The Pytorch implementation is real-esrgan.
- Input shape(INPUT_H, INPUT_W, INPUT_C) defined in real-esrgan.cpp
- GPU id(DEVICE) can be selected by the macro in real-esrgan.cpp
- BATCH_SIZE can be selected by the macro in real-esrgan.cpp
- FP16/FP32 can be selected by PRECISION_MODE in real-esrgan.cpp
- The example result can be visualized by VISUALIZATION.
- prepare test image
- download : OST_009.png
cd {tensorrtx}/real-esrgan/
mkdir sample
cp ~/Download/OST_009.png {tensorrtx}/real-esrgan/sample
- generate .wts from pytorch with .pt, or download .wts from model zoo
git clone
cd Real-ESRGAN
pip install basicsr
pip install facexlib
pip install gfpgan
pip install -r requirements.txt
python develop
// download
cp ~/RealESRGAN_x4plus.pth {xinntao}/Real-ESRGAN/experiments/pretrained_models
cp {tensorrtx}/Real-ESRGAN/ {xinntao}/Real-ESRGAN
cd {xinntao}/Real-ESRGAN
// a file 'real-esrgan.wts' will be generated.
- build tensorrtx/real-esrgan and run
cd {tensorrtx}/real-esrgan/
mkdir build
cd build
cp {xinntao}/Real-ESRGAN/real-esrgan.wts {tensorrtx}/real-esrgan/build
cmake ..
sudo ./real-esrgan -s [.wts] [.engine] // serialize model to plan file
sudo ./real-esrgan -d [.engine] [image folder] // deserialize and run inference, the images in [image folder] will be processed.
// For example
// sudo ./real-esrgan -s ./real-esrgan.wts ./real-esrgan_f32.engine
// sudo ./real-esrgan -d ./real-esrgan_f32.engine ../samples
- check the images generated, as follows. _OST_009.png