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330 lines (262 loc) · 19.1 KB

File metadata and controls

330 lines (262 loc) · 19.1 KB


✨ 一份帮助你配置并构建整个开发 Windows 环境的指南,包括桌面、终端、Shell 和编辑器

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  • 打开设置界面安装中文语言包,并设置微软中文输入法,执行xhup.reg安装小鹤双拼

  • 安装 TranslucentTB:一个轻量的任务栏透明化工具

  • 安装 PowerToys:一个包含许多实用工具的集合

  • 安装 Snipaste:一个非常好用的截图工具

  • 安装一款 Nerd 字体:Nerd 字体包含了许多常用图标和符号,被许多命令行程序使用

  • 安装一款你喜欢的 鼠标主题

  • Win+I 打开设置面板看看有什么需要设置的


快捷键 描述
Win+E 文件管理器
Win+{num} 启动任务栏软件
Win+Up 最大化窗口
Win+Down 最小化窗口
Win+Left 固定到左半屏
Win+Right 固定到右半屏
Alt+Tab 切换窗口
Alt+F4 关闭窗口
Win+D 显示桌面
Win+, 预览桌面
Win+L 锁屏
Win+; Emoji
Win+Shift+? 快捷键帮助





  • 所有颜色主题都被调整了以适配系统浅色主题
  • 配置中的字体设置为SauceCodePro Nerd Font


快捷键 描述
Win+` 下拉或收起终端
Ctrl+Shift+{num} 用第{num}个 profile 新建 Tab
Ctrl+Shift+D 重复当前 Tab
Ctrl+Shift+W 关闭 Tab
Alt+Shift+S 水平切分
Alt+Shift+V 垂直切分
Alt+Shift+Z 缩放面板
Alt+Left 聚焦左边
Alt+Right 聚焦右边
Alt+Up 聚焦上边
Alt+Down 聚焦下边
MouseSelect 复制
Shift+MouseSelect 增量复制
Alt+MouseSelect 块区域复制
Ctrl+Shift+V 粘贴
Ctrl+Shift+F 搜索



PowerShell 安装

  • 安装 PowerShell

  • 安装 scoop-proxy-cn:一款 Windows 下好用的包管理器的国内镜像

  • 安装必要工具和 PowerShell 模块

    # 必要安装
    scoop install 7zip git # aria2
    scoop install oh-my-posh zoxide lsd bat ripgrep fd fzf
    Install-Module posh-git
    Install-Module PSFzf
    # 可选安装(推荐)
    scoop install fastfetch cht tokei lazygit everything sysinternals
    cp .\bat\config ~\AppData\Roaming\bat\config
    cp .\lazygit\config.yml ~\AppData\Local\lazygit\config.yml
    # 将 %USERPROFILE%\scoop\apps\git\current\user\bin 加到环境变量 PATH 通常挺有用
    scoop install go
    go env -w GOPROXY=,direct GOBIN=$HOME\go\bin
    scoop install rustup
    mkdir ~\.cargo
    echo @"
    replace-with = 'aliyun'
    registry = "sparse+"
    "@ >> ~\.cargo\config
    scoop install nodejs
    npm config set registry
    scoop install python
    pip config set global.index-url
  • 在 PowerShell 中执行notepad $PROFILE来更改配置文件,这是我的 profile.ps1 你可以参考

  • 复制主题文件 base16_bear.omp.json%USERPROFILE%\Documents\PowerShell\base16_bear.omp.json

  • 配置 %USERPROFILE%\.gitconfig

      name = Your Name
      email =
      editor = nvim
      tool = nvimdiff
  • 配置 %USERPROFILE%\.ssh\config,如此你便可通过形如的 ssh url 来 push 或 pull github 仓库了。当然,你需要先将你自己的 ssh 公钥添加到 github

       Port 443
       User git
       IdentitiesOnly yes
       IdentityFile ~/.ssh/key.pem

有关 WSL 的配置在这里,WSL/Linux 的 dotfiles 仍在仓库中,你可以自行查看参考

PowerShell 使用

快捷键 描述
Esc Vi 模式,按v可打开$EDITOR来编辑命令
Ctrl+A 行首
Ctrl+E 行尾
Ctrl+H 删除前一个字符
Ctrl+W 删除前一个字词
Ctrl+U 删除前面所有
Ctrl+K 删除后面所有
Ctrl+Z 撤销
Ctrl+Y 重做
Tab 补全
Ctrl+P 上条匹配当前输入的历史命令
Ctrl+N 下条匹配当前输入的历史命令
Ctrl+R 模糊搜索历史命令
Alt+A 模糊搜索历史命令参数
Ctrl+T 模糊搜索文件
Alt+C 模糊搜索目录并跳转
实用命令 描述
l 列出文件 (requrie lsd)
tree 树状格式列出文件 (require lsd)
z 模糊匹配并跳转目录 (require zoxide)
zi 交互地模糊匹配并调整目录 (require zoxide)
zoxide edit 手动调整目录调整优先级
tokei 项目代码统计
cht 搜索帮助信息
px 设置代理
Git Aliases Git subcommand Description
gst status Show all changes in workspace and index
ga add Update changes from workspace to index
gaa add Update all changes from workspace to index
gau add Update all changes from workspace to index exclude untracked files
gcln clean Clean all untracked files
grs restore Restore workspace from index (default) or a commit
gstl stash Show stashes
gsta stash Stash all changes in workspace and index
gstp stash Restore the changes from stash and delete it (default last)
gstaa stash Restore the changes from stash (default last)
gstd stash Delete stash (default last)
gc commit Add a new commit from index
gc! commit Add a new commit base on grandparent commit and move HEAD to it (like overwrite but keep history commit)
glg log Show commit and its ancestry, revision form like HEAD^
grlg reflog Show commits of HEAD history, revision form like @{1}
gd diff Show changes (default between workspace and index)
gdt difftool Show changes (default between workspace and index) by nvim
gmt mergetool Resolve conflicts by nvim, or you can use gco --ours or gco --theirs
gm merge Merge a commit to HEAD, and do not allow fast forward
gmc merge Continue merge
gms merge Skip current patch and continue merge
gma merge Abort merge
grb rebase Rebase HEAD (default) or commit onto a commit
grbc rebase Continue rebase
grbs rebase Skip current patch and continue rebase
grba rebase Abort rebase
gcp cherry-pick Apply change in a commit to HEAD
gcpc cherry-pick Continue cherry pick
gcps cherry-pick Skip current patch and continue cherry pick
gcpa cherry-pick Abort cherry pick
grv revert Revert a commit to HEAD
grvc revert Continue revert
grvs revert Skip current patch and continue revert
grva revert Abort revert
grh reset Reset HEAD to a commit and keep all the changes in workspace and index
grhh reset Reset HEAD to a commit and do not keep the changes
gbl branch Show branches
gb branch Add new branch at HEAD (default) or commit
gcb checkout Add new branch at HEAD (default) or commit and checkout it
gcb! checkout Add new branch at HEAD (default) or commit (overwrite exist) and checkout it
gbu branch Set upstream of HEAD
gbrn branch Rename branch at HEAD (default) or commit
gbrn! branch Rename branch at HEAD (default) or commit (overwrite exist)
gbd branch Delete merged branch
gbd! branch Delete branch even if not merged
gco checkout Checkout target commit
gcor checkout Checkout target commit recursively
gr remote Remote
grl remote List remotes
gra remote Add remote
grrn remote Rename remote
gru remote Set thr url of remote
grd remote Delete remote
gf fetch Fetch remotes
gl pull Pull remotes and rebase, and automatically stash push and pop before and after
gp push Push a ref to remote
gp! push Push a ref to remote (--force-with-lease)
gp!! push Push a ref to remote (--force)
gcl clone Clone remote
gclr clone Clone remote recursively
gsa submodule Add a submodule
gsu submodule Init and update submodules to expected version. To modify submodule,
gsd submodule Delete a submodule
lg Open Lazygit
gig Create a .gitignore template for you, .e.g gig c++,windows


  • 你无需记住所有 git 别名,使用你喜欢的 git ui 工具即可,比如 lazygit、fork 或 gitkraken 等。列出这么多 git 别名的目的在于告诉你哪些 git 基础操作是你应该知道的
  • 推荐 这篇博文 描述了 git flow



  1. 安装 Neovim 和 C/C++ 工具链

    scoop install neovim mingw-mstorsjo-llvm-ucrt cmake
  2. 配置 Neovim

    # required
    Move-Item $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim.bak
    # optional but recommended
    Move-Item $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim-data $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim-data.bak
    # clone
    git clone $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim
    # start and install plugins
  3. 安装 VSCode

  4. 配置 VSCode

    1. 这是我的 settings.jsonkeybindings.json,你可以复制到 %APPDATA%\Code\User
    2. 这是我的 lastSyncextensions.json,你可以复制到 %APPDATA%\Code\User\sync\extensions\
  5. 更多关于 vscode 和 neovim 的配置与使用,见mrbeardad/nvim