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Puppet style guide


  • Run rake spec and rake lint to run the tests and lint before checking in.

Things that should not be in the Puppet Repo

  • Secrets. It is bad practice to embed your secret data (passwords, tokens etc.) within Puppet. To do so means that even if you specify that a secret applies to one particular environment it is available on the PuppetMaster for every environment. It is good practise to store secrets in the deployment repo at Puppet/hieradata/${environment}.yaml. Please make sure where necessary you have different secrets for each value.

  • Per-environment switches. The Puppet repo should not know the specifics of each environment. By switching on platform or environment variables, you make it difficult to add new platforms and hard to ensure that consistent behaviour is applied across all environments. To apply a catalog item to a subset of environments you should:

    1. Add a feature toggle to Hiera (default goes in common.yaml, per environment value goes in ${environment}.yaml. Be aware that Hiera data for environments is in the deployment repo, but Hieradata for development is in the development repo. common.yaml exists in both repos.
    2. Switch on resources based on the feature toggle in Hieradata: [Puppet/modules/govuk/manifests/node/s_base.pp#LC25] (https://github.gds/gds/puppet/blob/master/modules/govuk/manifests/node/s_base.pp#LC25)
    3. Where possible, create your switches at the machine manifest level (as above) rather than within a module.

Dependency management

  • Prefer require to before.

  • Do not use -> and ~>, use require, notify or subscribe instead.

  • Never use <- or <~. (Lint will stop you, anyway.)

  • Don't break encapsulation. In particular, a resource within one module not create a dependency (require or notify) to a resource deep within another. For example, File[/etc/nginx/sites-available/foo] from module foo should not directly notify Service[nginx] in module nginx. Instead consider these options:

  • use the anchor pattern to ensure dependencies are passed up and down the include hierarchy correctly, and specify the dependency at the top level. In our example, this means we would have:

    class {'foo': notify => Class['nginx']}
    class {'nginx':}
  • create a defined type within one module which other modules can use which will set up the correct dependencies. See nginx::config::site for an example -- this is a defined type which allows other modules to create an nginx configuration and will make sure it happens after nginx::package and before nginx::service, without the other module even knowing the existence of these classes.

  • When a class includes or instantiates another class, consider whether you need to use the anchor pattern (see below). In particular, for a top-level class foo which includes foo::package, foo::config and foo::service, definitely use the anchor pattern.

Anchor pattern example

The problem:

Suppose I have an nginx class, which installs nginx and starts it running. We want to ensure logstash is running before nginx, so that we catch all of the log files. We also want to run some smoke tests every time nginx is restarted. You might expect this to work out of the box:

class {'nginx':
    require => Class['logstash'],
    notify  => Class['smoke-tests'],

But by default this will not do what you want, because Puppet dependencies between classes don't work the obvious way. If the nginx class includes nginx::package, nginx::config, and nginx::service, then these classes will not inherit the require and notify directives we have specified, and so we have no guarantee that nginx will be installed after logstash, and that smoke tests will be run after nginx is restarted.

What we have to do to get this to work is to use the anchor pattern within the nginx class, something like this:

class nginx {
    anchor {'nginx::begin':
        notify => Class['nginx::service']
    class {'nginx::package':
        require => Anchor['nginx::begin']
    class {'nginx::config':
        require => Class['nginx::package']
        notify  => Class['nginx::service']
    class {'nginx::service':
        notify => Anchor['nginx::end']
    anchor {'nginx::end':

Now, when you specify at the top that the nginx class requires the logstash class, this relationship is inherited by the anchors because they are first-class resources and not merely classes. So Anchor[nginx-begin] and Anchor[nginx-end] both require Class[logstash]. We then use all of the other relationships within the class to ensure the dependencies are passed on correctly. In this case, we can be sure that Class[nginx::package] is installed after Class[logstash] because Class[nginx::package] requires Anchor[nginx::begin] which in turn requires Class[logstash].

Similarly, we can be sure that the smoke tests will run after nginx is restarted because Class[nginx::service] notifies Anchor[nginx::end], which in turn notifies Class[smoke-tests].

Without the anchors, the relationships specified on Class[nginx] would simply not be passed on to the included classes such as Class[nginx::package].

More information on the anchor pattern can be found on the Puppet wiki.

(NB the anchor type in puppetstdlib does not propagate refresh events, so that the notify example above will fail. We have our own anchor type in puppet/modules/anchor, which fixes this bug.)

Process supervision

If you are starting a daemonised process, you should strive to create an Upstart script for it, so that it benefits from supervision (ie it will be restarted if it dies). There is more documentation available on the Infrastructure Wiki.

Nagios checks

When creating a service, it is desirable to also check that it is functioning correctly. Our standard for monitoring is Nagios. You can see more details of how to monitor a service with Nagios in the nagios Puppet module