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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


- Following technologies:

  • Spring framework development with Spring Boot
  • Spring Data JPA and Hibernate framework
  • Spring Security for authentication and authorization
  • Spring OAuth for social login with Facebook and Google
  • Spring Mail for sending customer registration confirmation and order confirmation
  • PayPal Checkout API for capturing payment from customer
  • Google Chart API for drawing charts of sales report
  • JUnit, AssertJ and Mockito in unit testing
  • Spring RESTful Webservices
  • Bootstrap 4, HTML5 and jQuery 3
  • Amazon S3 APIs
  • Deployment on Heroku (AWS)

Understand functional requirements

Key actors:

  • Back end: Admin, editor, Salesperson, Shipper, Assistant
  • Front end: Visitor, customer Actors usecase:
  • Admin: manage everything
  • Sales person: Manage product price,customers, shipping, orders and sales report
  • Editor: Manage categories, brands, products, articles and menus
  • Shipper: view products, view orders and update order status
  • Assistant: manage question and reviews



Understand technical requirements

  • Accessibility: App can be accessible from any devices connected to the internet: PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone...
  • Availability: User can access apps any time, 24/7
  • Security: Authentication required for all users (except visitors), Authorization required in the admin CP(editor, salesperson, shipper,...)
  • Performance: Fast response time, No request take longer than 4 seconds
  • Scalebility: App can be scaled on demand and running well under loads, Back-end and Front-end apps can be scaled separated

Understand UI requirements

  • Intuitive - nice - easy to use
  • Responsive - look good on different devices

Make an module maven project



Architecture drawio

make database

image here (update later)


User module


Upload photo requirement:

  • User's photo is optional
  • Image files store in the file system
  • Image file names are stored in the database
  • Show thumbnail image in user form
  • File size < 1MB
  • In edit mode: delete old photos
  • In production on Heroku, AWS or whatever cloud service: photos will be uploaded to Amazon S3 server

User authentication architect diagram


User authorization table matrix


Custom error page - handle http error codes: 403, 404 and 500

  • 403: Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page
  • 404: Sorry, the requested page could not be found
  • 500: Sorry, the server has encountered an error while processing your request


Category usecase


Category module
