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Jib - Containerize your Maven project

Jib is a Maven plugin for building Docker and OCI images for your Java applications.

For the Gradle plugin, see the jib-gradle-plugin project.

For information about the project, see the Jib project README.

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Table of Contents


You can containerize your application easily with one command:

mvn compile -Dimage=<MY IMAGE>

This builds and pushes a container image for your application to a container registry. If you encounter authentication issues, see Authentication Methods.

To build to a Docker daemon, use:

mvn compile

If you would like to set up Jib as part of your Maven build, follow the guide below.


In your Maven Java project, add the plugin to your pom.xml:



Configure the plugin by setting the image to push to:

Make sure you have the docker-credential-gcr command line tool. Jib automatically uses docker-credential-gcr for obtaining credentials. See Authentication Methods for other ways of authenticating.

For example, to build the image, the configuration would be:


Make sure you have the docker-credential-ecr-login command line tool. Jib automatically uses docker-credential-ecr-login for obtaining credentials. See Authentication Methods for other ways of authenticating.

For example, to build the image, the configuration would be:


Make sure you have a docker-credential-helper set up. For example, on macOS, the credential helper would be docker-credential-osxkeychain. See Authentication Methods for other ways of authenticating.

For example, to build the image my-docker-id/my-app, the configuration would be:


Make sure you have a docker-credential-helper set up. For example, on macOS, the credential helper would be docker-credential-osxkeychain. See Authentication Methods for other ways of authenticating.

For example, to build the image, the configuration would be:


Make sure you have a ACR Docker Credential Helper installed and set up. For example, on Windows, the credential helper would be docker-credential-acr-windows. See Authentication Methods for other ways of authenticating.

For example, to build the image, the configuration would be:


Build your image

Build your container image with:

mvn compile jib:build

Subsequent builds are much faster than the initial build.

Having trouble? Let us know by submitting an issue, contacting us on Gitter, or posting to the Jib users forum.

Build to Docker daemon

Jib can also build your image directly to a Docker daemon. This uses the docker command line tool and requires that you have docker available on your PATH.

mvn compile jib:dockerBuild

If you are using minikube's remote Docker daemon, make sure you set up the correct environment variables to point to the remote daemon:

eval $(minikube docker-env)
mvn compile jib:dockerBuild

Alternatively, you can set environment variables in the Jib configuration. See dockerClient for more configuration options.

Build an image tarball

You can build and save your image to disk as a tarball with:

mvn compile jib:buildTar

This builds and saves your image to target/jib-image.tar, which you can load into docker with:

docker load --input target/jib-image.tar

Bind to a lifecycle

You can also bind jib:build to a Maven lifecycle, such as package, by adding the following execution to your jib-maven-plugin definition:


Then, you can build your container image by running:

mvn package

Additional Build Artifacts

As part of an image build, Jib also writes out the image digest and the image ID. By default, these are written out to target/jib-image.digest and target/ respectively, but the locations can be configured using the <outputPaths><digest> and <outputPaths><imageId> configuration properties. See Extended Usage for more details.

Multi Module Projects

Special handling of project dependencies is recommended when building complex multi module projects. See Multi Module Example for detailed information.

Extended Usage

Extended configuration options provide additional options for customizing the image build.

Field Type Default Description
to to Required Configures the target image to build your application to.
from from See from Configures the base image to build your application on top of.
container container See container Configures the container that is run from your image.
extraDirectories extraDirectories See extraDirectories Configures the directories used to add arbitrary files to the image.
outputPaths outputPaths See outputPaths Configures the locations of additional build artifacts generated by Jib.
dockerClient dockerClient See dockerClient Configures Docker for building to/from the Docker daemon.
skaffold skaffold See skaffold Configures the internal skaffold goals. This configuration should only be used when integrating with skaffold.
containerizingMode string exploded If set to packaged, puts the JAR artifact built at ${}/${}.jar (the default location where many JAR-building plugins put a JAR registered as a main artifact, such as the Maven JAR Plugin) into the final image. If set to exploded (default), containerizes individual .class files and resources files.
allowInsecureRegistries boolean false If set to true, Jib ignores HTTPS certificate errors and may fall back to HTTP as a last resort. Leaving this parameter set to false is strongly recommended, since HTTP communication is unencrypted and visible to others on the network, and insecure HTTPS is no better than plain HTTP. If accessing a registry with a self-signed certificate, adding the certificate to your Java runtime's trusted keys may be an alternative to enabling this option.
skip boolean false If set to true, Jib execution is skipped (useful for multi-module projects). This can also be specified via the -Djib.skip command line option.

from is an object with the following properties:

Property Type Default Description
image string eclipse-temurin:{8,11,17,21}-jre (or jetty for WAR) The image reference for the base image. The source type can be specified using a special type prefix.
auth auth None Specifies credentials directly (alternative to credHelper).
credHelper string None Specifies a credential helper that can authenticate pulling the base image. This parameter can either be configured as an absolute path to the credential helper executable or as a credential helper suffix (following docker-credential-).
platforms list See platform Configures platforms of base images to select from a manifest list.

to is an object with the following properties:

Property Type Default Description
image string Required The image reference for the target image. This can also be specified via the -Dimage command line option. If the tag is not present here :latest is implied.
auth auth None Specifies credentials directly (alternative to credHelper).
credHelper string None Specifies a credential helper that can authenticate pushing the target image. This parameter can either be configured as an absolute path to the credential helper executable or as a credential helper suffix (following docker-credential-).
tags list None Additional tags to push to.

auth is an object with the following properties (see Using Specific Credentials):

Property Type
username string
password string

platform is an object with the following properties:

Property Type Default Description
architecture string amd64 The architecture of a base image to select from a manifest list.
os string linux The OS of a base image to select from a manifest list.

See How do I specify a platform in the manifest list (or OCI index) of a base image? for examples.

container is an object with the following properties:

Property Type Default Description
appRoot string /app The root directory on the container where the app's contents are placed. Particularly useful for WAR-packaging projects to work with different Servlet engine base images by designating where to put exploded WAR contents; see WAR usage as an example.
args list None Additional program arguments appended to the command to start the container (similar to Docker's CMD instruction in relation with ENTRYPOINT). In the default case where you do not set a custom entrypoint, this parameter is effectively the arguments to the main method of your Java application.
creationTime string EPOCH Sets the container creation time. (Note that this property does not affect the file modification times, which are configured using <filesModificationTime>.) The value can be EPOCH to set the timestamps to Epoch (default behavior), USE_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP to forgo reproducibility and use the real creation time, or an ISO 8601 date-time parsable with DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME such as 2019-07-15T10:15:30+09:00 or 2011-12-03T22:42:05Z.
entrypoint list None The command to start the container with (similar to Docker's ENTRYPOINT instruction). If set, then jvmFlags, mainClass, extraClasspath, and expandClasspathDependencies are ignored. You may also set <entrypoint>INHERIT</entrypoint> (<entrypoint><entry>INHERIT</entry></entrypoint> in old Maven versions) to indicate that the entrypoint and args should be inherited from the base image.*
environment map None Key-value pairs for setting environment variables on the container (similar to Docker's ENV instruction).
extraClasspath list None Additional paths in the container to prepend to the computed Java classpath.
expandClasspathDependencies boolean false
  • Java 8 or Jib < 3.1: When set to true, does not use a wildcard (for example, /app/lib/*) for dependency JARs in the default Java runtime classpath but instead enumerates the JARs. Has the effect of preserving the classpath loading order as defined by the Maven project.
  • Java >= 9 and Jib >= 3.1: The option has no effect. Jib always enumerates the dependency JARs. This is achieved by creating and using an argument file for the --class-path JVM argument.
filesModificationTime string EPOCH_PLUS_SECOND Sets the modification time (last modified time) of files in the image put by Jib. (Note that this does not set the image creation time, which can be set using <creationTime>.) The value should either be EPOCH_PLUS_SECOND to set the timestamps to Epoch + 1 second (default behavior), or an ISO 8601 date-time parsable with DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME such as 2019-07-15T10:15:30+09:00 or 2011-12-03T22:42:05Z.
format string Docker Use OCI to build an OCI container image.
jvmFlags list None Additional flags to pass into the JVM when running your application.
labels map None Key-value pairs for applying image metadata (similar to Docker's LABEL instruction).
mainClass string Inferred** The main class to launch the application from.
ports list None Ports that the container exposes at runtime (similar to Docker's EXPOSE instruction).
user string None The user and group to run the container as. The value can be a username or UID along with an optional groupname or GID. The following are all valid: user, uid, user:group, uid:gid, uid:group, user:gid.
volumes list None Specifies a list of mount points on the container.
workingDirectory string None The working directory in the container.

extraDirectories is an object with the following properties (see Adding Arbitrary Files to the Image):

Property Type Default Description
paths list [(project-dir)/src/main/jib] List of path objects and/or extra directory paths. Can be absolute or relative to the project root.
permissions list None Maps file paths (glob patterns) on container to Unix permissions. (Effective only for files added from extra directories.) If not configured, permissions default to "755" for directories and "644" for files. See Adding Arbitrary Files to the Image for an example.

path is an object with the following properties (see Adding Arbitrary Files to the Image):

Property Type Default Description
from file [(project-dir)/src/main/jib] The source directory. Can be absolute or relative to the project root.
into string / The absolute unix path on the container to copy the extra directory contents into.
includes list None Glob patterns for including files. See Adding Arbitrary Files to the Image for an example.
excludes list None Glob patterns for excluding files. See Adding Arbitrary Files to the Image for an example.

outputPaths is an object with the following properties:

Property Type Default Description
tar string (project-dir)/target/jib-image.tar The path of the tarball generated by jib:buildTar. Relative paths are resolved relative to the project root.
digest string (project-dir)/target/jib-image.digest The path of the image digest written out during the build. Relative paths are resolved relative to the project root.
imageId string (project-dir)/target/ The path of the image ID written out during the build. Relative paths are resolved relative to the project root.
imageJson string (project-dir)/target/jib-image.json The path of the image metadata json file written out during the build. Relative paths are resolved relative to the project root.

dockerClient is an object used to configure Docker when building to/from the Docker daemon. It has the following properties:

Property Type Default Description
executable string docker Sets the path to the Docker executable that is called to load the image into the Docker daemon. Please note: Users are responsible for ensuring that the Docker path passed in is valid and has the right permissions to be executed.
environment map None Sets environment variables used by the Docker executable.

System Properties

Each of these parameters is configurable via commandline using system properties. Jib's system properties follow the same naming convention as the configuration parameters, with each level separated by dots (i.e. -Djib.parameterName[.nestedParameter.[...]]=value). Some examples are below:

mvn compile jib:build \ \$USERNAME \$PASSWORD

mvn compile jib:dockerBuild \
    -Djib.dockerClient.executable=/path/to/docker \
    -Djib.container.environment=key1="value1",key2="value2" \

The following table contains additional system properties that are not available as build configuration parameters:

Property Type Default Description
jib.httpTimeout int 20000 HTTP connection/read timeout for registry interactions, in milliseconds. Use a value of 0 for an infinite timeout.
jib.useOnlyProjectCache boolean false If set to true, Jib does not share a cache between different Maven projects (i.e. jib.baseImageCache defaults to [project dir]/target/jib-cache instead of [user cache home]/google-cloud-tools-java/jib).
jib.baseImageCache string Platform-dependent*** Sets the directory to use for caching base image layers. This cache can (and should) be shared between multiple images.
jib.applicationCache string [project dir]/target/jib-cache Sets the directory to use for caching application layers. This cache can be shared between multiple images.
jib.console string None If set to plain, Jib will print plaintext log messages rather than display a progress bar during the build.

* If you configure args while entrypoint is set to 'INHERIT', the configured args value will take precedence over the CMD propagated from the base image.

** Uses the main class defined in the jar task or tries to find a valid main class.

*** The default base image cache is in the following locations on each platform:

  • Linux: [cache root]/google-cloud-tools-java/jib/, where [cache root] is $XDG_CACHE_HOME ($HOME/.cache/ if not set)
  • Mac: [cache root]/Google/Jib/, where [cache root] is $XDG_CACHE_HOME ($HOME/Library/Caches/ if not set)
  • Windows: [cache root]\Google\Jib\Cache, where [cache root] is %XDG_CACHE_HOME% (%LOCALAPPDATA% if not set)

Global Jib Configuration

Some options can be set in the global Jib configuration file. The file is at the following locations on each platform:

  • Linux: [config root]/google-cloud-tools-java/jib/config.json, where [config root] is $XDG_CONFIG_HOME ($HOME/.config/ if not set)
  • Mac: [config root]/Google/Jib/config.json, where [config root] is $XDG_CONFIG_HOME ($HOME/Library/Preferences/ if not set)
  • Windows: [config root]\Google\Jib\Config\config.json, where [config root] is %XDG_CONFIG_HOME% (%LOCALAPPDATA% if not set)


  • disableUpdateCheck: when set to true, disables the periodic up-to-date version check.
  • registryMirrors: a list of mirror settings for each base image registry. In the following example, if the base image configured in Jib is for a Docker Hub image, then, localhost:5000, and the Docker Hub ( are tried in order until Jib can successfully pull a base image.
  "disableUpdateCheck": false,
  "registryMirrors": [
      "registry": "",
      "mirrors": ["", "localhost:5000"]
      "registry": "",
      "mirrors": [""]

Note about it is not a Docker Hub mirror but a cache. It caches frequently-accessed public Docker Hub images, and it's often possible that your base image does not exist in In that case, Jib will have to fall back to use Docker Hub.


In this configuration, the image:

  • Is built from a base of openjdk:alpine (pulled from Docker Hub)
  • Is pushed to localhost:5000/my-image:built-with-jib, localhost:5000/my-image:tag2, and localhost:5000/my-image:latest
  • Runs by calling java -Xms512m -Xdebug -cp app/libs/*:app/resources:app/classes mypackage.MyApp some args
  • Exposes port 1000 for tcp (default), and ports 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003 for udp
  • Has two labels (key1:value1 and key2:value2)
  • Is built as OCI format

Setting the Base Image

There are three different types of base images that Jib accepts: an image from a container registry, an image stored in the Docker daemon, or an image tarball on the local filesystem. You can specify which you would like to use by prepending the <from><image> configuration with a special prefix, listed below:

Prefix Example Type
None openjdk:11-jre Pulls the base image from a registry.
registry:// registry://eclipse-temurin:11-jre Pulls the base image from a registry.
docker:// docker://busybox Retrieves the base image from the Docker daemon.
tar:// tar:///path/to/file.tar Uses an image tarball stored at the specified path as the base image. Also accepts relative paths (e.g. tar://target/jib-image.tar).

Adding Arbitrary Files to the Image

You can add arbitrary, non-classpath files to the image by placing them in a src/main/jib directory. This will copy all files within the jib folder to the target directory (/ by default) in the image, maintaining the same structure (e.g. if you have a text file at src/main/jib/dir/hello.txt, then your image will contain /dir/hello.txt after being built with Jib).

Note that Jib does not follow symbolic links in the container image. If a symbolic link is present, it will be removed prior to placing the files and directories.

You can configure different directories by using the <extraDirectories> parameter in your pom.xml:

  <!-- Copies files from 'src/main/custom-extra-dir' and '/home/user/jib-extras' instead of 'src/main/jib' -->
      <!-- Copies from 'src/main/custom-extra-dir' into '/' on the container. -->
      <!-- Copies from '/home/user/jib-extras' into '/extras' on the container -->

Alternatively, the <extraDirectories> parameter can be used as an object to set custom extra directories, as well as the extra files' permissions on the container:

    <paths>src/main/custom-extra-dir</paths> <!-- Copies files from 'src/main/custom-extra-dir' -->
        <mode>755</mode> <!-- Read/write/execute for owner, read/execute for group/other -->
        <mode>644</mode> <!-- Read/write for owner, read-only for group/other -->

You may also specify the target of the copy and include or exclude files:

        // copies the contents of 'src/main/extra-dir' into '/' on the container
        // copies the contents of 'src/main/another/dir' into '/extras' on the container
        // copies a single-file.xml
        // copies only .txt files except for 'hidden.txt' at the source root

Authentication Methods

Pushing/pulling from private registries require authorization credentials.

Using Docker configuration files

  • Jib looks from credentials from $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/containers/auth.json, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/containers/auth.json, $HOME/.config/containers/auth.json, $DOCKER_CONFIG/config.json, and $HOME/.docker/config.json.

See this issue and man containers-auth.json for more information about the files.

Using Docker Credential Helpers

Docker credential helpers are CLI tools that handle authentication with various registries.

Some common credential helpers include:

Configure credential helpers to use by specifying them as a credHelper for their respective image.

Example configuration:


Using Specific Credentials

You can specify credentials directly in the <auth> parameter for the from and/or to images. In the example below, to credentials are retrieved from the REGISTRY_USERNAME and REGISTRY_PASSWORD environment variables.


Alternatively, you can specify credentials via commandline using the following system properties.

Property Description
-Djib.from.auth.username Username for base image registry.
-Djib.from.auth.password Password for base image registry. Username for target image registry. Password for target image registry.

e.g. mvn compile jib:build

Note: This method of authentication should be used only as a last resort, as it is insecure to make your password visible in plain text. Note that often cloud registries (for example, Google GCR, Amazon ECR, and Azure ACR) do not accept "user credentials" (such as Gmail account name and password) but require different forms of credentials. For example, you may use oauth2accesstoken or _json_key as the username for GCR, and AWS for ECR. For ACR, you may use a service principle.

Using Maven Settings

Registry credentials can be added to your Maven settings. These credentials will be used if credentials could not be found in any specified Docker credential helpers.

If you're considering putting credentials in Maven, we highly recommend using maven password encryption.

Example settings.xml:

  • The id field should be the registry server these credentials are for.
  • We do not recommend putting your raw password in settings.xml.

Custom Container Entrypoint

If you don't set <container><entrypoint>, the default container entrypoint to launch your app will be basically java -cp <runtime classpath> <app main class>. (The final java command can be further configured by setting <container>{<jvmFlags>|<args>|<extraClasspath>|<mainClass>|<expandClasspathDependencies>}.)

Sometimes, you'll want to set a custom entrypoint to use a shell to wrap the java command. For example, to let sh or bash expand environment variables, or to have more sophisticated logic to construct a launch command. (Note, however, that running a command with a shell forks a new child process unless you run it with exec like sh -c "exec java ...". Whether to run the JVM process as PID 1 or a child process of a PID-1 shell is a decision you should make carefully.) In this scenario, you will want to have a way inside a shell script to reliably know the default runtime classpath and the main class that Jib would use by default. To help this, Jib >= 3.1 creates two JVM argument files under /app (the default app root) inside the built image.

  • /app/jib-classpath-file: runtime classpath that Jib would use for default app launch
  • /app/jib-main-class-file: main class

Therefore, for example, the following commands will be able to launch your app:

  • (Java 9+) java -cp @/app/jib-classpath-file @/app/jib-main-class-file
  • (with shell) java -cp $( cat /app/jib-classpath-file ) $( cat /app/jib-main-class-file )

Jib Extensions

The Jib build plugins have an extension framework that enables anyone to easily extend Jib's behavior to their needs. We maintain select first-party plugins for popular use cases like fine-grained layer control, builds a GraalVM native image, and Quarkus support, but anyone can write and publish an extension. Check out the jib-extensions repository for more information.

WAR Projects

Jib also containerizes WAR projects. If the Maven project uses the war-packaging type, Jib will by default use jetty as a base image to deploy the project WAR. No extra configuration is necessary other than having the packaging type to war.

Note that Jib will work slightly differently for WAR projects from JAR projects:

  • <container><mainClass> and <container><jvmFlags> are ignored.
  • The WAR will be exploded into /var/lib/jetty/webapps/ROOT, which is the expected WAR location for the Jetty base image.

To use a different Servlet engine base image, you can customize <container><appRoot>, <container><entrypoint>, and <container><args>. If you do not set entrypoint or args, Jib will inherit the ENTRYPOINT and CMD of the base image, so in many cases, you may not need to configure them. However, you will most likely have to set <container><appRoot> to a proper location depending on the base image. Here is an example of using a Tomcat image:

      For demonstration only: this directory in the base image contains a Tomcat default
      app (welcome page), so you may first want to delete this directory in the base image.

When specifying a jetty image yourself with <from><image>, you may run into an issue (#3204) and need to override the entrypoint.


Skaffold Integration

Jib is an included builder in Skaffold. Jib passes build information to skaffold through special internal goals so that skaffold understands when it should rebuild or synchronize files. For complex builds, the defaults may not be sufficient, so the jib plugin provides a skaffold configuration object which exposes:

Field Type Default Description
watch watch None Additional configuration for file watching
sync sync None Additional configuration for file synchronization

watch is an object with the following properties:

Field Type Default Description
buildIncludes List<String> None Additional build files that skaffold should watch
includes List<String> None Additional project files or directories that skaffold should watch
excludes List<String> None Files and directories that skaffold should not watch

sync is an object with the following properties:

Field Type Default Description
excludes List<String> None Files and directories that skaffold should not sync

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See the Jib project README.


This is not an officially supported Google product.