This project is my online resume, a static web page, serving simple html & css I wrote from scratch to keep it clean.
Using "aws-vault", which helps me manage AWS profiles and store credentials securely, and GitHub actions is using secrets for this during CI/CD.
Please see my blog post for a good read about this project.
You can visit my domain here which is the result of this project.
Any push to Main branch will trigger the GitHub actions I created which will:
- terraform init
- terraform apply (auto approve)
- S3 sync my website files (html & css)
- trigger Cypress tests which hit the API endpoint and validate the response (heartbeat check)
- S3 bucket hosts the website
- certificates and permissions configured in AWS Route53, ACM, Policies
- Cloudfront used to meet https requirement and cache control
- DynamoDB and Lambda function used to implement visitor counter.
- JS used to retreive counter value from API and display on site
- APIGateway used to implement API endpoint
All services were configured and provisioned by Terraform IaC code, from the beginning. I built 2 services in the AWS Console before realizing it would be better for my approach to do it all in IaC from the start.
Plenty of changes can be made, I will be adding GitHub Issues to the repo for the items I plan on refactoring.