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474 lines (403 loc) · 21.2 KB

DirectX Tool Kit for DirectX 12

Release available for download on GitHub

Release History

September 4, 2024

  • HLSL shaders built with -HV 2021 when using DXIL
  • DirectX Tool Kit for Audio update
    • Add IsValid method to AudioEmitter and AudioListener
  • Sync'd DDS.H with latest changes from DirectXTex
  • CMake project updates including support for ARM64EC
  • Minor code review
  • Added GitHub Actions YAML files

June 4, 2024

  • breaking change CreateUploadBuffer helper no longer takes initialState parameter as it must be a specific value
  • Renamed Internal namespace to ToolKitInternal for some conformance issues
  • Updated D3DX12 internal copy with latest changes from DirectX-Headers GitHub
  • Add c_initialRead/UAVTargetState to help with PC vs. Xbox validation warnings
  • CMake project updates
  • Retired VS 2019 projects for the UWP platform

February 21, 2024

  • Project updates for GDK validation
  • Shaders are now built with full path for improved PIX debugging support
  • CMake project updates and refactor including pkg-config file generation
  • Minor code review for Clang, MinGW, and Intel compilers

December 31, 2023

  • Fix WAVFileReader bugs with bounds checking
  • CMake project updates
  • Code review

October 28, 2023

  • Added CreateUploadBuffer and CreateUAVBuffer helpers
  • Fixed validation bug with WIC loader when using autogen and force RGBA together
  • Fixed minor link issue with a Xbox PIX custom memory method
  • Xbox shader compilation now uses -HV 2021
  • Additional methods for DirectX Tool Kit for Audio emitter for linear and inverse-square falloff curves

September 1, 2023

  • GraphicsMemory updated to use Xbox PIX custom memory events with optional tags
  • Retired ARM (32-bit) support for the UWP platform
  • CMake project updates

June 13, 2023

  • Root Signature updates to resolve some warnings from Xbox PIX
  • CMake project updates

April 28, 2023

  • Updated D3DX12 internal copy with latest changes from DirectX-Headers GitHub
  • CMake project updates and fixes for clang/LLVM v16 warnings

March 30, 2023

  • DirectX Tool Kit for Audio updates
    • Reworked audio device enumeration for XAudio 2.9 to use MMDeviceEnumerator rather than Windows Runtime APIs
    • GetOutputFormat now reports sample rate and bit-depth from the audio device properties
    • New method GetOutputSampleRate added to return the input sample rate of the mastering voice
    • Resume now handles device failure by switching to silent mode
  • CMake project updates
  • Retired VS 2017 legacy Xbox One XDK projects

February 6, 2023

  • Fixed warnings when using GPU-based validation on PC
  • Mouse relative mode now accumulates multiple delta updates per frame. Added new optional but recommended method EndOfInputFrame.
  • Fixed out-of-bounds read bug in the .WAV file reader.
  • Additional checks added to DDSTextureLoader for planar video formats.
  • CMake project updates

December 15, 2022

  • DirectXHelpers updated with CreateUnorderedAccessView, CreateRenderTargetView, CreateBufferShaderResourceView, and CreateBufferUnorderedAccessView helpers
  • Added EnableLighting method to EffectFactory to support creating unlit model materials
  • GamePad, Keyboard, and Mouse headers have USING_XINPUT, USING_GAMEINPUT, USING_WINDOWS_GAMING_INPUT defines
  • Updates for GameInputCreate failure handling on PC
  • Updated D3DX12 internal copy with latest changes from DirectX-Headers GitHub
  • CMake project updated to require 3.20 or later
  • CMake and MSBuild project updates
  • Minor MinGW code changes
  • Added Azure Dev Ops Pipeline YAML files
  • Test suite updated with CTest support

October 17, 2022

  • Additional methods for DirectX Tool Kit for Audio emitter and listener for cone and falloff curves
  • Added use of C++11 inline namespaces to make it possible to link both DX11 and DX12 versions at once
  • Minor fix for CompileShaders.cmd to address additional 'paths with spaces' issues
  • Minor CMake update

July 29, 2022

  • DDSTextureLoader Ex functions now support a DDS_LOADER_IGNORE_SRGB flag.
  • Fixed Mouse race-condition with changing mode and resetting scroll wheel at the same time.
  • Updates for MinGW ABI fixes in the latest DirectX-Headers.
  • CMake and MSBuild project updates
  • Minor code review

June 15, 2022

  • GamePad, Keyboard, and Mouse updated to use GameInput on PC for the Gaming.Desktop.x64 platform
  • CMake project updates
  • Minor code review

May 9, 2022

  • C++20 spaceship operator updates for SimpleMath
  • Fixed missing VertexPositionNormal::InputLayout
  • Minor updates for VS 2022 (17.2)
  • CMake project updates (now supports MSVC, clang/LLVM, and MinGW)
  • Updated D3DX12 internal copy with latest changes from DirectX-Headers GitHub
  • Retired VS 2017 projects
  • Minor code review
  • Reformat source using updated .editorconfig settings

March 24, 2022

  • Fixed bug in UWP implementation of Mouse that combined vertical/horizontal scroll-wheel input
  • Code refactoring for input classes (GamePad, Keyboard, and Mouse)
  • Update build switches for SDL recommendations
  • CMake project updates and UWP platform CMakePresets
  • Fixed constexpr compat issue with DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS in legacy Xbox One XDK
  • Dropped support for legacy Xbox One XDK prior to April 2018

February 28, 2022

  • Minor fix to DescriptorHeap Increment() to return uint32_t instead of size_t
  • Updated D3DX12 internal copy with latest changes from GitHub
  • SimpleMath Matrix updated with ToEuler and Vector3 version of CreateFromYawPitchRoll methods
  • SimpleMath Quaternion updated with ToEuler, RotateTowards, FromToRotation, LookRotation, and Angle methods
  • Keyboard updated with new IME On/Off v-keys
  • Win32 Mouse now uses WM_ACTIVATE for more robust behavior
  • DirectX Tool Kit for Audio updated for Advanced Format (4Kn) wavebank streaming
  • Code and project review including fixing clang v13 warnings
  • Added CMakePresets.json

November 8, 2021

  • VS 2022 support
  • Updated D3DX12 internal copy with latest change from GitHub
  • Minor code and project review

October 18, 2021

  • Fixed loading of skinned PBR models from SDKMESH v2
  • Minor code review updates

October 13, 2021

  • Added skinning support for NormalMapEffect and PBREffect
  • Common states updated with support for reverse z-buffer rendering with DepthReverseZ and DepthReadReverseZ methods.
  • Effect factory updates
    • Updated to use SkinnedNormalMapEffect / SkinnedPBREffect as appropriate.
    • PBR now supports 'untextured' models (always requires texture coordinates) with use of diffuse color for constant albedo, and specular power for an estimated constant roughness.
  • Model loader updates
    • SDKMESH loader no longer requires precomputed vertex tangents for normal mapping as we don't use them.
    • Added ModelLoader_DisableSkinning flag when dealing with legacy SDKMESH files with too many skinning bone influences for MaxBone
  • Fix for BGRA auto-generation of mipmaps on some hardware
  • Minor update for the Mouse implementation for GameInput
  • Project and code cleanup

September 30, 2021

  • Added ModelBone support for transformation hierarchies
    • Rigid-body & skinned animation Draw support added to Model
  • Support for loading Visual Studio CMO models added using BasicEffect or SkinnedEffect materials
  • Added type aliases Model::EffectCollection, ModelMeshPart::InputLayoutCollection, GeometricPrimitive::VertexCollection and IndexCollection
  • Fixed handle leak in ResourceUploadBatch
  • Updated ScopeBarrier to conform with C++14 std::initializer_list
  • VS 2017 projects updated to require the Windows 10 SDK (19401) and make use of Shader Model 6.0
  • Code review updates

August 1, 2021

  • DebugEffect, NormalMapEffect, and PBREffect updated with instancing support
  • GeometricPrimitive updated with DrawInstanced method
  • ToneMapPostProcess updated with SetColorRotation method
  • Added VS 2022 Preview projects
  • Minor code review

June 9, 2021

  • VS 2019 projects now use Shader Model 6 to build shaders (CMake has build option)
  • DirectX Tool Kit for Audio updates:
    • Fixed mono source panning
    • Added EnableDefaultMultiChannel helper to AudioEmitter for multi-channel source setup
    • Added GetChannelCount accessor to SoundEffectInstance and SoundStreamInstance
    • Apply3D can now use X3DAUDIO_LISTENER and X3DAUDIO_EMITTER directly or the library helper structs.
  • Minor code review

April 6, 2021

  • DDSTextureLoader updated to accept nVidia Texture Tool v1 single-channel and dual-channel files marked as RGB instead of LUMINANCE
  • Fixed ScreenGrab for reserved and MSAA resources
  • Minor code and project cleanup

January 9, 2021

  • Code review for improved conformance
  • CMake updated to support package install

November 11, 2020

  • Fixed /analyze warnings in GameInput usage
  • Updated D3DX12 internal copy with latest change from GitHub
  • Sync'd DirectX Tool Kit for Audio with DX11 version
  • Minor code and project cleanup

September 30, 2020

  • GamePad class updated with c_MostRecent constant for -1 player index special behavior
    • For GameInput API implementation, also added c_MergedInput
  • Fixed bug in WICTextureLoader that resulted in WINCODEC_ERR_INSUFFICIENTBUFFER for some resize requests
  • Fixed .wav file reading of MIDILoop chunk
  • Minor code cleanup

August 15, 2020

  • breaking change Converted default bool parameters on some effects to EffectFlags:
    • Added new effects flags Specular, Emissive, Fresnel, and Velocity
    • Removed EnvironmentMapEffect fresnelEnabled, specularEnabled parameters
    • Removed NormalMapEffect specularMap parameter
    • Removed PBREffect emissive, generateVelocity parameters
    • Removed SkinnedEffect weightsPerVertex parameter (always uses 4 bones)
  • EnvironmentMapEffect now supports cubemaps, spherical, and dual-parabola environment maps
  • Fixed bug with ScreenGrab with 'small alignment' textures
  • Code review and project updates
  • Added GDK projects

July 2, 2020

  • Improved SpriteFont drawing performance in Debug builds
  • Regenerated shaders using Windows 10 May 2020 Update SDK (19041)
  • Code cleanup for some new VC++ 16.7 warnings
  • CMake updates

June 15, 2020

  • DescriptorHeap / DescriptorPile updated with additional ctor
  • EffectTextureFactory ctor parameter updated with default value
  • Code cleanup for some new VC++ 16.7 warnings and static code analysis

June 1, 2020

  • Added BufferHelpers header with functions CreateStaticBuffer and CreateTextureFromMemory
  • Added IsPowerOf2 helper to DirectXHelpers
  • SpriteBatch now supports providing a new heap-based sampler on calls to Begin
  • Converted to typed enum bitmask flags (see release notes for details on this potential breaking change)
  • WICTextureLoader for PNG codec now checks gAMA chunk to determine colorspace if the sRGB chunk is not found for legacy sRGB detection.
  • WIC_LOADER_SRGB_DEFAULT flag added when loading image via WIC without explicit colorspace metadata
  • CMake project updates

May 10, 2020

  • ResourceUploadBatch updated to support usage with copy & compute queues
  • Transition methods added for GeometricPrimtive and Model for use with static VBs/IBs
  • WICTextureLoader updated with new loader flags: FORCE_RGBA32, FIT_POW2, and MAKE_SQUARE
  • SimpleMath no longer forces use of d3d11.h or d3d12.h (can be used with d3d9.h for example)
  • DirectX Tool Kit for Audio updated with SoundStreamInstance class for async I/O playback from XACT-style streaming wavebanks
  • Code cleanup
  • Updated D3DX12 internal copy to Windows 10 SDK (19041) version

April 3, 2020

  • Updated D3DX12 internal copy to latest version
  • SpriteFont MeasureString / MeasureDrawBounds fixes for !ignoreWhitespace
  • Regenerated shaders using Windows 10 SDK (19041)
    • Upgraded to use root signature 1.1 which requires Windows 10 (14393) or later
  • Code review (constexpr / noexcept usage)
  • CMake updated for PCH usage with 3.16 or later

February 24, 2020

  • breaking change Model::CreateFromxxx parameter order changed and added ModelLoaderFlags
  • Added ignoreWhitespace defaulted parameter to SpriteFont Measure methods
  • Sync'd DirectX Tool Kit for Audio and GamePad with DX11 version
  • Fixed encoding issue with Utilities.fxh
  • Code and project cleanup
  • Retired VS 2015 projects

December 17, 2019

  • Added ARM64 platform to VS 2019 Win32 desktop Win10 project
  • Added Vector operator/ by float scalar to SimpleMath
  • Added GetStatistics method to GraphicsMemory
  • Reduced fence object usage in GraphicsMemory's LinearAllocator
  • Updated CMake project
  • Code cleaup

October 17, 2019

  • Added optional forceSRGB parameter to SaveWICTextureToFile
  • GamePad updated to report VID/PID (when supported)
  • Minor code cleanup

August 21, 2019

  • Updated D3DX12 internal copy to latest version
  • Code cleanup

June 30, 2019

  • Clang/LLVM warning cleanup
  • Renamed DirectXTK_Windows10.vcxproj to _Windows10_2017.vcxproj
  • Added VS 2019 UWP project

May 30, 2019

  • PBREffect updated with additional set methods
  • Additional debugging output for GraphicsMemory in error cases
  • Added CMake project files
  • Code cleanup

April 26, 2019

  • Updated auto-generated mipmaps support to make it more robust
  • Added optional LoadStaticBuffers method for GeometricPrimitive
  • Added VS 2019 desktop projects
  • Fixed guards w.r.t. to windows.h usage in Keyboard/Mouse headers
  • Added C++/WinRT SetWindow helper to Keyboard/Mouse
  • Update HLSL script to use Shader Model 5.1 instead of 5.0
  • Code cleanup

February 7, 2019

  • Model now supports loading SDKMESH v2 models
  • PBREffectFactory added to support PBR materials
  • PBREffect and NormalMapEffect shaders updated to support BC5_UNORM compressed normal maps
  • SpriteFont: DrawString overloads for UTF-8 chars in addition to UTF-16LE wide chars
  • Fixed bug with GraphicsMemory dtor introduced with mGPU handling
  • Made library agnostic to legacy Windows SDK pix.h vs. latest pix3.h from NuGet

November 16, 2018

  • VS 2017 updated for Windows 10 October 2018 Update SDK (17763)
  • ARM64 platform configurations added to UWP projects
  • Minor code review

October 31, 2018

  • Model loader for SDKMESH now attempts to use legacy DE3CN compressed normals
    • This is an approximation only and emits a warning in debug builds
  • IEffectTextureFactory's CreateTexture interface method now returns the 'slot'
    • This is for use with GetResource method
  • Minor code review

October 25, 2018

  • Use UTF-8 instead of ANSI for narrow strings
  • Updated D3DX12 internal copy to latest version
  • Improved debug diagnostics
  • Minor code review

September 13, 2018

  • Broke DescriptorHeap header dependency on D3DX12.H

August 17, 2018

  • Improved validation for 16k textures and other large resources
  • Improved debug output for failed texture loads and screengrabs
  • Updated for VS 2017 15.8
  • Code cleanup

July 3, 2018

  • Model LoadStaticBuffers method to use static vs. dynamic VB/IB
  • breaking change Custom Model loaders and renderers should be updated for changes to ModelMeshPart
  • ModelMeshPart DrawInstanced method added
  • Code and project cleanup

May 31, 2018

  • VS 2017 updated for Windows 10 April 2018 Update SDK (17134)
  • Regenerated shaders using Windows 10 April 2018 Update SDK (17134)

May 14, 2018

  • EffectPipelineStateDescription updated with GetDesc method
  • Updated for VS 2017 15.7 update warnings
  • Code and project cleanup

April 23, 2018

  • AlignUp, AlignDown template functions in DirectXHelpers.h
  • ScopedBarrier added to DirectXHelpers.h
  • Mouse support for cursor visibility
  • SimpleMath and VertexTypes updated with default copy and move ctors
  • SimpleMath updates to use constexpr
  • Basic multi-GPU support added
  • More debug object naming for PIX
  • PostProcess updated with 'big triangle' optimization
  • Code and project file cleanup

February 7, 2018

  • Mouse fix for cursor behavior when using Remote Desktop for Win32
  • Updated for a few more VS 2017 warnings

December 13, 2017

  • PBREffect and DebugEffect added
  • NormalMapEffect no longer requires or uses explicit vertex tangents
  • Updated for VS 2017 15.5 update warnings
  • Code cleanup

November 1, 2017

  • VS 2017 updated for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update SDK (16299)
  • Regenerated shaders using Windows 10 Fall Creators Update SDK (16299)
  • Updated D3DX12 internal copy to latest version

September 22, 2017

  • Updated for VS 2017 15.3 update /permissive- changes
  • ScreenGrab updated to use non-sRGB metadata for PNG
  • Mouse use of WM_INPUT updated for Remote Desktop scenarios

July 28, 2017

  • Fix for WIC writer when codec target format requires a palette
  • Fix for error detection in ResourceUploadBatch::End method
  • Code cleanup

June 21, 2017

  • Post-processing support with the BasicPostProcess, DualPostProcess, and ToneMapPostProcess classes
  • Added DescriptorPile utility class
  • SDKMESH loader fix when loading legacy files with all zero materials
  • DirectXTK for Audio: Minor fixes for environmental audio
  • Optimized root signatures for Effects shaders
  • Minor code cleanup

April 24, 2017

  • Regenerated shaders using Windows 10 Creators Update SDK (15063)
  • Fixed NormalMapEffect shader selection for specular texture usage
  • Fixed Direct3D validation layer issues when using Creators Update
  • Fixed AudioEngine enumeration when using Single Threaded Apartment (STA)
  • Fixed bug with GamePad (Windows.Gaming.Input) when no user bound
  • Updated D3DX12 internal copy to latest version

April 7, 2017

  • VS 2017 updated for Windows Creators Update SDK (15063)
  • XboxDDSTextureLoader updates

February 10, 2017

  • SpriteBatch default rasterizer state now matches DirectX 11 version
  • DDSTextureLoader now supports loading planar video format textures
  • GamePad now supports special value of -1 for 'most recently connected controller'
  • WIC format 40bppCMYKAlpha should be converted to RGBA8 rather than RGBA16
  • DDS support for L8A8 with bitcount 8 rather than 16
  • Updated D3DX12 internal copy to latest version
  • Minor code cleanup

December 5, 2016

  • Mouse and Keyboard classes updated with IsConnected method
  • Windows10 project /ZW switch removed to support use in C++/WinRT projection apps
  • VS 2017 RC projects added
  • Updated D3DX12 internal copy to latest version
  • Minor code cleanup

October 6, 2016

  • SDKMESH loader and BasicEffects support for compressed vertex normals with biasing
  • breaking change
    • DDSTextureLoader Ex bool forceSRGB and generateMipsIfMissing parmeters are now a DDS_LOADER flag
    • WICTextureLoader Ex bool forceSRGB and generateMips parameters are now a WIC_LOADER flag
    • Add vertexCount member to ModelMeshPart
  • Minor code cleanup

September 15, 2016

  • Rebuild shaders using 1.0 Root Signature for improved compatibility
  • Minor code cleanup

September 1, 2016

  • EffectPipelineStateDescription is now in it's own header
  • Additional debug object naming
  • Fixed Tier 1 hardware support issues with BasicEffect and generating mipmaps
  • Fixed default graphics memory alignment to resolve rendering problems on some hardware
  • Added forceSRGB optional parameter to SpriteFont ctor
  • EffectFactory method EnableForceSRGB added
  • Removed problematic ABI::Windows::Foundation::Rect interop for SimpleMath
  • Updated D3DX12 internal copy for the Windows 10 Anniversary Update SDK (14393)
  • Minor code cleanup

August 4, 2016

  • GraphicsMemory fix for robustness during cleanup
  • Regenerated shaders using Windows 10 Anniversary Update SDK (14393)

August 2, 2016

  • Updated for VS 2015 Update 3 and Windows 10 SDK (14393)

August 1, 2016

  • Model effects array is now indexed by part rather than by material
  • GamePad capabilities information updated for Universal Windows and Xbox One platforms
  • Specular falloff lighting computation fix in shaders

July 18, 2016

  • breaking changes to CommonStates, DescriptorHeap, Effects, Model, EffectPipelineStateDescription, and SpriteBatchPipelineStateDescription
    • added texture sampler control to Effects and SpriteBatch
    • fixed Model control of blend and rasterizer state
    • fixed problems with PerPixelLighting control (EffectFactory defaults to per-pixel lighting)
    • fixed control of weights-per-vertex optimization for SkinnedEffect
    • removed unnecesary "one-light" shader permutations
    • fixed bug in AlphaTestEfect implementation
    • improved debug messages for misconfigured effects NormalMapEffect for normal-map with optional specular map rendering
  • EnvironmentMapEffect now supports per-pixel lighting
  • Effects updated with SetMatrices and SetColorAndAlpha methods
  • GraphicsMemory support for SharedGraphicsResource shared_ptr style smart-pointer
  • PrimitiveBatch fix for DrawQuad
  • ScreenGrab handles resource state transition
  • SimpleMath: improved interop with DirectXMath constants
  • WICTextureLoader module LoadWICTexture* methods
  • Fixed bugs with GenerateMips for sRGB and BGRA formats
  • Code cleanup

June 30, 2016

  • Original release