Parser is way too slow. Need to optimize or background
don't allow two windows to same session
don't try to open a session that is already being opened
restore session:
- need to show progress while restoring sessions
fix Session memory leak (not dealloc'd when window closed)
need to show progress while opening a session
add unit tests for BookmarkManager
when disabling window while async task is executing, need to save and restore the first responder
add autologin if have data from keychain (LoginViewController)
change OutputColors to use a static array of colors that is updated if a color changes in NSUserDefaults
clean up old images
a second save of edits isn't being sent to the compute engine (or maybe app server)
for jim, not clearing text when selecting non-file
for jim, image display not showing after plot command
Unit tests
fix FileImporterTests.testSessionMock
add test Rmd/Rnw files for SyntaxParserTests
- if no image cached saved, need to recreate from cache files (is this possible?)
- figure out how to support async image loading
Output Tab Controller
showHelp: handle selection if more than 1 help topic is returned
check for file by name if not found by id
handle error in finding file user asked to display
handle images in image view instead of webkit view
find better solution that using a block with a .5 second delay
implement loadHelpItems
implement renameFile (and why is it listed here and in SidebarFileController)
implement importFiles([NSURL])
implement sessionErrorReceived
Allow DI of notification center
executeQuery needs to notify user if failed to save file to server
saveDocumentToServer needs to mark busy via appStatus
current chunk should have a a background of selection color @ 20%
didn't empty when file was deleted
Sidebar File Controller
Make sure our list is updated when delegate renames a file
implement addFile in addButtonClicked
implement duplicate file
implement rename file
implement add document of type
why is delete button some times enabled when no file is selected
promptToImportFiles: report error to user if failed to start import
ideally should animate changes in table view instead of reloading all
updated file always shows at bottom instead of in proper order
tableView:acceptDrop needs to update table view after accepting drop
FileImporter: if we got confirmation a file was added from us, copy/move it instead of refetching from the server
test updatFile works properly for large files not sent over websocket
handle insert update messages
handle deletion update messages
for saveResponse, not looking at success boolean or error message
need to handle userid message (or remove it since it currently isn't used)
* trigger error notification when handling a save response
* support duplicate response handling
* support rename response handling
* unhardcode stat.wvu.edu from help urls, beable to work when demoing w/o a net
* keywords for help can include a '.' character: list.files is given separate links to list and files instead of one to "list.files"