diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 4b58ce9..a2f2026 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -95,7 +95,10 @@ From here, the application can now be tested by Preparing the Topology ---------------------- -* Create a topology table. Refer to pgRouting's Documentations on the __pgr_createTopology__ function. It is also possible to use Osm2Po to create a topology table using OSM pbf data files. Also refer to the Osm2Po documentations on topology creation. +* Create a topology table. Refer to pgRouting's Documentations on the __pgr_createTopology__ function. + + +* It is also possible to use OSM2PO to create a topology table using OSM pbf data files. Refer to this [pgrServer WIKI](https://github.com/mbasa/pgrServer/wiki/Importing-Data-Using-Osm2Po) for more information on how to use OSM2PO to create topologies for pgrServer. * Ensure that there is an index on an __unique id__ field, an index on the __source__ field, an index on the __target__ field, and a spatial index on the __geometry__ field of the topology table.