The key idea: do everything by composing functions
- no mutable state
- no side effects
- (no fun, IMHO)
- 1st class and high-order functions: functions can be denoted, passed as argument to other functions and returned as result
- Recursion instead of iteration
- Powerful list facilities
- Polimorphism: universal parametric implicit
- Data structures cannot be modified, them must be recreated
Meta-language. Includes: Standard ML, Caml, OCaml, F#.
- Type safe, with type inference and formal semantics
- Both compiled and interactive use
- Expression-oriented
- Higher order functions
- Anonymous functions: lambda
- Abstract data types
- Garbage collector
- Module system
- Exceptions
- Impure: allows side-effects
- Type checking and type inference (cast not allowed)
- Polymorphism: implicit parametric and ad hoc (overloading)
- Lazy evaluation
- Tail recursion and continuations
- Purely functional
- Variables are bound to expression, without evaluating them (lazy evaluation, functions don't evaluate its arguments until them are needed)
- Basic types
- Unit
- Boolean
- Integer
- Real
- Character
- String
- Tuple
- List
- Record
- Patterns
- Declarations
- Functions
- Polymorphism
- Type declarations
- Type Classes
- Monads
- Exceptions
Functions and data constructors don’t evaluate their arguments until they need them.
In several languages there are forms of lazy evaluation (if-then-else, shortcutting &&
and ||
An occurrence of x is free in a term t if it is not in the body of an abstraction λx. t, otherwise it is bound. λx is a binder.
Example: in λx.λy.λz.(x+z)
x and z are bound, y is free.
(λx.t) t' = t[t'/x]
f(x,y) = <exp>
≡ f = λx.λy.<exp>
- Applicative order evaluation: parameter are evaluated before applying the function (eager evaluation, parameter passed by value).
- Normal order evaluation: functions evaluated first, arguments if and when needed (parameter passed by name)
- in
- in/out
- out
- value (in)
- need (in): copy as an expression, evaluated the first time is needed.
- name (in + out): same of call by need, but the parameter is evaluated every time (substitution in the body)
- reference (in + out)
- sharing (in/out): the value is copied, but the value is a reference. Is the same of the call by value, but in the reference model.
- result (out)
- value/result (in + out)
- Value copy the value into the variable (copy of data)
- Reference copy the reference to the value into the variable (shared data)
- Reference to x: address of the cell in which is stored x
- Pointer to x: location containing the address (reference) of x