This is an unofficial Python3 wrapper for the Binance Chain API. I am in no way affiliated with Binance, use at your own risk.
- PyPi
- Source code
- Support for Testnet and Production environments, along with user defined environment
- HTTP API sync and async implementations
- Async Websockets with auto-reconnection and backoff retry algorithm
- HTTP RPC Node sync and async implementations
- Advanced async Pooled HTTP RPC Node client spreading requests over available peers
- Async Node RPC Websockets with auto-reconnection and backoff retry algorithm
- Wallet creation from private key or mnemonic or new wallet with random mnemonic
- Wallet handling account sequence for transactions
- Broadcast Transactions over HTTP and RPC with helper classes for limit buy and sell
- Sign transactions and use the signed message how you want
- Ledger hardware wallet device (Ledger Blue, Nano S & Nano X) support for signing messages
- Async Depth Cache to keep a copy of the order book locally
- Signing Service Support for binance-chain-signing-service
- Support for HTTP and HTTPS proxies and to override Requests and AioHTTP settings
- UltraJson the ultra fast JSON parsing library for efficient message handling
- Strong Python3 typing to reduce errors
- pytest test suite
- Response exception handling
Read the Changelog
pip install python-binance-chain
If having issues with secp256k1 check the Installation instructions for the sec256k1-py library
If using the production server there is no need to pass the environment variable.
from binance_chain.http import HttpApiClient
from binance_chain.constants import KlineInterval
from binance_chain.environment import BinanceEnvironment
# initialise with Testnet environment
testnet_env = BinanceEnvironment.get_testnet_env()
client = HttpApiClient(env=testnet_env)
# Alternatively pass no env to get production
prod_client = HttpApiClient()
# connect client to different URL using custom environments, see below
# get node time
time = client.get_time()
# get node info
node_info = client.get_node_info()
# get validators
validators = client.get_validators()
# get peers
peers = client.get_peers()
# get account
account = client.get_account('tbnb185tqzq3j6y7yep85lncaz9qeectjxqe5054cgn')
# get account sequence
account_seq = client.get_account_sequence('tbnb185tqzq3j6y7yep85lncaz9qeectjxqe5054cgn')
# get markets
markets = client.get_markets()
# get fees
fees = client.get_fees()
# get order book
order_book = client.get_order_book('NNB-0AD_BNB')
# get klines
klines = client.get_klines('NNB-338_BNB', KlineInterval.ONE_DAY)
# get closed orders
closed_orders = client.get_closed_orders('tbnb185tqzq3j6y7yep85lncaz9qeectjxqe5054cgn')
# get open orders
open_orders = client.get_open_orders('tbnb185tqzq3j6y7yep85lncaz9qeectjxqe5054cgn')
# get ticker
ticker = client.get_ticker('NNB-0AD_BNB')
# get trades
trades = client.get_trades(limit=2)
# get order
order = client.get_order('9D0537108883C68B8F43811B780327CE97D8E01D-2')
# get trades
trades = client.get_trades()
# get transactions
transactions = client.get_transactions(address='tbnb1n5znwyygs0rghr6rsydhsqe8e6ta3cqatucsqp')
# get transaction
transaction = client.get_transaction('95DD6921370D74D0459590268B439F3DD49F6B1D090121AFE4B2183C040236F3')
See API docs for more information.
An implementation of the HTTP Client above using aiohttp instead of requests
Use the async create classmethod to initialise an instance of the class.
All methods are otherwise the same as the HttpApiClient
from binance_chain.http import AsyncHttpApiClient
from binance_chain.environment import BinanceEnvironment
import asyncio
loop = None
async def main():
global loop
env = BinanceEnvironment.get_testnet_env()
# initialise the class using the classmethod
client = await AsyncHttpApiClient.create(env)
wallet = Wallet(private_key=priv_key, env=env)
print(json.dumps(await client.get_time(), indent=2))
while True:
print("doing a sleep")
await asyncio.sleep(20, loop=loop)
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Binance Chain offers a Production system and Testnet.
If using the Production system there is no need to pass an environment as this is the default.
To create and use the Testnet environment is as easy as
from binance_chain.environment import BinanceEnvironment
# initialise with Testnet environment
testnet_env = BinanceEnvironment.get_testnet_env()
You may also create your own custom environments, this may be useful such as connecting to a Node RPC client
from binance_chain.environment import BinanceEnvironment
# create custom environment
my_env = BinanceEnvironment(api_url="<api_url>", wss_url="<wss_url>", hrp="<hrp>")
See API docs for more information.
See API docs for more information.
The wallet is required if you want to place orders, transfer funds or freeze and unfreeze tokens.
You may also use the Ledger Wallet class to utilise your Ledger Hardware Wallet for signing.
It can be initialised with your private key or your mnemonic phrase.
You can additionally provide BIP39 passphrase and derived wallet id.
Note that the BinanceEnvironment used for the wallet must match that of the HttpApiClient, testnet addresses will not work on the production system.
The Wallet class can also create a new account for you by calling the Wallet.create_random_wallet() function, see examples below
Initialise from Private Key
from binance_chain.wallet import Wallet
from binance_chain.environment import BinanceEnvironment
testnet_env = BinanceEnvironment.get_testnet_env()
wallet = Wallet('private_key_string', env=testnet_env)
Initialise from Mnemonic
from binance_chain.wallet import Wallet
from binance_chain.environment import BinanceEnvironment
testnet_env = BinanceEnvironment.get_testnet_env()
wallet = Wallet.create_wallet_from_mnemonic('mnemonic word string',
passphrase='optional passphrase',
Initialise by generating a random Mneomonic
from binance_chain.wallet import Wallet
from binance_chain.environment import BinanceEnvironment
testnet_env = BinanceEnvironment.get_testnet_env(, env=testnet_env)
wallet = Wallet.create_random_wallet(env=env)
See API docs for more information.
Requires a Wallet to have been created.
The Wallet will increment the request sequence when broadcasting messages through the HttpApiClient.
If the sequence gets out of sync call wallet.reload_account_sequence(client), where client is an instance of HttpApiClient.
Place Order
General case
from binance_chain.http import HttpApiClient
from binance_chain.messages import NewOrderMsg
from binance_chain.wallet import Wallet
from binance_chain.constants import TimeInForce, OrderSide, OrderType
from decimal import Decimal
wallet = Wallet('private_key_string')
client = HttpApiClient()
# construct the message
new_order_msg = NewOrderMsg(
# then broadcast it
res = client.broadcast_msg(new_order_msg, sync=True)
Limit Order Buy
from binance_chain.messages import LimitOrderBuyMsg
limit_order_msg = LimitOrderBuyMsg(
Limit Order Sell
from binance_chain.messages import LimitOrderSellMsg
limit_order_msg = LimitOrderSellMsg(
Cancel Order
from binance_chain.http import HttpApiClient
from binance_chain.messages import CancelOrderMsg
from binance_chain.wallet import Wallet
wallet = Wallet('private_key_string')
client = HttpApiClient()
# construct the message
cancel_order_msg = CancelOrderMsg(
# then broadcast it
res = client.broadcast_msg(cancel_order_msg, sync=True)
Freeze Tokens
from binance_chain.http import HttpApiClient
from binance_chain.messages import FreezeMsg
from binance_chain.wallet import Wallet
from decimal import Decimal
wallet = Wallet('private_key_string')
client = HttpApiClient()
# construct the message
freeze_msg = FreezeMsg(
# then broadcast it
res = client.broadcast_msg(freeze_msg, sync=True)
Unfreeze Tokens
from binance_chain.http import HttpApiClient
from binance_chain.messages import UnFreezeMsg
from binance_chain.wallet import Wallet
from decimal import Decimal
wallet = Wallet('private_key_string')
client = HttpApiClient()
# construct the message
unfreeze_msg = UnFreezeMsg(
# then broadcast it
res = client.broadcast_msg(unfreeze_msg, sync=True)
Transfer Tokens
from binance_chain.http import HttpApiClient
from binance_chain.messages import TransferMsg
from binance_chain.wallet import Wallet
wallet = Wallet('private_key_string')
client = HttpApiClient()
transfer_msg = TransferMsg(
to_address='<to address>',
memo='Thanks for the beer'
res = client.broadcast_msg(transfer_msg, sync=True)
Transfer Multiple Tokens
from binance_chain.http import HttpApiClient
from binance_chain.messages import TransferMsg, Transfer
from binance_chain.wallet import Wallet
wallet = Wallet('private_key_string')
client = HttpApiClient()
multi_transfer_msg = TransferMsg(
Transfer(symbol='ETH.B', amount=1),
Transfer(symbol='BNB', amount=1),
to_address='<to address>',
memo='Thanks for the beer'
res = client.broadcast_msg(multi_transfer_msg, sync=True)
Vote for proposal
from binance_chain.http import HttpApiClient
from binance_chain.messages import VoteMsg
from binance_chain.wallet import Wallet
from binance_chain.constants import VoteOption
wallet = Wallet('private_key_string')
client = HttpApiClient()
vote_msg = VoteMsg(
res = client.broadcast_msg(vote_msg, sync=True)
If you want to simply sign a transaction you can do that as well.
This is a transfer example
from binance_chain.messages import TransferMsg, Signature
from binance_chain.wallet import Wallet
wallet = Wallet('private_key_string')
transfer_msg = TransferMsg(
to_address='<to address>'
signed_msg = Signature(transfer_msg).sign()
See API docs for more information.
import asyncio
from binance_chain.websockets import BinanceChainSocketManager
from binance_chain.environment import BinanceEnvironment
testnet_env = BinanceEnvironment.get_testnet_env()
address = 'tbnb...'
loop = None
async def main():
global loop
async def handle_evt(msg):
"""Function to handle websocket messages
# connect to testnet env
bcsm = await BinanceChainSocketManager.create(loop, handle_evt, address, env=testnet_env)
# subscribe to relevant endpoints
await bcsm.subscribe_orders(address)
await bcsm.subscribe_market_depth(["FCT-B60_BNB", "0KI-0AF_BNB"])
await bcsm.subscribe_market_delta(["FCT-B60_BNB", "0KI-0AF_BNB"])
await bcsm.subscribe_trades(["FCT-B60_BNB", "0KI-0AF_BNB"])
await bcsm.subscribe_ticker(["FCT-B60_BNB", "0KI-0AF_BNB"])
while True:
print("sleeping to keep loop open")
await asyncio.sleep(20, loop=loop)
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# with an existing BinanceChainSocketManager instance
await bcsm.unsubscribe_orders()
# can unsubscribe from a particular symbol, after subscribing to multiple
await bcsm.subscribe_market_depth(["0KI-0AF_BNB"])
Close Connection
# with an existing BinanceChainSocketManager instance
await bcsm.close_connection()
See API docs for more information.
The binance_chain.http.HttpApiClient has a helper function get_node_peers() which returns a list of peers with Node RPC functionality
from binance_chain.http import HttpApiClient, PeerType
from binance_chain.node_rpc import HttpRpcClient
httpapiclient = HttpApiClient()
# get a peer that support node requests
peers = httpapiclient.get_node_peers()
listen_addr = peers[0]['listen_addr']
# connect to this peer
rpc_client = HttpRpcClient(listen_addr)
# test some endpoints
abci_info = rpc_client.get_abci_info()
consensus_state = rpc_client.dump_consensus_state()
genesis = rpc_client.get_genesis()
net_info = rpc_client.get_net_info()
num_unconfirmed_txs = rpc_client.get_num_unconfirmed_txs()
status = rpc_client.get_status()
health = rpc_client.get_health()
unconfirmed_txs = rpc_client.get_unconfirmed_txs()
validators = rpc_client.get_validators()
block_height = rpc_client.get_block_height(10)
An aiohttp implementation of the Node RPC HTTP API.
Use the async create classmethod to initialise an instance of the class.
All methods are the same as the binance_chain.node_rpc.http.HttpRpcClient.
from binance_chain.node_rpc.http import AsyncHttpRpcClient
from binance_chain.http import AsyncHttpApiClient, PeerType
from binance_chain.environment import BinanceEnvironment
import asyncio
loop = None
async def main():
global loop
testnet_env = BinanceEnvironment.get_testnet_env()
# create the client using the classmethod
http_client = await AsyncHttpApiClient.create(env=testnet_env)
peers = await http_client.get_node_peers()
listen_addr = peers[0]['listen_addr']
rcp_client = await AsyncHttpRpcClient.create(listen_addr)
print(json.dumps(await rcp_client.get_abci_info(), indent=2))
while True:
print("doing a sleep")
await asyncio.sleep(20, loop=loop)
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Requires a Wallet to have been created
The Wallet will increment the request sequence when broadcasting messages through the HttpApiClient.
If the sequence gets out of sync call wallet.reload_account_sequence(client), where client is an instance of HttpApiClient.
Place Order
from binance_chain.node_rpc import HttpRpcClient
from binance_chain.messages import LimitOrderBuyMsg
from binance_chain.wallet import Wallet
from binance_chain.constants import RpcBroadcastRequestType
wallet = Wallet('private_key_string')
rpc_client = HttpRpcClient(listen_addr)
limit_order_msg = LimitOrderBuyMsg(
# then broadcast it, by default in synchronous mode
res = rpc_client.broadcast_msg(limit_order_msg)
# alternative async request
res = rpc_client.broadcast_msg(new_order_msg, request_type=RpcBroadcastRequestType.ASYNC)
# or commit request
res = rpc_client.broadcast_msg(new_order_msg, request_type=RpcBroadcastRequestType.COMMIT)
Other messages can be constructed similar to examples above
This client connects to all available peer nodes in the network and spreads requests across them.
This helps reduce API rate limit errors.
The interface is the same as the above HttpRpcClient and AsyncHttpRpcClient classes for consistency.
Requests can be sent using asyncio gather note to check the number of clients connected to and not exceed that amount
import asyncio
from binance_chain.node_rpc.pooled_client import PooledRpcClient
async def main():
# initialise the client, default production environment
client = await PooledRpcClient.create()
# optionally include an environment
testnet_env = BinanceEnvironment.get_testnet_env()
client = await PooledRpcClient.create(env=testnet_env)
# show the number of peers connected with the num_peers property
print(f"Connected to {client.num_peers} peers")
# requests can be send in bulk using asyncio gather
for i in range(0, 5):
res = await asyncio.gather(
print(f'{i}: {res}')
print(await client.get_block(1000))
print(await client.get_blockchain_info(1000, 2000))
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
To keep the peer connections up to date you may re-initialise the list of peers by calling the initialise_peers function
See API docs for more information.
For subscribe query examples see the documentation here
import asyncio
from binance_chain.http import HttpApiClient
from binance_chain.environment import BinanceEnvironment
from binance_chain.node_rpc.websockets import WebsocketRpcClient
loop = None
async def main():
global loop
async def handle_evt(msg):
# find node peers on testnet
testnet_env = BinanceEnvironment.get_testnet_env()
client = HttpApiClient(testnet_env)
peers = client.get_node_peers()
# construct websocket listen address - may not be correct
listen_addr = re.sub(r"^https?:\/\/", "tcp://", peers[0]['listen_addr'])
# create custom environment for RPC Websocket
node_env = BinanceEnvironment(
wrc = await WebsocketRpcClient.create(loop, handle_evt, env=node_env)
await wrc.subscribe("tm.event = 'NewBlock'")
await wrc.abci_info()
while True:
print("sleeping to keep loop open")
await asyncio.sleep(20, loop=loop)
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# with an existing WebsocketRpcClient instance
await wrc.unsubscribe("tm.event = 'NewBlock'")
Unsubscribe All
# with an existing WebsocketRpcClient instance
await wrc.unsubscribe_all()
Follow the order book for a specified trading pair.
Note: This may not be 100% reliable as the response info available from Binance Chain may not always match up
from binance_chain.depthcache import DepthCacheManager
from binance_chain.environment import BinanceEnvironment
from binance_chain.http import HttpApiClient
dcm = None
loop = None
async def main():
global dcm1, loop
async def process_depth(depth_cache):
print("symbol {}".format(depth_cache.symbol))
print("1: top 5 asks")
print("1: top 5 bids")
env = BinanceEnvironment.get_testnet_env()
client = HttpApiClient(env=env)
dcm = await DepthCacheManager.create(client, loop, "100K-9BC_BNB", process_depth, env=env)
while True:
print("doing a sleep")
await asyncio.sleep(20, loop=loop)
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
A Service to sign and optionally also broadcast messages for you.
The service holds the private keys of the accounts and supplies a username and password to interact with these accounts.
This client re-uses the binance_chain.messages types. In this case no wallet parameter is required.
This client interacts with the binance-chain-signing-service read the docs there to create our own signing service.
Signing and then broadcasting
from binance_chain.messages import NewOrderMsg
from binance_chain.signing.http import HttpApiSigningClient
from binance_chain.constants import TimeInForce, OrderSide, OrderType
signing_client = HttpApiSigningClient('http://localhost:8000', username='sam', password='mypass')
# print(client.signing_service_auth())
new_order_msg = NewOrderMsg(
new_order_hex = signing_client.sign_order(new_order_msg, wallet_name='wallet_1')
the sign_order method can also take a binance_chain.messages.LimitOrderBuyMsg or binance_chain.messages.LimitOrderSellMsg instance.
This hex can then be broadcast using the normal HTTP Client like so
from binance_chain.http import HttpApiClient
from binance_chain.environment import BinanceEnvironment
# initialise with environment that is supported by the signing service wallet
testnet_env = BinanceEnvironment.get_testnet_env()
client = HttpApiClient(env=testnet_env)
res = client.broadcast_hex_msg(new_order_hex['signed_msg'], sync=True)
The signing service supports binance_chain.messages types NewOrderMsg, CancelOrderMsg, FreezeMsg, UnFreezeMsg and TransferMsg
Signing and broadcasting in one
To sign and broadcast an order use the broadcast_order method. This returns the response from the Binance Chain exchange.
from binance_chain.messages import NewOrderMsg
from binance_chain.signing.http import HttpApiSigningClient
from binance_chain.constants import TimeInForce, OrderSide, OrderType
signing_client = HttpApiSigningClient('http://localhost:8000', username='sam', password='mypass')
# print(client.signing_service_auth())
new_order_msg = NewOrderMsg(
res = signing_client.broadcast_order(new_order_msg, wallet_name='wallet_1')
Like all other libraries there is an async version.
from binance_chain.signing.http import AsyncHttpApiSigningClient
from binance_chain.http import AsyncHttpApiClient, PeerType
from binance_chain.environment import BinanceEnvironment
from binance_chain.constants import TimeInForce, OrderSide, OrderType
import asyncio
loop = None
async def main():
global loop
# create the client using the classmethod
signing_client = await AsyncHttpApiSigningClient.create('http://localhost:8000', username='sam', password='mypass')
new_order_msg = NewOrderMsg(
# simply sign the message
sign_res = await signing_client.sign_order(new_order_msg, wallet_name='wallet_1')
# or broadcast it as well
broadcast_res = await signing_client.broadcast_order(new_order_msg, wallet_name='wallet_1')
print(json.dumps(await rcp_client.get_abci_info(), indent=2))
while True:
print("doing a sleep")
await asyncio.sleep(20, loop=loop)
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Sign transactions with your Ledger wallet, supports Ledger Blue, Nano S and Nano X.
Make sure you have registered on Binance Chain with your Ledger address.
Make sure that you have connected your Ledger and are in the Binance Chain app.
Install python-binance-chain with this optional library like so pip install python-binance-chain[ledger]
Uses the btchip-python library if having issues installing check their github page
from binance_chain.ledger import getDongle, LedgerApp, LedgerWallet
from binance_chain.environment import BinanceEnvironment
dongle = getDongle(debug=True)
testnet_env = BinanceEnvironment.get_testnet_env()
app = LedgerApp(dongle, env=testnet_env)
# get the Ledger Binance app version
# Show your address on the Ledger
# Get your address and public key from the Ledger
# Get your public key from the Ledger
Create a Wallet to use with the HTTP and Node RPC clients
# this will prompt you on your Ledger to confirm the address you want to use
wallet = LedgerWallet(app, env=testnet_env)
# now create messages and sign them with this wallet
from binance_chain.http import HttpApiClient
from binance_chain.messages import NewOrderMsg, OrderType, OrderSide, TimeInForce
client = HttpApiClient(env=testnet_env)
new_order_msg = NewOrderMsg(
new_order_res = client.broadcast_msg(new_order_msg, sync=True)
python-binance-chain uses requests and aiohttp libraries.
You can set custom requests parameters for all API calls when creating any of the http clients.
client = HttpApiClient(request_params={"verify": False, "timeout": 20})
Check out either the requests documentation or aiohttp documentation for all options.
Proxy Settings
You can use the settings method above
proxies = {
'http': '',
'https': ''
# in the Client instantiation
client = HttpApiClient(request_params={'proxies': proxies})
Or set an environment variable for your proxy if required to work across all requests.
An example for Linux environments from the requests Proxies documentation is as follows.
$ export HTTP_PROXY=""
$ export HTTPS_PROXY=""
For Windows environments
git clone
cd python-binance-chain
pip install -r test-requirements.txt
python -m pytest tests/
If this library helped you out feel free to donate.
- ETH: 0xD7a7fDdCfA687073d7cC93E9E51829a727f9fE70
- NEO: AVJB4ZgN7VgSUtArCt94y7ZYT6d5NDfpBo
- LTC: LPC5vw9ajR1YndE1hYVeo3kJ9LdHjcRCUZ
- BTC: 1Dknp6L6oRZrHDECRedihPzx2sSfmvEBys
Sipa <> for python reference implementation for Bech32 and segwit addresses
If you use Binance check out my python-binance library.
If you use Kucoin check out my python-kucoin library.
If you use IDEX check out my python-idex library.