3d printable version of the proton pack from Ghostbusters : the video game
Our goal is to make the best easy to use 3D printable "movie" version of the final upgraded proton pack from ghostbusters the video game. Like the regular proton pack, everything is included! You may need to get files from the regulae repository to finish the pack ( for exemple the cycloton is the same as the MK3 so you need to download the MK3 version)
Repository for the movie pack : https://github.com/mr-kiou/q-pack
Video game model is lacking detail, some are blocky or exagonal instead of round. Our goal, here, is to make an idealized rendition of what could have been the video game pack in the "real world" or in the "movie verse" but like the Qpack MK2.1, optimised for 3D printing.
If you have any question or need more informations for the assembly, you can go to our official FB group
Assembly instructions will be soon available here :
None yet.
This project if totally free but, if you like my work and want to contribute to the project, you can make a donation to https://paypal.me/quentinmachiels