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%%% title = "pgoctl 1" area = "System Administration" workgroup = "Docker Compose" %%%



pgoctl - interact remotely with pgod(8)


pgoctl [OPTION]... -- host:name//commands


pgoctl is an utility to inspect and control pgod(8) managed containers remotely. The host is the machine running pgod(8), the name used must be the service name as configured in the configuration for pgod(8). And the possible commands are listed below.

The exit status from the docker compose is reflected in the exist status of pgoctl. Almost all commands from docker compose are implemented. Interactive commands, like starting a shell, are not implemented. Tailing logs is also not implemented.

The supported commands are:

  • up run docker-compose up -d
  • down run docker-compose down
  • stop run docker-compose stop
  • start run docker-compose start
  • restart run docker-compose restart
  • ps run docker-compose ps
  • pull run docker-compose pull
  • logs run docker-compose logs
  • journal run journalctl _UID=<uid> - show the system logs (if any)
  • exec run docker-compose -T exec - run any command in a container
  • load load the compose file and returns errors or disallowed options
  • git COMMAND where COMMAND can be:
    • pull, perform git pull
    • hash, show current hash of repo

All command also support arguments pgoctl -i id_pgo -- localhost:pgo//journal --since yesterday for example.

There are only a few options:

-i value : identity file to use for SSH, this flag is mandatory, but if an environment variable named "PGOCTL_ID" exists and has a value, that value will be used as the private key identity. If no such variable exist -i is mandatory.

--help, -h : show help

--port, -p port : remote port number to use (defaults to 2222)

-v : show version and exit

Start pgod(8) and look at some services:

% sudo cmd/pgod/pgod -c pgo.toml -d /tmp/pgo
[INFO ] [caddy]: Service "caddy" with upstream ""
[INFO ] [pgo]: Service "pgo" with upstream ""
[INFO ] [caddy]: Launched tracking routine for "caddy"
[INFO ] [pgo]: Launched tracking routine for "pgo"
[INFO ] Launched server on port :9112 (prometheus)
[INFO ] Launched server on port :2222 (ssh) with 2 services tracked
[WARN ] [caddy]: Failed to get public keys: open /tmp/pgo/caddy/ssh: no such file or directory
[INFO ] [caddy]: Checked out git repo in /tmp/pgo/caddy for "caddy" (branch main) with 0 configured public keys
[INFO ] [caddy]: Writing Caddy import file "caddy/Caddyfile-import"
[INFO ] [pgo]: Checked out git repo in /tmp/pgo/pgo for "pgo" (branch main) with 3 configured public keys
[INFO ] [caddy]: Pulling containers
[INFO ] [pgo]: Pulling containers
[INFO ] [caddy]: Upping services
[INFO ] [pgo]: Upping services
[INFO ] [caddy]: Tracking upstream
[INFO ] [pgo]: Tracking upstream

Then up the services, if not done already:

% cmd/pgoctl/pgoctl -i ssh/id_pgo localhost:pgo//up
Container pgo-frontend-1  Running

Looking at the ps:

% cmd/pgoctl/pgoctl -i ssh/id_pgo localhost:pgo//ps
NAME                IMAGE               COMMAND                  SERVICE             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS
pgo-frontend-1   "/bin/busybox httpd …"   frontend            14 minutes ago      Up 14 minutes>8080/tcp

Or exec inside a container/service. Docker compose expects the service to be used here, this is the service as specfied in the compose.yaml.

% cmd/pgoctl/pgoctl -i id_pgo -- localhost:pgo//exec frontend /bin/ls
bin    etc    lib    proc   run    tmp    var
dev    home   lib64  root   sys    usr


Streaming responses are not implemented, i.e tailing a service log is currently not possible.

Also See

See this design doc, and gitopper. And see pgod(8) docker(1).