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Spanner Autoscaler

actions-workflow-test release license

Spanner Autoscaler is a Kubernetes Operator to scale Google Cloud Spanner automatically based on Cloud Spanner Instance CPU utilization like Horizontal Pod Autoscaler.


Cloud Spanner is scalable. When CPU utilization becomes high, we can reduce it by increasing compute capacity.

Spanner Autoscaler is created to reconcile Cloud Spanner compute capacity like Horizontal Pod Autoscaler by configuring a compute capacity range and targetCPUUtilization.

When CPU Utilization(High Priority) is above (or below) targetCPUUtilization, Spanner Autoscaler tries to bring it back to the threshold by calculating desired compute capacity and then increasing (or decreasing) compute capacity.

The pricing of Cloud Spanner states that any compute capacity which is provisioned will be billed for a minimum of one hour, so Spanner Autoscaler maintains the increased compute capacity for about an hour. Spanner Autoscaler has --scale-down-interval flag (default: 55min) for achieving this.

While scaling down, removing large amounts of compute capacity at once (like 10000 PU -> 1000 PU) can cause a latency increase. Therefore, Spanner Autoscaler decreases the compute capacity in steps to avoid such large disruptions. This step size can be provided with the scaledownStepSize parameter (default: 2000 PU).

Scheduled scaling feature

If there are some batch jobs or any other compute intensive tasks which are run periodically on the Cloud Spanner, it is now possible to bump up the scaling range only for a specified duration. For example, the following SpannerAutoscaleSchedule will add an extra compute capacity of 600 Processing Units to the spanner instance every day at 2 o'clock, just for 3 hours:

kind: SpannerAutoscaleSchedule
  name: spannerautoscaleschedule-sample
  namespace: your-namespace
  targetResource: spannerautoscaler-sample
  additionalProcessingUnits: 600
    cron: "0 2 * * *"
    duration: 3h


Spanner Autoscaler can be installed using KPT by following 2 steps:

  1. Deploy the operator through kpt

    $ kpt pkg get spanner-autoscaler-pkg
    $ kpt live init spanner-autoscaler-pkg/kpt
    $ kpt live install-resource-group
    ## Append '--dry-run' to the below line to just
    ## check the resources which will be created
    $ kustomize build spanner-autoscaler-pkg/kpt | kpt live apply -
    ## To uninstall, use the following
    $ kustomize build spanner-autoscaler-pkg/kpt | kpt live destroy -

    ℹ️ TIP: Instead of kpt, you can also use kubectl directly to install the resources (use ?ref=master for latest version) as follows:

    $ kustomize build "" | kubectl apply -f -

    These resources can then be adopted by kpt by using the --inventory-policy=adopt flag while using kpt live apply command. More info.

  2. Create a Custom Resource for managing a spanner instance

    $ kubectl apply -f spanner-autoscaler-pkg/samples

    Examples of CustomResources can be found below.
    For authentication using a GCP service account JSON key, follow these steps to create a k8s secret with credentials.

CRD reference


Single Service Account using Workload Identity:

kind: SpannerAutoscaler
  name: spannerautoscaler-sample
  namespace: your-namespace
    projectId: your-gcp-project-id
    instanceId: your-spanner-instance-id
      min: 1000
      max: 4000
    scaledownStepSize: 1000
      highPriority: 60

Using Service Account JSON key for each SpannerAutoscaler:

  kind: SpannerAutoscaler
    name: spannerautoscaler-sample
    namespace: your-namespace
      projectId: your-gcp-project-id
      instanceId: your-spanner-instance-id
+   authentication:
+     iamKeySecret:
+       namespace: your-namespace
+       name: spanner-autoscaler-gcp-sa
+       key: service-account
        min: 1000
        max: 4000
      scaledownStepSize: 1000
        highPriority: 60

Using Service Accounts with Workload Identity and impersonation:

  kind: SpannerAutoscaler
    name: spannerautoscaler-sample
    namespace: your-namespace
      projectId: your-gcp-project-id
      instanceId: your-spanner-instance-id
+   authentication:
+     impersonateConfig:
+       targetServiceAccount:
        min: 1000
        max: 4000
      scaledownStepSize: 1000
        highPriority: 60

GCP Setup

On your GCP project, you will need to enable and APIs.

Create service account

You will need to create at least one GCP service account, which will be used by the spanner-autoscaler controller to authenticate with GCP for modifying compute capacity of a Spanner instance. This service account should have the following roles:

  • roles/spanner.admin (on the Spanner instances)
  • roles/monitoring.viewer (on the project)

For fine grained access control, you should create one GCP service account per Spanner instance. This way, you will be able to specify a different service account in each of SpannerAutoscaler CRD resources you create later.

Authenticate with service account JSON key

Generate a JSON key for the GCP service account (created above) and put it in a Kubernetes Secret:

$ kubectl create secret generic spanner-autoscaler-gcp-sa --from-file=service-account=./service-account-key.json -n your-namespace

ℹ️ By default, spanner-autoscaler will have read access to secrets named spanner-autoscaler-gcp-sa in any namespace. If you wish to use a different name for your secret, then you need to explicitly create a Role and a RoleBinding (example) in your namespace. This will provide spanner-autoscaler with read access to any secret of your choice.

You can then refer to this secret in your SpannerAutoscaler CRD resource with serviceAccountSecretRef field [example].

[Optional] Advanced methods for GCP authentication

Following are some other advanced methods which can also be used for GCP authentication:


    Enable Workload Identity


    You can configure the controller (spanner-autoscaler-controller-manager) to use GKE Workload Identity feature for key-less GCP access. Steps to do this:

    1. Enable Workload Identity on the GKE cluster - Ref.
    2. Let's call the Kubernetes service account of the controller (spanner-autoscaler/spanner-autoscaler-controller-manager) as KSA_CONTROLLER and the GCP service account created above as GSA_CONTROLLER.
      Now configure Workload Identity between KSA_CONTROLLER and GSA_CONTROLLER with the following steps:
      1. Allow KSA_CONTROLLER to impersonate GSA_CONTROLLER by creating an IAM Policy binding:
        $ gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser --member "[spanner-autoscaler/spanner-autoscaler-controller-manager]"`
      2. Add annotation
        $ kubectl annotate serviceaccount  --namespace spanner-autoscaler spanner-autoscaler-controller-manager`

    Single service account with Workload Identity


    The Kubernetes service account which is used for running the spanner-autoscaler controller can be bound to the GCP service account (created above) through Workload Identity. If this is done, there is no need to provide serviceAccountSecretRef or impersonateConfig authentication parameters in the spec section of the SpannerAutoscaler CRD resources.

    An example for this is shown here.

    Using service accounts with Workload Identity and Impersonation


    In this method there are 3 service accounts involved (2 GCP service accounts and 1 Kubernetes service account):

    • GSA_SPANNER: The GCP Service Account (created above) which has the correct permissions for modifying Spanner compute capacity
    • GSA_CONTROLLER: The GCP Service Account which is used for Workload Identity with the GKE cluster
    • KSA_CONTROLLER: The Kubernetes Service Account which is used for running the spanner-autoscaler controller pod in the GKE

    After enabling Workload Identity between GSA_CONTROLLER and KSA_CONTROLLER, you can configure GSA_CONTROLLER as roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator of the GSA_SPANNER service account as follows:

    $ gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding $GSA_SPANNER --member=serviceAccount:$GSA_CONTROLLER --role=roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator

    This will allow KSA_CONTROLLER to use GSA_CONTROLLER and impersonate (act as) GSA_SPANNER for a short period of time (by using a short-lived token). An example for this can be found here.

    TIP: Custom role with minimum permissions


    Instead of predefined roles, you can define and use a custom role with lesser privileges for Spanner Autoscaler. To scale the target Cloud Spanner instance, the weakest predefined role is roles/spanner.admin. To observe the CPU usage metric of the project of the Spanner instance, the weakest predefined role is roles/monitoring.viewer.
    The custom role can be created with just the following permissions:

    • spanner.instances.get
    • spanner.instances.update
    • monitoring.timeSeries.list

Development and Contribution

See docs/ and respectively.

ℹ️ Migration from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0:

The older version 0.3.0 (with apiVersion: is now deprecated in favor of 0.4.0 (with apiVersion:

Version 0.4.0 is backward compatible with 0.3.0, but there is a restructuring of the SpannerAutoscaler resource definition and names of many fields have changed. Thus it is recommended to go through the SpannerAutoscaler CRD reference and replace v1alpha1 resources with v1beta1 spec definition.


Spanner Autoscaler is released under the Apache License 2.0.

⚠️ NOTE:

  1. This project is currently in active development phase and there might be some backward incompatible changes in future versions.
  2. Spanner Autoscaler watches High Priority CPU utilization only. It doesn't watch Low Priority CPU utilization and Rolling average 24 hour utilization.
  3. It doesn't check the storage size and the number of databases as well. You must take care of these metrics by yourself.

ℹ️ More information and background of spanner-autoscaler is available on this blog!