After building the application, you can run this application with Open Liberty or
Tom EE (via Cargo) using these commands from this learn-jakartaee-struts
To start Open Liberty, run this command:
mvn -P liberty liberty:run
Once Liberty has started, open your browser to:
To start WildFly, run this command:
mvn -P wildfly cargo:run
Once WildFly has started, open your browser to:
To start GlassFish, run this command:
mvn -P glassfish cargo:run
Once GlassFish has started, open your browser to:
To start TomEE, run this command:
mvn -P tomee tomee:run
Once TomEE has started, open your browser to:
From the home page, you have a page with a navigation bar along the top. The main section
of the application has a "People" page to add people to the system. The PeopleAction
class uses the PeopleService
EJB to manage people.
There are other place holder pages that show how one can implement a navigation bar and side menus.
Liberty is configured from this file: src/main/liberty/config/server.xml
It uses the Jakarta EE Web-profile.
XDoclet is configured in pom.xml
and requires that the Struts classes be named *Action.class
and *Form.class
respectively. Note that XDoclet can not understand Java 5 syntax.
Validation is accomplished by XDoclet annotations in the form beans that build validation.xml
The Tiles layout is defined in tiles-def.xml
. The layout JSPs are in the layout
directory under the WEB-INF
directory. Webjars
are used to get support for JQuery
and Bootstrap
To build a Docker image that uses Open Liberty, run this command:
mvn clean package && sudo docker build -t io.github.learnjakartaee/learn-jakartaee-struts .
To run the Docker image, run this command:
docker rm -f learn-jakartaee-struts || true && docker run -d -p 9080:9080 --name learn-jakartaee-struts io.github.learnjakartaee/learn-jakartaee-struts
I should work more on exception handling.