This section provides a short description of remarks that have not been mentioned elsewhere in the project description.
At times, the sequence tagger found two-part locations in which only the I-LOC was the actual location as the B-LOC was not of relevance. After a careful examination of these few cases, we decided to not include them in the geocoding stage. An example of the issue is provided below:
raw lowercased col2 col3 type col5 group_id_column
0 Kirk-Kilioseh kirk-kilioseh UNKNOWN O I-LOC NaN NaN
raw lowercased col2 col3 type col5 group_id
0 Formosa formosa UNKNOWN O I-LOC NaN NaN <== first LOC starts with I
1 via via KNOWN O B-LOC NaN 1.0
2 Brindisi brindisi KNOWN O I-LOC NaN NaN
3 Mar mar KNOWN O B-LOC NaN 3.0
In the case of multi-name locations, the sequence tagger only tagged parts of it. Consider the example below:
Costa costa KNOWN O B-LOC
del del KNOWN O O
Pacifico pacifico KNOWN O B-LOC
Costa del Pacifico is classified as 'Costa' and 'Pacifico'.
The model was computed with a Bi-LSTM NER tagger (see Riedl and Pado' 2008). The results of the F1 score of sequence tagging for Italian models are:
accuracy: 98.15%; precision: 83.64%; recall: 82.14%; FB1: 82.88
GPE: precision: 83.90%; recall: 86.18%; FB1: 85.02 1174
LOC: precision: 69.70%; recall: 44.23%; FB1: 54.12 99
ORG: precision: 73.36%; recall: 73.08%; FB1: 73.22 1284
PER: precision: 89.78%; recall: 87.59%; FB1: 88.68 2320
Embeddings were computed using Italian Wikipedia that have been trained using Fastext with 300 dimensions (see
The newspapers in ChroniclItaly were digitized primarily from microfilm holdings. In addition to the well-known limitations for OCR processes such as unusual text styles or very small fonts, other limitations occur when dealing with old material, including markings on the pages or a general poor condition of the original text. Such limitations also apply to the OCR-generated searchable texts in ChroniclItaly which therefore contain errors. However, the OCR quality was found better in the most recent texts, perhaps due to a better conservation status or better initial condition of the originals which overall improved over the course of the nineteenth century. Therefore, the quality of the OCR data can vary greatly even within the same newspaper. The OCR error limitation can however be at least partially overcome in two ways: first, it is reasonable to assume that important concept words would have been repeated several times within an article thus increasing the likelihood that OCR read them correctly in at least some of the passages. Second, the geo-coding was restricted to place names that were referred to at least more than 8 times across the whole collection.
To improve the user experience of the GNM app, a number of methodological decisions were taken. For instance, adding all the categories of locations to the GNM App would have significantly decreased the quality of the visualisation. Therefore, one decision concerned determining the categories of locations to not add to the GNM App. These categories are:
- Natural features: locations identified by Google as
natural feature
such as lakes, mountains, rivers, oceans, etc.; - Continents and regional areas: locations such as the Balkans, Scandinavia, the Pacific coast, etc.;
- Historical places: places that were referred to in reference to an event such as Piave or Porto Arthur.
Another decision concerned the legend and the colour scheme. The colour scheme of the map reflects the number of newspapers' pages that include references to place names and not the absolute number of place names occurrences across the dataset. This decision was made to obtain a more homogenous coulor variation. When hovering over each place (e.g., country, city, region), a pop-up text displays the relevant details (i.e., absolute frequency, number of pages in which the place occurs, number of newspapars' titles, percentage).
Users have full access to the raw data so that they can always obtain information on frequency of occurrence, type of reference, etc.