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Releases: mmikkel/Retcon-Craft

Retcon v. 2.0.1

19 Jul 07:49
Choose a tag to compare


  • Fixes various issues with the retcon catch-all filter
  • Fixes an issue where Retcon would entity encode HTML tags when no nodes matched the given selector for methods such as srcset, transform and others
  • Fixes an issue where Retcon would entity encode non-breaking spaces

Retcon v. 2.0.0

18 Jul 07:20
Choose a tag to compare


  • New filter retconRemoveEmpty added, which will remove empty DOM nodes (e.g. <p> tags without text content)


  • Selectors are much, much more flexible (almost all CSS selectors work, which means that Retcon is basically jQuery now!) due to the magic of Symfony's DomCrawler component
  • Full HTML5 support 🎉
  • The retconAutoAlt filter will use the Asset's title for the alt attribute, if Retcon is fed markup with Craft CMS reference tags
  • The retconTransform, retconLazy and retconSrcSet filters now take an additional parameter – selector (defaults to 'img')

Retcon v. 1.0.1

07 Jun 11:49
Choose a tag to compare
  • Adds support for the limit parameter in the "replace" filter (preg_replace wrapper)

Retcon v. 1.0.0

06 Mar 14:21
Choose a tag to compare
  • Meh, screw this beta thing

Retcon 1.0.0-beta1

05 Mar 08:58
Choose a tag to compare
  • Initial release for Craft 3.x