My openbox theme dotfiles themes.
UPDATE Feb 19, 2021: Because i moved to Arch Linux yesterday, so i'll update dependencies to match arch's repo & AUR soon™
- xclip
- dunst
- neofetch
- openbox
- qt5ct
- rofi
- tint2
- ncmpcpp
- mpd
- mpc
- oh-my-zsh
- neovim
- urxvt
- brightnessctl
- thunar
- feh
- gsimplecal
- playerctl
- lxsession
- lxappearance
- lightdm
- lihtdm-webkit2-greeter
- light-lock
- polybar
- dmenu/networkmanager_dmenu
- python2
- obmenu-generator(AUR only) (probably discontinued, use
instead) - picom (Focal's PPA, if you using 20.10 you can install this from Apt)
- pamixer (Focal's PPA)
- Login Manager LightDM Webkit Theme
- Bibata Cursor Theme (Github Repo)
- pulsemixer (Arch Repo / Ubuntu Repo)
- Install all the dependencies
- Copy all files into your home folder (
) - Refresh font cache using
fc-cache -f -v
- Logout and start openbox session
- Have fun!
Shirin's base theme (Communautique)
- Adding install script for arch
- Update install script for ubuntu-based