the
file, after that close the script - Edit
at the end and save it - Depending on if you have a previous installation or want to do a fresh installation:
- For a fresh install pick the option
4) Full installation
- To install only the playerbots DB pick the option
5) Advanced DB management
and then8) Create and fill playerbots db
- For a fresh install pick the option
- Execute the script once to generate the
- Go to "src/modules/Bots/sql"
- Apply .sql files from "characters" folder to characters database
- Apply .sql files from "world" folder to world database
IMPORTANT: There are several .sql files that are in a
folder. You should only use the files in the folder for the core expansion you are currently using.
After you complete all steps above you can check bots config and start your server. It'll take some time for the first time, as gear/characters for bots will be generated at first launch. Have fun! 🥳